Sources: Jason Kidd on strike, decided to sit out.....

Thank God Kidd had that press conference today to clear everything up.

I know that the Nets would not get equal value for him (How are you going to, no one plays like him, not even Nash) but how do people think that Rod Thornwould sit back and take crap for Jkidd. He is the king of making lopsided trades.

VC for ZO, Aaron Williams, Eric Williams, and Two Draft Picks (Drafted Joey Graham and I believe toronto traded the other)
Eddie Griffin (R.I.P) to houston for 3 first round picks ( Jefferson, Collins, Brandon Armstrong)
Linton Johnson and Marc Jackson to the hornets for Boki Nachbar
Mile Illic and Bernard Robinson to the hornets for David Wesley (Got us under the luxury tax after we bought out wesley)

Yeah, Kidd would be a different scenario but Rod would go after the best trade for the team. NOT:

"Sure, lets send him to cleveland where we can see him 3 to 4 times a year and fight for playoff seeding with them".
"Lets take Kwame Brown because his contract is up and Kidd really wants to be buried by Kobe but hey we at least get him out of the east".

We have Vince locked up with a 64 million dollar contract for 4 years and RJ has a max contract at 6 years 78 million dollars as well. No matter what,Kidd's trade for contracts with 1 year left or less money will not help the team when it comes to free agency the next year.

So saying that they would take these players from teams because they have 1 year left or are done after the next will not necessarily be done.

Rod is a smarter guy than Mitch and Danny Ferry.

Mitch - Lets trade CARON BUTLER for KWAME BROWN (Kobe's best friend on the team mind you and they had lamar odom then too.)

Ferry - Lebron needs help.... DEVIN BROWN,DWAYNE JONES,AND CEDRIC SIMMONS should do it (oops, I messed up so lets get pavlovic and side show bob back.) (Whymatch Andy's contract.)

Kidd will be rumored about leaving all year. And by my scenarios above, do those GMs have the mind to do a trade like this?

The Nets are 9-10 and have been inconsistant. But 19 games in (19 games), they are sixth in the east and one game out of the fourth spot which is currentlyheld by toronto at 10-9.

Its December 6th, there is 4 1/2 months left of regular season basketball until the playoffs at the end of April. alot can change.
did you just watch the game the other week man? LeBron DID just beat the celtics. He handed them their second loss in 13 games. Why the nonsense talk"kidd and bron wouldnt make it out of the east" like the other guy said, lebron made it out of the east last year by himself. im sure the addition ofjason kidd wouldnt be a step backward.

who can beat the cavs in a 7 game series now out of the east? maybe detroit because theyre always going to be there but no other team. magic might get 1 or 2.celtics would get 2 but not 4.
The Magic would rape Cleveland this year. Let's be real here. Bogans could do a decent job on a superstar like LeBron, who's going to guard Dwight? Noone. LeBron would be help up with Hedo or Rashard for most of the game. And if they played man, it would go Jameer, Boobie? Jameer wins. Bogans, Sasha? Boganswins 'cause of his Defense. Hedo, LeBron? LeBron wins by a landslide but has D Howard in the paint to meet him on the drive. Rashard, Gooden? Rashard winsif he's playing good ball. then Dwight, Zyndrunas/Verajao? Dwight by a landslide.

With Kidd, it might be a slightly harder series, but the Magic in 6, at most.
Kidd Refutes 'On Strike' Report

December 6, 2007 - 2:19 pm
Jason Kidd said he had a migraine and was not "on strike" -- refuting newspaper reports that he he missed New Jersey's game on Wednesday against the New York Knicks because he was seeking a trade or a contract extension.

Kidd directly shot down the story on WFAN-AM radio in New York on Thursday afternoon saying "I did have a migraine."

The eight-time All Star did say his agent and the Nets have been talking about a possible contract extension, but that would never play into him missing any action.

"I would never disrespect the game by not playing because the game has been so good to me," Kidd told the radio station.
The Magic would rape Cleveland this year. Let's be real here. Bogans could do a decent job on a superstar like LeBron, who's going to guard Dwight? No one. LeBron would be help up with Hedo or Rashard for most of the game. And if they played man, it would go Jameer, Boobie? Jameer wins. Bogans, Sasha? Bogans wins 'cause of his Defense. Hedo, LeBron? LeBron wins by a landslide but has D Howard in the paint to meet him on the drive. Rashard, Gooden? Rashard wins if he's playing good ball. then Dwight, Zyndrunas/Verajao? Dwight by a landslide.

With Kidd, it might be a slightly harder series, but the Magic in 6, at most.

Did you watch this year's game by any chance? Orlando barely beat us in OT and if we shoot FTs like a middle-school team, we would've won that game.
[h1]How to get Kidd out of Jersey [/h1]

By Bill Simmons
Page 2
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Updated: December 6, 2007, 5:55 PM ET

Wait, Jason Kidd reportedly skipped Wednesday's Knicks-Nets game with a migraine because he was trying to force a trade from New Jersey? Even if he refuted those reports on Thursday afternoon, I don't care: It's no secret that Kidd wants to play for a contender, and if you don't think this little "incident" gave me an excuse to waste an entire morning fooling around with's Trade Machine, you're crazy.

Here's what you need to know about Kidd: Fantastic competitor; makes everyone better; slipped about 33 percent defensively from where he was four years ago; someone who's significantly more effective when he's surrounded by good players and only needs to worry about doing Jason Kidd things. He'd only accept a trade to a contending team with a legitimate chance to win the 2008 or 2009 titles, which rules out three noncontenders who had the right mix of young players, draft picks and cap space: Memphis, Atlanta and the Clippers. You can also rule out the Bulls (who could have slapped together a Kirk Hinrich/Ty Thomas/P.J. Brown sign-and-trade offer) because Chicago's current situation isn't any better or worse than New Jersey's current situation. And you can rule out the Knicks because the Nets wouldn't take Stephon Marbury's contract back unless James Dolan Fed Ex'ed them an anonymous box filled with $40 million of unmarked bills.

[h4]THURSDAY NIGHT PICKS[/h4]Simmons: Bears +3
Sports Gal: ******** -3

Realistically, only the following 11 teams make sense as a destination for Kidd:

1. Celtics -- Impossible because they don't have any big contracts to make the deal work.

2. Spurs -- They don't need a point guard.

3. Suns -- Ditto.

4. Pistons -- Double ditto.

5. Hornets -- Triple ditto.

6. Nuggets -- They don't have a big contract to trade unless the Nets took back K-Mart (four years, $70 million remaining), which has about as much chance of happening as me breast-feeding my son tonight. You could make a half-hearted case for a straight-up swap with Iverson and Kidd, but why would the Nuggets give up on the Iverson era so soon, and why would the Nets move sideways like that?

7. Mavericks -- Impossible because Devin Harris just signed a big extension (making him impossible to trade) and I can't imagine why the Nets would want to touch Jason Terry's contract (five years, $48 million remaining) or Erick Dampier's contract (4 years, $41.5 million remaining). You could argue that "Terry + a giant expiring contract + two No. 1 picks would be a decent haul," but the Mavs don't have one of those Theo Ratliff-like expiring contracts and their No. 1 picks aren't appealing, anyway. So they're out.

8. Magic -- On paper, Kidd would be an upgrade over the Jameer Nelson/Keyon Dooling/Carlos Arroyo trifecta, but why would the Magic mess things up when they're playing so well right now, especially for an aging point guard making $20 million a year? I don't see it.

9. Rockets -- They couldn't put together the contracts to obtain Kidd unless New Jersey wanted to jump at the "Mike James-Rafer Alston-Kirk Snyder-Bonzi Wells-Luther Head-crummy No. 1 picks" pu pu platter, and even then, they'd have to waive three guys to make it work. Not happening.

10. Cavaliers -- They couldn't get Kidd without New Jersey taking at least one or two terrible contracts back. And I mean TERRIBLE contracts. Like, "the right to pay Larry Hughes $38 million over the next three years" level of terrible. That's not happening.

11. Lakers -- The only logical destination for four reasons: They have a giant expiring contract (Kwame Brown at $9 million); an appealing rookie point guard (Javaris Crittendon); a super-appealing young point guard (Jordan Farmar); one more tradable contract to make the deal work (Vlad Radmanovic, on the hook for nearly $25 million through 2011); and most importantly, a genuine reason to make the trade (keeping Kobe happy so they don't have to deal him). There's definitely something here, right?

Just one problem ...

(Hold on, I'm breaking out the Hubie Brown voice for this one.)

If I'm running the Nets, I don't want the Radman's contract because we already have Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson at the 2/3 spots playing 40 minutes a game. I want to clear Kidd for cap space, draft picks and a young point guard and that's it. In other words, a straight-up deal with the Lakers can't work and we need some help. Fortunately, we're allowed to make multiteam trades in the NBA, which leads us to our first pivotal question:

What team could use Radmanovic the most?

Here are the plusses for the Radman: He's a quality 3-point shooter; he'd help any playoff team that likes to stretch the floor; and he's not afraid to break out a goofy hairdo or some goofy facial hair when you least expect it. The right team would use him like Orlando uses Rashard Lewis and Hedo Turkoglu.

So, um ... why couldn't the Lakers just send him to Orlando? They have the expiring contracts and need one more shooter for an extended playoff push. Vlad's contract isn't great, but it isn't terrible -- he's probably overpaid by about 15-20 percent, which gives him something in common with 60 percent of the guys in the league. If he plays 20-25 minutes a game for the Magic, they'd always have two killer 3-point shooters on the floor opening things up for Dwight Howard. If they wanted, they could even play Lewis, Turkoglu and Lewis together for a 3-point shooting orgy.

Now, if I'm running the Magic, I can't give up anyone good for Radmanovic for two reasons: I'm doing the Nets and Lakers a favor by helping out with this deal, and I'm taking on Radmanovic's mildly sucky contract. That's why I'd tell them, "I'll take the Radman off your hands, but I'm only giving up two expiring contracts (Pat Garrity and James Augustine at a combined $4.55 million) and that's it."

Voila! Suddenly we have the framework of a potential deal: Kidd to the Lakers; Radmanovic to the Magic; and three expiring contracts (Brown, Garrity and Augustine) plus Farmar (the guy New Jersey would want) or Crittendon (the guy L.A. would want to trade) and a future No. 1 pick to the Nets. That trade saves Jersey $4 mllion in 2008 and leaves them with $40 million committed to their payroll next season, allowing them to become a potential player this summer for Gilbert Arenas, Emeka Okafor, Ben Gordon, Luol Deng or whoever else.

Just one problem ...

If I'm running the Lakers, I'm not giving up Kwame (one of our only guys who protects the rim, even if he's a little soft), Radmanovic (our only reliable 3-point shooter and someone who's playing well this season), Farmar (an excellent backup guard and a potential blue-chipper) AND a No. 1 pick while picking up an extra $5 million in salary and paying an extra $4 million in luxury tax just to get a 34-year-old Jason Kidd. In fact, I don't want to trade Farmar at all. That's a deal-breaker for me.

On the flip side, if I'm running the Nets, I need to get Farmar in the deal or dump even more salary in the trade. Which leads us to our second pivotal question:

Can we find a fourth team to make this work?

You betcha! Let's bring Minnesota into this baby, and not just because Kevin McHale is the reigning "Worst GM in the League" after Billy King was dumped by the Sixers this week. We need his help. Here's how we do it: We convince McHale to absorb Garrity's expiring deal and Sasha Vujacic's expiring deal ($1.7 million) and send Sebastian Telfair's expiring deal ($2.5 million) to the Nets. In return, the Lakers agree to take Mark Madsen's contract ($7.9 million total, expires in 2010) and include an extra $600,000 so the deal is a financial wash for the T-Wolves (and that's before they dump Madsen's contract from their books).

Now the Nets have to make the deal. They're getting a quality rookie point guard (Crittendon); they get to take four-month flyers on Kwame (to replace Nenad Krstic, who's still battling knee problems) and Telfair (finally coming home to the Tri-State area, although this might not be a good thing); and most importantly, they're saving nearly $6 million and giving themselves a chance to rebuild this summer around Vince Carter, Richard Jefferson, their young guys, two No. 1 picks and Free Agent X.

Here's the final four-team trade: Los Angeles gets Kidd, Augustine and Madsen; Orlando gets Radmanovic; New Jersey gets Kwame, Telfair, Crittendon and a lottery-protected No. 1 from the Lakers in 2008; Minnesota gets Garrity, Vujacic and $600,000 from the Lakers.

Here's why each team makes the deal:

Minnesota: They dump the last two years of Madsen's contract without altering their nucleus or their payroll in any conceivable way.

Orlando: They acquire another killer 3-point shooter at a semi-reasonable price without touching anyone in their top eight.

New Jersey: They unload an unhappy star making nearly $41 million this year and next; save $6 million and pick up a No. 1 pick; take a four-month flier on a "talented" young power forward (I used quotes because I'm not a Kwame fan); weaken themselves sufficiently for a lottery run this season and set themselves up for a 2008 summer spending spree. Considering they had no other viable options for Kidd, that's a pretty good haul, no?

Los Angeles: First and foremost, they don't have to trade Kobe now because this would make him happy. Second, they landed Kidd without giving up Farmar (a huge victory since Farmar is going to be good). Third, they're a legitimate contender with a nucleus of Kobe, Kidd, Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum (playing extremely well) and solid supporting guys like Derek Fisher, Farmar, Luke Walton, Rony Turiaf and Trevor Ariza. Fourth, they improved their team chemistry exponentially with Happy Kobe, Happy Kidd and Always-Happy Mark Madsen. Fifth, the playoff money and general goodwill in L.A. from a Kidd trade offsets the significant financial undertaking (an extra $7 million added to the 2008 payroll that's doubled by the dollar-for-dollar luxury tax). And sixth, factoring in Kobe's player option for the summer of 2009, their top three guys (Kobe, Kidd and Odom) would all be coming off their cap after 2009, giving them a two-year run to contend for a title and tons of flexibility afterward.

Now that's a great trade. My only regret is that's Trade Machine wouldn't allow me to work a fifth team into the deal. Really, we can only make four-team trades? Let's work on this. There has to be a way that Vujacic could end up on the Celtics, and Tony Allen could go to Miami, and maybe Dorrell Wright goes to the T-Wolves. ...

This ofcourse will never happen but imagine this: Kobe, Kidd, Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum (playing extremely well) and solid supporting guys like DerekFisher, Farmar, Luke Walton, Rony Turiaf and Trevor Ariza.

I can dream, right
who can beat the cavs in a 7 game series now out of the east? maybe detroit because theyre always going to be there but no other team. magic might get 1 or 2. celtics would get 2 but not 4.

The Cavs beats Boston because Ray Allen missed free throws that he never misses, and they lost by 5 points in OT...and all of a sudden Boston would win 2 gamesin a 7 game series at most?

The East is for the Celtics taking whether any of us like it or not, they have one of the better defenses in the entire league (not just the East), and have 3unselfish "superstar" players on that team, with a solid bench.

The only team I can see competing with the Celtics and giving them a run for their money are the Pistons, not the Cavs. IMO

Billups would take advantage of a smaller PG like Rondo, and Rip/Prince would be guarding Allen/Pierce. Rasheed is capable of holding his own vs. Garnett aswell....both teams match up pretty well if you ask me, and it will probably come down to which team has the most production from their bench.

It will boil down to the Celtics, Pistons, and then the Cavs....but I would be EXTREMELY surprised if I don't see a Pistons/Celtics ECF.
who can beat the cavs in a 7 game series now out of the east? maybe detroit because theyre always going to be there but no other team. magic might get 1 or 2. celtics would get 2 but not 4.
worry about making the playoffs first
Alright, from the way the thread has gone:

1. Cleveland may beat orlando in the playoffs
2. Orlando may beat Cleveland in the playoffs
3.Kidd is still a Net
4. Its December 7th

Can we hold the "my team can beat your team in the playoffs" talk until those teams are in the playoffs. Cleveland is just as bad as the nets areright now and they are ranked 5th in the east.

Now I think I am getting a migraine from all of the people who feel Kidd will be in their city and all they have to give up is the 11th and 12th man off theirbench
Boston, Detriot, Washington (with Arenas), Orlando, and probably Toronto would all beat the Cavs in the playoffs.

This is from ESPN Insider

"And if that team is the Cleveland Cavaliers, where he would be teamed with LeBron James, or the Los Angeles Lakers, where' he'd be paired withKobe Bryant as he almost was last season, all the better. (Although Kidd said of the Cavs, strangely, "That's not one of my destinations.")"
This dude Bill Simmons is a trip

But reading that trade breakdown, it makes sense to me.

But of course, it'll never get done..
I bet he regrets not signing with the Spurs in 2003, and holding a gun to Rod Thorn's head back in February, when the Lakers were calling.
[h1]Kidd confirms that agent has been talking to Nets about trade[/h1]
By Ric Bucher
ESPN The Magazine

Updated: January 28, 2008, 9:14 PM ET

Jason Kidd has come to grips with two realities. One, the New Jersey Nets aren't very good. Two, that their only chance of improving is to deal him. "I'm not mad at anybody," he said Monday afternoon by phone. "Sometimes, when you ride a wave, you get to the end and that's all there is. That's where we are."



Kidd confirmed that his agent, Jeff Schwartz, has talked to Nets' management about moving him by the Feb. 21 trade deadline, but he categorized the conversation as a continuation of something that started last All-Star break, when the Nets nearly dealt him to the Lakers for a package of players that included Lamar Odom and Kwame Brown. The sticking point was that Nets president Rod Thorn wanted Andrew Bynum and the Lakers refused.

While initial reports had Kidd, 34, insisting on being sent to a contender, he said Monday that he realizes there are no guarantees in any scenario. At this point, he simply wants to play for a team that can compete every night and utilize his talents.

"It used to be if I got a triple-double, that was an automatic win," he said. "That's just not the case now. We tried to make this work. We've found out it doesn't. It's time for us all to move on."

Schwartz, in exploring current options for his client with other NBA teams, has been told that with Vince Carter signing a new four-year $61.8 million contract and Richard Jefferson having three years and $42 million left on his six-year deal, Kidd is the only moveable major asset New Jersey has.

There are a variety of teams who would be interested in acquiring Kidd -- Dallas and Denver already have reached out in the last week, a source said -- but it's a matter of what the Nets would insist upon in return. If draft picks are involved, weighing true value is infinitely easier after the May draft lottery, when the selection order is set and teams have a better idea of which players plan to declare their draft eligibility.

Ric Bucher covers the NBA for ESPN The Magazine.

This topic is no longer relevant, as it was obvious that Kidd was not sitting out to force a trade. If he was doing that, then he would have never playedanother game for the Nets, because that's how it works when someone sits out to force a trade; they're done with the team.

He did keep playing.

So the topic is no longer relevant, and there's a new Kidd topic that is relevant.

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