Soooo, has LeBron surpassed Kobe as the most hated? Vol. Dan Gilbert

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Sorry, LeBron has been better than Kobe for at least a year now.
 In what? Not winning championships?

Don't really see what championships have to do with this.

I guess you think Tony Parker is a better basketball player than Steve Nash?

LeBron averaged damn near 30/7/9 this past season and people still don't think he's the best player on the planet?

Some of you dudes aren't too smart.
I totally agree Lebron is the best player in the league today.  We're talking about just talent and skills not championships.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Man, i find it HILARIOUS that people who complain about him ruining his legacy aren't even FANS or supporters of Lebron.  These dudes were just itching for ANY "new" excuse to hate him some more.  Y'all hated him before the the 2009-2010 season even started and y'all hate him now.  Stop the fronting and just say "i don't like Lebron because he's taking away from my favorite player's shine."  Y'all talking bout him ruining his legacy as if you guys were EVER supporters OF his legacy.  Y'all act like you guys were rooting for him to get a ring and *!%%. 

The ONLY reason y'all should be mad is the self promoting hour long special he had.  That was straight up stupid and unnecessary but don't hate on the guy because he wants to win.  Everyone trying to compare Kobe's situation and Bron's as if it were even the same thing.  Kobe stayed because that fool was THIRSTING to be the man.  Lebron is okay with being a TEAM player.  If Kobe started off as the man, never won a thing, and the future of his team's flexibility looked dim as hell, please believe that fool would've bolted T.I.P ASAP.  Hell, he was already demanding a trade until he got lucky and his team stole Pau Gasol from the dumb *+* Grizzlies.

I don't get how you can hate on a athlete that wants to go to the best situation to WIN.  Isn't that what EVERY athlete wants?  Is to win??  This is probably the most UNSELFISH thing he's ever done.  He took waaaaay less money, as did the other guys, because their MAIN focus is to win.  So where's the crime in that?  Oh, because you guys feel he should do it on his "own" right?  How funny that everyone always cries about basketball being a TEAM game yet when someone does do something that is ALL about THE team, you guys want to rip his head off.

Seriously, stop the frontin and BS excuses and just say "we would've hated Lebron REGARDLESS of what he did."

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Man, i find it HILARIOUS that people who complain about him ruining his legacy aren't even FANS or supporters of Lebron.  These dudes were just itching for ANY "new" excuse to hate him some more.  Y'all hated him before the the 2009-2010 season even started and y'all hate him now.  Stop the fronting and just say "i don't like Lebron because he's taking away from my favorite player's shine."  Y'all talking bout him ruining his legacy as if you guys were EVER supporters OF his legacy.  Y'all act like you guys were rooting for him to get a ring and *!%%. 

The ONLY reason y'all should be mad is the self promoting hour long special he had.  That was straight up stupid and unnecessary but don't hate on the guy because he wants to win.  Everyone trying to compare Kobe's situation and Bron's as if it were even the same thing.  Kobe stayed because that fool was THIRSTING to be the man.  Lebron is okay with being a TEAM player.  If Kobe started off as the man, never won a thing, and the future of his team's flexibility looked dim as hell, please believe that fool would've bolted T.I.P ASAP.  Hell, he was already demanding a trade until he got lucky and his team stole Pau Gasol from the dumb *+* Grizzlies.

I don't get how you can hate on a athlete that wants to go to the best situation to WIN.  Isn't that what EVERY athlete wants?  Is to win??  This is probably the most UNSELFISH thing he's ever done.  He took waaaaay less money, as did the other guys, because their MAIN focus is to win.  So where's the crime in that?  Oh, because you guys feel he should do it on his "own" right?  How funny that everyone always cries about basketball being a TEAM game yet when someone does do something that is ALL about THE team, you guys want to rip his head off.

Seriously, stop the frontin and BS excuses and just say "we would've hated Lebron REGARDLESS of what he did."

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Sorry, LeBron has been better than Kobe for at least a year now.
 In what? Not winning championships?

Don't really see what championships have to do with this.

I guess you think Tony Parker is a better basketball player than Steve Nash?

LeBron averaged damn near 30/7/9 this past season and people still don't think he's the best player on the planet?

Some of you dudes aren't too smart.
I totally agree Lebron is the best player in the league today.  We're talking about just talent and skills not championships.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Sorry, LeBron has been better than Kobe for at least a year now.
 In what? Not winning championships?

Don't really see what championships have to do with this.

I guess you think Tony Parker is a better basketball player than Steve Nash?

LeBron averaged damn near 30/7/9 this past season and people still don't think he's the best player on the planet?

Some of you dudes aren't too smart.
I totally agree Lebron is the best player in the league today.  We're talking about just talent and skills  not championships.
Oh word?
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Sorry, LeBron has been better than Kobe for at least a year now.
 In what? Not winning championships?

Don't really see what championships have to do with this.

I guess you think Tony Parker is a better basketball player than Steve Nash?

LeBron averaged damn near 30/7/9 this past season and people still don't think he's the best player on the planet?

Some of you dudes aren't too smart.
I totally agree Lebron is the best player in the league today.  We're talking about just talent and skills  not championships.
Oh word?
"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
And I think that's where a lot of the issues come into play: calling himself King, hailing himself as the Chosen 1, running around with a lion logo -- he needs to change that logo to the Kool-Aid man ...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
And I think that's where a lot of the issues come into play: calling himself King, hailing himself as the Chosen 1, running around with a lion logo -- he needs to change that logo to the Kool-Aid man ...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"Youplay in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOINthe best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistonsafter losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is achampion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website

Some guy on some website is an idiot.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"Youplay in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOINthe best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistonsafter losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is achampion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website

Some guy on some website is an idiot.
Kobe Bryant is still the best player in the league. Might still be the most hated. I'm neither here nor there on that issue.
Kobe Bryant is still the best player in the league. Might still be the most hated. I'm neither here nor there on that issue.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"Youplay in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOINthe best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistonsafter losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is achampion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website

Some guy on some website is an idiot.
You're trolling. Shut up.

MisterP that's the truth. Why did he leave Cleveland they were on their way to being champs real soon. They had THE BEST record in the NBA regular season. In the playoffs when you have to really dig deep as a team. Lebron quit and when he quit the rest of the team followed. Anyone who says he didn't quit in the playoffs is a damn liar. All the Cavs needed was a goto PF or Center and they woulda been set. But the so called chosen one/king lacks the will to win. Until he changes that is why he will never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be considered the best to ever play the game. Nobody better not believe that this guy isn't ambitious and want to be both a Billionaire and the best player EVER but right now he lacks that will to win.

When the Heat start playing next year they will win a bunch of games but I'll need to see how they play in the playoffs before crowning them as D.Wade said it "the best trio ever".
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"Youplay in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOINthe best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistonsafter losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is achampion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website

Some guy on some website is an idiot.
You're trolling. Shut up.

MisterP that's the truth. Why did he leave Cleveland they were on their way to being champs real soon. They had THE BEST record in the NBA regular season. In the playoffs when you have to really dig deep as a team. Lebron quit and when he quit the rest of the team followed. Anyone who says he didn't quit in the playoffs is a damn liar. All the Cavs needed was a goto PF or Center and they woulda been set. But the so called chosen one/king lacks the will to win. Until he changes that is why he will never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be considered the best to ever play the game. Nobody better not believe that this guy isn't ambitious and want to be both a Billionaire and the best player EVER but right now he lacks that will to win.

When the Heat start playing next year they will win a bunch of games but I'll need to see how they play in the playoffs before crowning them as D.Wade said it "the best trio ever".
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
And I think that's where a lot of the issues come into play: calling himself King, hailing himself as the Chosen 1, running around with a lion logo -- he needs to change that logo to the Kool-Aid man ...

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

"You play in your respective sport to compete and BEAT the best, not JOIN the best. It's cowardly and pathetic. MJ never went to the Pistons after losing multiple times. He stayed until he beat them. THAT is a champion, children. That is a competitor." - Some guy on some website
And I think that's where a lot of the issues come into play: calling himself King, hailing himself as the Chosen 1, running around with a lion logo -- he needs to change that logo to the Kool-Aid man ...

I know nobody in this thread believes LeBron is more SKILLED than Kobe. You are dense if you think so.
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