Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. —Arthur C. Clark
Yo i was just reading about sun gazing the other day.what a coincidence.
No coincidences brother. The universe talks very strangly but quite clear when your antennas are up. I've been playing with this theory as well and spiritually I believe this. I didnt conceive the thought that food would be unnecessary through sun gazing though. I just know the sun is more beneficial than we think. Have you ever stared at the sun and just felt happy? Have you ever stared at the sun and gained clarity, almost as if someone were telling you how to proceed? Meditate with the sun and throw your problems away. As above so below.

the source for cell health is nutrition (body and bacteria,virus,cells).... this might be obsolete when in harmony with all

the source of physical health is environment (earth and humans....we were like good bacteria for earth, now viruses )

the source for spiritual health is the universe (we are the stars and the sun signifies the greater light in the "system") another system our sun looks like a regular star, which is the lesson of perception. The planets are there to show why we live on earth. The most perfect conditions of all planets for us, right in the proper reach of our sun. All by design or a once in a lifetime mathematical coincidences as science will tell you. The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing, and EVERYTHING you take as fact has been taught and passed down (not by your experience). Some are true, some are false, many were for "survival" sake of some group or another. Meditate and things will unravel for you to form your truths. Go experiment and wonder because it is fact that children imaginations gets beaten out of them by our "hidden curriculum". Child imagination and adult reasoning, 2 sides of the brain, day and night, must work in harmony to be complete. Balance and know that you are perfect 

We are all children of light and truth, with nature and "phenomena" being our hints as to how the universe works. Everything we need is either broadcasted from outer energy (ex. sun rays, vibrations...we are all at a certain vibration right now to be "physical" so bad things are just vibrations and a signal, not the end of the world as the human mind has evolved to think) or we already know it and need to unlock it.  

Someone posted a video about the sun and the equinoxes () and while I didnt do research, it blew my mind. There are so many riddles, analogies and allegories around us that I wouldnt put it past the ancients to make a story so elaborate (death of christ and easter) to describe the movement of the earth and sun. 

And oh yeah, the more you subscribe to the physical world (money, material) the harder it is to get out. Money is not real, this place is a belief system. You were never suppose to make money off of money, or money in general. no effort or potential used to make positive gain...the universe does not work like this, yet this is how money and success is gained to the truly wealthy and they sell you the dream. Some will get close but then they see the dirt needed to be done to become wealthy and they usually will take that leap. Supply and demand is fabrication and manipulation, and they make you want it. You are human for now, the lesson is that you will fall but you must always get back to the center and balance (the more you lean toward real love, wisdom and understanding the better). Money is the physical, what you need the money for might be the better prayer, and then when you ask for that, you might perceive that you never needed it in the first place. Material was the prize, money was the hook, "physically" trapping you is the goal.  Be true to yourself

There is a higher power and he/she/it/them/all/one goes by many names, but the names doesn't matter. The love and understanding does becuase through the journey you will get to know them quite well how it was supposed to be. he/she/it/them/one/all wants to see if your living and learning. Your life has been lived a million times, thats the secret. 

Sorry for the rant, I get like this every once in a while. Time to enjoy the sun, Namaste brothers (and sisters if you're reading lol)
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good post, reminds me i need to meditate again. it's been over a year since i did it consistently. awareness is key to development of the self. every one deals with what follows differently though so one simply needs to be patient and carry love in everything they do say or think.

papa hows the sungazing going? woke up mad early this morning but wound up just going back to bed.
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Man, it's been cloudy and gloomy since Saturday here in the bay and today is just the same. Completely ruins my sun gazing. :smh:
So much pyramid, mason, etc garbo I did'nt see this wondering your thoughts 

:rofl:  For anybody thinking its some sort of game

Let's play I aint even took off my warm up jacket yet but let's go 

I actually got mad watching that second vid.... The blantant thievery is just too much..
but I have been meditating for a while and man I can tell you it feels like my essense is part of everything I come and contact with, like everything is in a push and pull and it was meant to be and no one is above another.

up to about 1:40 is nice about the money then 3:24 for him becoming a sun worshipper
For those of you that meditate, how do you go about it? How did you get into it? I want to start, but don't know where to start.
So the weather cleared up a bit today around 5pm. I decided to go start my sun gazing after going to the gym which was around 7:30pm but didn't actually get to the spot where I did my sun gazing. Here's some pictures. This place is about 15 mins drive from my house.






The last pic is about 30 to 20 mins before the sunsets. Since it's my first day I only gaze the sun for about 10 secs and you supposed to add 10 secs each day until you get up to 45 mins then go down to 35 mins.

As you can see from the last picture the sun isn't all that bright and it was really orange color when I looked at it. However, I must say it was a unique sensation when you look at the sun as it sets.

Funny part was that you supposed to stand barefoot (which I did) and take off your glasses or contacts lenses and it was so windy up there that when I took off my contacts it blew off my finger. Needless to say, I drove back home blind as a bat. haha
anyone have secrets info on being more intelligent etc. ? 

The secret is - there is no secret.

Read books on subjects you want to learn about.

That's it.

It's really that simple. Seriously.

And based on, what seems like your want for an instant intelligence solution, I suggest starting here:


It's your fault if you don't.
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x6 speed on a 4 min video? so a 24 min struggle? damn man. but reptiles are amazing in my book. All can live in any environment, all move slow until the moment to STRIKE!


fun fact: alligators and Crocs have strong lower jaw muscles but weaker upper jaw muscles(or something) so if you ever come across one it can barely fight if you hold his mouth closed. also another reason they stay posted with their mouth open since chopping is ultra fast. just dont get in the situation
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