Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Yall beleive in aliens? :nerd:
If that's what you want to call them.
Hell, we might be the Aliens.

I used to think that.
We crash landed on this planet in a huge spaceship.
A bunch of us.
Created a huge crater thats been filled by water at this point ( atlantic ocean)
our crashed wiped out the dinosaurs ( dust cloud that blocked out sun/ massive flooding/ wutever)
we forgot or chose to not pass down our history/origin
now we outchea

from what i heard we def came here in ships but didnt crash here.. earth use to be sort of like a zoo that other races from aroubd the solar system would come to for entertainment. millions of humans resided on planet Man which was ordered for destruction.. the remains of planet Man now makes up the asteroid belt. martians and people fron planet Man came to earth and is a part of our population.

far out there stuff

Watch parts 1-10. Some of the most important information and practical information on actual independence and liberty.

To those who watch/study/cross reference it - come back and let's discuss it.

Apparently if you the learn the game you can LEGALLY free yourself from taxation, claim yourself a sovereign entity and create your own government wherever you want to claim it. Essentially the only way any of this system applies to any of us is by way of our consent. Unfortunately your consent was signed over by your parents in the hospital on our born days. Good news is you its not a legally binding contract and you can opt out whenever. No tax, no need for a drivers license, free of debt etc etc.

I've read a little bit about this but every thing has checked out so far.

Enjoy your weekend fam![/Video]
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You raise some valid points. To answer your question, I dont know. But my guess is when you help someone, you are giving of yourself / broadening spiritual/conscious reach to connect with anothers'. Your spirit resides in and confined to your body and good deeds of selflessness (among other things) can allow your spiritual self to extend beyond your physical self. We are all connected and when we consciously stimulate that connection by the mere act of caring for a need (physical/emo/spiritual), this evokes a transcendent expansion. You are becoming more one with the Universe/God/The Creator/ the highest force, because its breeds life and all living things are connected.

We must focus on the spiritual but we cannot neglect the physical. We are still physical beings. Like dealing with a vehicle, it still needs gas, oil, and every component maintained (physical needs). However, the most important part is the driver (spirit). Our spirit/consciousness is the most important part. Educating others on what REALLY important is great, but we also have to remember that it can take time to become spiritually aware and not all people ever get there. Sometimes you gotta cater to a physical need before you can begin to cater to a spiritual one. We have to exercise a greater level of understanding of what someone needs. You wouldn't reason with a crying baby, you would give it milk. Then when you feel they are of appropriate age, educate them on the true values of life while living in this materialistic physical realm. It is a balancing act. But it is one that should be more spiritually focused.

I have difficulty articulating this kinda stuff so I hope I making some kinda sense.

Phenomenal answer! Thank you for your perspective.

Watch parts 1-10. Some of the most important information and practical information on actual independence and liberty.

To those who watch/study/cross reference it - come back and let's discuss it.

Apparently if you the learn the game you can LEGALLY free yourself from taxation, claim yourself a sovereign entity and create your own government wherever you want to claim it. Essentially the only way any of this system applies to any of us is by way of our consent. Unfortunately your consent was signed over by your parents in the hospital on our born days. Good news is you its not a legally binding contract and you can opt out whenever. No tax, no need for a drivers license, free of debt etc etc.

I've read a little bit about this but every thing has checked out so far.

This is why Wesley Snipes went to jail. Matter fact, it seems most people who try this end up in jail. From my very limited understanding you really have to cover every base otherwise you get screwed, if it's even possible. Be careful with this. Although it did remind me of this vid where a guy nearly got his prosecutor thrown in jail lol. Look at the paperwork the DA has in the first vid vs. the second vid lmao.


Watch parts 1-10. Some of the most important information and practical information on actual independence and liberty.

To those who watch/study/cross reference it - come back and let's discuss it.

Apparently if you the learn the game you can LEGALLY free yourself from taxation, claim yourself a sovereign entity and create your own government wherever you want to claim it. Essentially the only way any of this system applies to any of us is by way of our consent. Unfortunately your consent was signed over by your parents in the hospital on our born days. Good news is you its not a legally binding contract and you can opt out whenever. No tax, no need for a drivers license, free of debt etc etc.

I've read a little bit about this but every thing has checked out so far.

Enjoy your weekend fam![/Video]

I believe in this and I'm all for it but, GOOD LUCK! :lol:[/video]

Watch parts 1-10. Some of the most important information and practical information on actual independence and liberty.

To those who watch/study/cross reference it - come back and let's discuss it.

Apparently if you the learn the game you can LEGALLY free yourself from taxation, claim yourself a sovereign entity and create your own government wherever you want to claim it. Essentially the only way any of this system applies to any of us is by way of our consent. Unfortunately your consent was signed over by your parents in the hospital on our born days. Good news is you its not a legally binding contract and you can opt out whenever. No tax, no need for a drivers license, free of debt etc etc.

I've read a little bit about this but every thing has checked out so far.

Enjoy your weekend fam![/Video]

My next door neighbor is a Moor and he preaches this all the time, he constantly gets locked up for driving without a license :\[/video]
Long story short, I spent a lot of hours in the deep web over time crawling pages and batch downloading basically entire repositories worth of data to sift through at my leisure. I was using software to monitor my connections to be safe and through looking up some of the IP addys that were trying to connect to me, I found that some were listed to government computers and some outside of the US.

Realizing what was going on I wiped everything and got rid of the computers I was using. I just recently purchased a new laptop after honestly not even wanting one in my house anymore, and have no intentions of getting seriously involved in deep web browsing again. I don't know what connections were made while I wasn't aware, I don't know what information was taken from me, or what was in some of the piles data I acquired. I just found it best to get rid of everything.


Got rid of your computers but did you get rid of your house and identity
imsi catcher​
Look it up.  You pretty much can spy on anyone that has a phone.​
(Turn on their camera, mic, read text message and e-mails)​
Police use them all the time to spy on us.​
This is most of the reason people actually get hacked.​
Just think dude from Ole Miss that got exposed on draft night.​
D'Angelo Russell with Nick Young.​
I guaranteed an IMSI catcher was used to gain those photos and videos.​
Why do you think they are giving away phones in lower income neighborhoods?​
I ride my bike through the hood in my city every week and always see at least​
two free cell phone stands.​
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Blacks are the real Jews

Matter of fact, Blacks were global and in America hundreds of years before Europeans.

We have a very rich history that has been downplayed and not properly taught to our youth or adults.

Hitler knew Blacks were the real Jews and that the imposter Jews that you see today and that run

and own America (TV, Media, Banks, Corporations etc.) were planning this for years.
Driving to LA which gives me a chance to listen to that Rogan podcast posted earlier. Can't wait
Watch both of these together. Back to back like drizzy.

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts afterwards.

I liked the 2nd vid, the 1st one not so much. 1st one seems counterproductive, like going backwards in time. 2nd vid is moreso a vision of the future but keeping with the concepts of the 1st. Ultimately it's going to take a very radical shift in the mindset of the majority to make either a substantial reality. It's great that some people already have that mindset and are working towards something in their personal lives, if we could only get the owners of technology and the means of production to think similarly. As it stands the people who create the technology and make the decisions that would allow the 2nd vid to become reality are motivated by maximum profit. It's seems as though we have allowed our base desires to motivate technological and intellectual progress which has obviously come with a host of negative side effects. I think the key now, or at some point in the future, is to transition our motivations towards something higher while applying all the positive stuff we've invented in our quest for wealth and profit. How to shift that mindset is the million dollar question though.
The Venus Project is a vision of the future that I can see being very prosperous and would give humanity cosmic respectability. It's the perfect balance of tech and nature. As the first vid is almost a step backwards.

I say almost because what I took from it is that we don't need as much as we think we need to be happy. In fact, id say having more "stuff" probably gets in the way of that true happiness we seek. Especially with tech.

As much as technology has served as a bridge to remind us that we are all connected, it's probably served more as a conduit of disconnection.

When I'm at a family or friends gathering. Im not swimming in a sea of true connection. People are mostly on the phone or gathered around the television. I could honestly say my family don't sit around trying to understand each other deeply. I think tech has served as another blanket to hide away from going deeper. Probably because i think we all have systematic induced trauma and it's easier to shield yourself from trauma or pain than to face it.

When I walk on my block, i dont feel like im a part of a real community. Everybody is in the house. Nobody is outside. I don't even know my neighbors first names. And I've tried to engage with them. People dont **** with it where I live. That **** erks the hell outta me.

That has a lot to do with having a secular material system. We're too distracted with our own lives. Thats just the way the system is set up. We're each stuck in our own little bubble and our own worries. We dont really have time to go deeper within. If you dont realize the depths within how could you realize that there's something deeper to be connected to on the outside? That there's something more to community, love, creativity, brotherhood and humanity in general than what's been advertised.

Sorry to go on a little tangent but its something that im passionate about. Im searching for authenticity and connection right now and this topic certainly speaks to me in that sense.
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Long story short, I spent a lot of hours in the deep web over time crawling pages and batch downloading basically entire repositories worth of data to sift through at my leisure. I was using software to monitor my connections to be safe and through looking up some of the IP addys that were trying to connect to me, I found that some were listed to government computers and some outside of the US.

Realizing what was going on I wiped everything and got rid of the computers I was using. I just recently purchased a new laptop after honestly not even wanting one in my house anymore, and have no intentions of getting seriously involved in deep web browsing again. I don't know what connections were made while I wasn't aware, I don't know what information was taken from me, or what was in some of the piles data I acquired. I just found it best to get rid of everything.


Got rid of your computers but did you get rid of your house and identity

I think I'm good :lol: systems I was using never ever had any personal info on them and I ran everything in virtual machines on IPs from around the world. No camera, mic always disabled from startup.

I only know of attempted connections, didn't see any evidence of data being extracted or implanted but you can't be 100% sure of course.

I'm living clean now so I have no problem talking about this stuff :lol: to me if something was going to be done it would have been a year plus ago.

Inb4 I get home and a black van is waiting in my driveway.
Dont lie, you were shook as hell when you saw the u.s government tryna see what you were doing.
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