Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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So christ is essentially the 13th disciple? The culmination of the zodiac?

When you talked about the acquisition of currency and the number 13 it reminded me of something i read about currency, specifically the $1 bill, being a talisman. The number 13 being present there in numerous forms. Thoughts?

Im beginning to compile a list of planets and their correspondents within the greek pantheon, the egyptian pantheon, base metals, folklore ect. ect. and ultimately what they represent in man. These allegories are driving me crazy. If you guys have any resources to this end i would greatly appreciate it.


There is also a book called Hamlet's Mill i believe that @maldonado  and I were reading at one point. It's hands down the most tedious read I've ever had, but i havent seen any one decode the connections between mythology/astrology as done in this book.  
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Yup, Hamlets Mill is masterful in scope, yet tough to navigate through. Which I guess is in line with the things it attempts to sort out to begin with - essentially knowledge, encased in astrology, was then deliberately encoded in mythology to preserve certain caches of information.

I dont really disagree with any of what you said. I do want to add that logic and reason are the dance partners of imagination and wonder.

I guess what i really want to get across in regards to the original lebron video is; whether its real or not, who cares? The outcome of a basketball game is of absolutely no importance to humanity. But look around, its front page on CNN, its still being broadcasted on 45 channels all day every day. Millions of people gathered to watch it and however many celebrated in the streets of Cleveland. It completeley dominates majority male conversation.

And yet, here we are making it of even more importance. On a divine scale for that matter.

I can't rock with that my brother.

Edit: what i think needs to happen regardless is us coming together and combining these trains of thought. Because neither are the holy grail of what to think and how to think. We must be open and imaginative as well as reasonable and practical.
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Strongly recommend watching or listening to this recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Russell Brand. Its a great representation of the material/metaphysical dance.

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I dont really disagree with any of what you said. I do want to add that logic and reason are the dance partners of imagination and wonder.

I guess what i really want to get across in regards to the original lebron video is; whether its real or not, who cares? The outcome of a basketball game is of absolutely no importance to humanity. But look around, its front page on CNN, its still being broadcasted on 45 channels all day every day. Millions of people gathered to watch it and however many celebrated in the streets of Cleveland. It completeley dominates majority male conversation.

And yet, here we are making it of even more importance. On a divine scale for that matter.

I can't rock with that my brother.

Edit: what i think needs to happen regardless is us coming together and combining these trains of thought. Because neither are the holy grail of what to think and how to think. We must be open and imaginative as well as reasonable and practical.

I agree. We are capable of so much, our own imaginations cant currently fathom. Imagine if the same energy and resources dedicated to all competitive sports we devoted to cultivating our natural resources and studying our consciousness. FInding a greater understanding of self within this time and space. Us coming together to spiritually uplift each other and manifest our dreams and goals in this present realm. Matter fact, what if... never mind. Just saw on twitter Knicks just got DRose. That might help us lure another big name this summer. Forget everything I said before. #ballislife
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This was a really dope post man.

Because that is exactly what we do. 

If I'm really being honest, I'm not more enlightened or awakened because I enjoy being asleep....we all do.

ANd on the other hand, we don't want to put in the work, it's hard.

Same as losing weight or changing your diet or kicking drugs.

.....but the way you put it in your post(and I'm hoping you did that on purpose) was genius, it was real, appreciated too.
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Can you talk more about the tangible results you've seen with numerology or whatever the case may be, and the process by which you produced those results? I think a lot of people, myself included, struggle with the distractions and whatnot because those things are tangible while a lot of the theory and concepts we're reading about and talking about are not.

As far as Ben saying, "who cares, basketballs not important" or others commenting on how we enjoy our distractions. I think tangible results go along way to not only motivate us to stay woke, but also to take these concepts and apply them to what we feel IS important, whether that be getting some side income to help others or working on solutions to violence, poverty and environmental issues.

And thank you for the freeman el vids as well as the book recommendation, i am looking into both.
I thought I would add a couple of joints i found interesting. Hopefully some of you will find it as helpful as i did.

[thread="332375"]. Matter fact, what if... never mind. Just saw on twitter Knicks just got DRose. That might help us lure another big name this summer. Forget everything I said before. #ballislife[/thread]
This was a really dope post man.

Because that is exactly what we do. 

If I'm really being honest, I'm not more enlightened or awakened because I enjoy being asleep....we all do.

ANd on the other hand, we don't want to put in the work, it's hard.
Same as losing weight or changing your diet or kicking drugs.

.....but the way you put it in your post(and I'm hoping you did that on purpose) was genius, it was real, appreciated too.

We are pretty much slaves to our senses. What ever stimulates them the most will have are focus. But to exercise a higher level of power, we must acknowledge that and overcome it.
We must consciously shift our focus to things that allow our minds to think more freely and outward, not confined to systems of man that satisfy
low natured desires.

I feel like most of us may have some advanced head knowledge but still live catering to our lower nature (myself included)

Which version of Frank in this vid are you

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I thought I would add a couple of joints i found interesting. Hopefully some of you will find it as helpful as i did.

Strongly recommend watching or listening to this recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Russell Brand. Its a great representation of the material/metaphysical dance.


good looks ya'll, I'll be checking these today.

speaking of Joe Rogan, this was the last episode, w/ Sam Harris - a neuroscientist, that I thought had some insightful stuff:

been vibing to this joint recently:
"whatever happens, just know - people come from love,
whats inside you's above...."
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how Russell Brand talks that makes me listen more intensely...his cadence, inflexion, accent, and pronunciations like a zeroing effect 
I think joe rogan has been touched. Soled out if you will. His views on 911 has me thinking he's either not too smart or was instructed to change his opinion and voice it.
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Meh, Joe is a comedian and a MMA commentator I wouldn't put too much stock into what he says. His podcast has been really hit or miss recently.
Joe still strongly advocates against war and the current political/societal structure. His views have matured.

Glad he dug himself out of the self-induced sand pits of tower 7, aliens and moon landings.
What I'm saying is essentially what i think htg designs is saying. How long can you listen you stay engulfed in the same conspiracy theories? When do you decide to act based on the things you learned?

If you're 5 years deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole and you're essentially living the exact same life you were before you found any of that information, trying to pass that information to friends, families and strangers it aint going to work because they'll look at you and say, "meh, so what? Aint life changing cause you're still here in your same ol job, still paying taxes, still doing a b and c".

It would be hard for me to criticise Joe. He's done more for me with his podcast than any classroom ever did. He reaches millions daily and inspires people to go out and do whatever their heart desires. Is he a bro? Does he have views i dont agree with? **** yes to both. But he changed my life. I'll never knock that man's hustle and his message.
Meh, Joe is a comedian and a MMA commentator I wouldn't put too much stock into what he says. His podcast has been really hit or miss recently.

definitely hit or miss.

I was more so just talking the discussion with said guest.

not really waving the Rogan flag.

it is what is is, as with most people.

my apologies.

carry on.
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definitely hit or miss.

I was more so just talking the discussion with said guest.

not really waving the Rogan flag.

it is what is is, as with most people.

my apologies.

carry on.

No reason to apologize, I was talking about the other poster saying that he must've been touched or told to change his tone on the 9/11 stuff. It's all good homie.
definitely hit or miss.

I was more so just talking the discussion with said guest.

not really waving the Rogan flag.

it is what is is, as with most people.

my apologies.

carry on.

I listened to that 5 hour podcast on my way down to san diego a couple weeks ago.

GREAT listen.

I had an awesome conversation with Mick Jenkins in frisco about a year ago. We talked about the consumer relationship with art being a selfish one. A "what can you do for me?" type of selfishness. He brought up Kanye and how every time Kanye drops something people complain because its not the Kanye you want. He likened it to a slave/slave master relationship. Making it about what the artist does for you instead of just listening to the music and understanding where the artist is coming from.

This can be applied to Joe Rogan as well.
What I'm saying is essentially what i think htg designs is saying. How long can you listen you stay engulfed in the same conspiracy theories? When do you decide to act based on the things you learned?

If you're 5 years deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole and you're essentially living the exact same life you were before you found any of that information, trying to pass that information to friends, families and strangers it aint going to work because they'll look at you and say, "meh, so what? Aint life changing cause you're still here in your same ol job, still paying taxes, still doing a b and c".

It would be hard for me to criticise Joe. He's done more for me with his podcast than any classroom ever did. He reaches millions daily and inspires people to go out and do whatever their heart desires. Is he a bro? Does he have views i dont agree with? **** yes to both. But he changed my life. I'll never knock that man's hustle and his message.

I feel you. But 911 for example is what it is. Just because time has passed doesn't change the facts or evidence. Evolving as an individual consciously and spiritually is one thing. Looking at information from different perspectives and cross examining things is healthy. Even to revisit some subjects after taking a break from being bogged down in years of study can give you a different viewpoint. I get that but sometimes **** just is what it is. I think people tend to over complicate things by over analyzing. (I'm speaking about 911) it kinda goes into the whole "nothing can be known" solipsism tip. Imo some things absolutely can be known to the point of gnosis. Just like how you explained in your video that nobody can tell you that you don't know how to tie your shoes because you know for a fact that you do. That's not rigid skepticism that's knowledge of truth. My point is just because you evolve as an individual and along with that evolution your views on certain things may mature as well doesn't mean facts change. As complex as this world is Some things are actually cut and dry. Getting caught up in being preachy and beating people over the head with all the 911 stuff gets hella old. Yeah. But part of the progression for me at least is seeing that certain people either get it or they don't and it's not my job to "wake them up". Be at peace with things you know, respect others opinions and have the ability to entertain different ideologies and opinions without accepting them. Part of being at peace with things you have an understanding of allows you to move forward
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And I feel Joe Rogan does that. You don't?

Tbh I don't mess with joe rogan anymore. He's done a complete 180 on a particular subject that I'm very familiar with which leads me to believe that he's been given restrictions or possibly even told what to say. I could be wrong though.

I don't mess with him to a fault tho I admit. I have gained a lot from his podcasts in the past but his meathead broness is extremely obnoxious to me and hard to deal with. So I guess I'm throwing the baby out with the bath water on this one.
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