Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Whats your guys take on the what seems to be an instigated race war/war against the police state?

We spoke about it a couple years ago. I think most of us saw where this was going and what the media was doing.

Thoughts now?

Ive always felt these killings were designed to draw black folks under tje terrorist umbrella. Same thing happened last time, handful of black folks killed in a short time frame, its been quite for awhile and now another 4 black folks killed by police in the last few days. Its like a dam hunting season opening then closing. Seems like they were eventually gonna turn all these terrorism laws against the domestic population. Idk whats going on now with dallas, just thinking out loud but ive always felt they were trying to provoke black folks into doing something like this. And also the divide between white and black folks widening as a result of all these killings and the blm movement.
And also the divide between white and black folks widening as a result of all these killings and the blm movement.

That's one of the best outcomes for the establishment.

As long as we bicker with each other and leave them alone, they are happy and they are winning.

Exhibit a) this guy whos been following my posts all day calling me white devil lol.
And also the divide between white and black folks widening as a result of all these killings and the blm movement.

That's one of the best outcomes for the establishment.

As long as we bicker with each other and leave them alone, they are happy and they are winning.

Exhibit a) this guy whos been following my posts all day calling me white devil lol.

The whole trump thing is playing in to it as well. Rep vs. Dem has always been a divisive tactic and its just been ratcheted up with trumps rhetoric. One thing ive noticed is killing ten birds eith one stone is a common theme so you gotta watch this from all angles and see whats flying under the radar right now.
The whole trump thing is playing in to it as well. Rep vs. Dem has always been a divisive tactic and its just been ratcheted up with trumps rhetoric. One thing ive noticed is killing ten birds eith one stone is a common theme so you gotta watch this from all angles and see whats flying under the radar right now.


They are making HATE the new wave in a myriad of different ways.
That's one of the best outcomes for the establishment.

As long as we bicker with each other and leave them alone, they are happy and they are winning.

Exhibit a) this guy whos been following my posts all day calling me white devil lol.
While this is true to a certain degree, @gamble  has a stronger point. Indigenous people have been swindled time and time again by the illusion of unity from Europeans prior to the "Establishment." One would hope by now we're not falling for the same okie doke. I know you are not a devil and you are a good person, but at the end of the day you aren't black. We've talked on numerous occasions how blacks are the sole proprietors of the ancient texts that everyone goo goo and gaga's about. If you truly believe that stuff then you gotta lot prophecy take it's place. The wheat and chaff has to be separated. If you're a righteous man there's nothing to worry about.

So I would say it's less of a distraction and more of an invitation to a dark twisted fantasy. While some may say the elite are living it up on a material realm, they are dying psycho-spiritually. This is a fight for survival more then anything. 

They know their time is up and rather then relinquish the reigns to the rightful owners they wanna start a fight with us that has nothing to do with us. 

There is no authority on earth that can rightfully govern your life. Born to this world, you and you alone control your eyes, your ears, your tongue, your hands and your mind. All authority which claims to be able to dispose of you and your abilities is deceit. You were born to this world so that you might have the free agency of life. Life is liberty. With liberty and faith in this world, you can learn and do anything. Anyone who tells you that you must yield your mind, your body, or your possessions to authority is evil. Understand that choices made of your own free will are not evil. There is nothing wrong with sacrifice, if it is made willingly. But sacrifice without choice is not sacrifice, it is slavery. Authority always places demands on people by force. Authority never asks permission. 

Evil is the destruction of freedom. It cannot be stated more simply. Everywhere you look, you will find the obfuscation of evil. There are countless ideas which are taught about the nature of evil. Every false idea is created by evil to hide truth from you. Evil is not darkness and it is not a frightening unknown. Evil is not some mystical psychology of man, nor is it inherent in our natures. It is not supernatural, and it most definitely exists. As with all principles, the principle of evil is simple. Evil is the destruction of freedom. When free, you can build glory, peace, prosperity and joy into the world. Around you, you will find all these things. Men and women like you built these things. Evil enslaves. Evil is found in words such as force, compulsion, tax, violence, theft, censure, and politics. Notice that in such things, there is no joy. None have any value to humanity. 

Evil seeks to be a master over you. Evil wants you to be a slave.What we consider as real “slavery” is indeed only one form of slavery. The African slaves in the United States were compelled to work and toil for other people's benefit. Their lives were mostly controlled for the benefit of the master, but they had some very limited freedoms. Some were able to create distinct traditions and maintain families. They did their best to build joy into their lives despite the tyranny wrought upon them. Because they were in control of portions of their lives, were they free? How much freedom does a person deserve? How much freedom can be destroyed before we recognize that it is evil? Slavery is not a concept of totality. Slavery exists wherever the freedom of man is destroyed. Theft and bullying are slavery. In history, African natives, Jews and many others have experienced lifelong slavery. The ultimate slavery is murder. Slavery stops people from being able to make choices for their own lives. Everything that restricts your mind, your movements and your speech is evil. Slavery is found in both the partial and complete destruction of freedom. Evil compels you to behave in manners that do not benefit you or those you love. Culture and law exercise overwhelming force in the name of propriety and public good. They destroy freedom, and put human lives under other people's control.
While this is true to a certain degree, @gamble
 has a stronger point. Indigenous people have been swindled time and time again by the illusion of unity from Europeans prior to the "Establishment." One would hope by now we're not falling for the same okie doke. I know you are not a devil and you are a good person, but at the end of the day you aren't black. We've talked on numerous occasions how blacks are the sole proprietors of the ancient texts that everyone goo goo and gaga's about. If you truly believe that stuff then you gotta lot prophecy take it's place. The wheat and chaff has to be separated. If you're a righteous man there's nothing to worry about.

So I would say it's less of a distraction and more of an invitation to a dark twisted fantasy. While some may say the elite are living it up on a material realm, they are dying psycho-spiritually. This is a fight for survival more then anything. 

They know their time is up and rather then relinquish the reigns to the rightful owners they wanna start a fight with us that has nothing to do with us. 

Couple quick questions.

What is the prophecy?


Who are the rightful owners of planet earth?
Before that is answered, one has to ask if you're not familiar with the history/mystery/mythology of black people, how are you able to qualify/quantify any of our experiences ? 

It just comes off extremely colonial when we have a response to a situation and you disqualify it with what you to believe true.

Fact of the matter is the situation is straight mathematics. Many pale faces before you have came in the name of peace and unity, and according to my tally it's been successful ....... 0% of the time. We'd be a fool to engage in a process that clearly doesn't work.  And that's not to say there will never be a bridge for peace, but you have to do for self. Until Whites en masse understand who and what they are they have no ground to assess anyone else's interpretation of themselves. Going off of history, one could suggest that whites may be ashamed of who and what they are. When they're not stealing someone's identity, they try to passively assimilate into the culture only to revise it as their own. 

So there is no race war being stirred. It's not even genetically possible. The black man can rid the caucasian with the use of his shaft alone, he doesn't need a gun to accomplish this objective. 

To answer your question the prophecy is the greatest story ever told. It's about the intentional rise and fall of an ancient people to evolve into something new the universe has never seen. What you seeing going on is part of the evolutionary process. White male psychology is a mirror for the original man to realize who and what he was, and more importantly to never allow himself to degrade in that state again. As far as who are the rightful owners of the planet: Take all of what the world would call "races" and sit them under the sun. Since the sun is a natural life giving entity, anyone who is natural and can with stand that should be able to inherit the planet just fine. It's said that when kundalini rises it cleanses the system of any impurities. Following the laws of Tehuti we know as above so below, as within so without. Just like we have the capacity to raise kundalini, so does the earth. Earth is doing it's part to clean itself of the impurities as well. They just call it global warming due to a lack of understanding.

And this isn't a personal attack on you. This is a dialogue on my people and our account of the universe. Since white's have no cultural system of their own to contribute, you either have to get in line with what we are saying or fall back. 
Before that is answered, one has to ask if you're not familiar with the history/mystery/mythology of black people, how are you able to qualify/quantify any of our experiences ? 

It just comes off extremely colonial when we have a response to a situation and you disqualify it with what you to believe true.

Fact of the matter is the situation is straight mathematics. Many pale faces before you have came in the name of peace and unity, and according to my tally it's been successful ....... 0% of the time. We'd be a fool to engage in a process that clearly doesn't work.  And that's not to say there will never be a bridge for peace, but you have to do for self. Until Whites en masse understand who and what they are they have no ground to assess anyone else's interpretation of themselves. Going off of history, one could suggest that whites may be ashamed of who and what they are. When they're not stealing someone's identity, they try to passively assimilate into the culture only to revise it as their own. 

So there is no race war being stirred. It's not even genetically possible. The black man can rid the caucasian with the use of his shaft alone, he doesn't need a gun to accomplish this objective. 

To answer your question the prophecy is the greatest story ever told. It's about the intentional rise and fall of an ancient people to evolve into something new the universe has never seen. What you seeing going on is part of the evolutionary process. White male psychology is a mirror for the original man to realize who and what he was, and more importantly to never allow himself to degrade in that state again. As far as who are the rightful owners of the planet: Take all of what the world would call "races" and sit them under the sun. Since the sun is a natural life giving entity, anyone who is natural and can with stand that should be able to inherit the planet just fine. It's said that when kundalini rises it cleanses the system of any impurities. Following the laws of Tehuti we know as above so below, as within so without. Just like we have the capacity to raise kundalini, so does the earth. Earth is doing it's part to clean itself of the impurities as well. They just call it global warming due to a lack of understanding.

And this isn't a personal attack on you. This is a dialogue on my people and our account of the universe. Since white's have no cultural system of their own to contribute, you either have to get in line with what we are saying or fall back. 

What an eloquent way of saying "death to white devils". And you have the nerve to speak about manifesting from love and peace. You need to go rethink some things, that was ridculous.
What an eloquent way of saying "death to white devils". And you have the nerve to speak about manifesting from love and peace. You need to go rethink some things, that was ridculous.
Anything you are willing to point out that I said was false and not some feel good rhetoric to circle jerk one another?
What an eloquent way of saying "death to white devils". And you have the nerve to speak about manifesting from love and peace. You need to go rethink some things, that was ridculous.

Anything you are willing to point out that I said was false and not some feel good rhetoric to circle jerk one another?

Do you see the irony in your response? The white man cant withstand the sun and therefore has no claim on the planet. The planet is cleansing itself of the impurities which are apparently white people. Whites have no culture of their own. Death to the white devil is somewhat of a parody at this point but it arises from the rehtoric you are spitting in here. Pure speculation, not one fact. How about you prove one single thing you said to that end, since you said it, instead of asking me to tell you whats false. All that what you're talking about is not helping anything or anyone and certainly isnt a manifestation of peace and love, brotha!
And I suppose the white man you're defending is manifesting peace and love when he makes threads mocking your own people, spews bs about some fictitious media fed race war while completely ignoring the realities that his own kind have plagued on people of color for how long? Comical.

Smells like tap dancing to me.
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Do you see the irony in your response? The white man cant withstand the sun and therefore has no claim on the planet. The planet is cleansing itself of the impurities which are apparently white people. Whites have no culture of their own. Death to the white devil is somewhat of a parody at this point but it arises from the rehtoric you are spitting in here. Pure speculation, not one fact. How about you prove one single thing you said to that end, since you said it, instead of asking me to tell you whats false. All that what you're talking about is not helping anything or anyone and certainly isnt a manifestation of peace and love, brotha!
I am not back pedaling on my statement when i say this, but that was the inference that you made and I can see how you would get to the conclusion. However, it's your choice so take it as you may.

What is fact is that the lack of melanin is not a natural condition. So when i have a conversation with Ben and I ask him where they come from and he can't give me an answer, how am I supposed to let him be the authority on my people/culture and how we go about things when he hasn't done the knowledge on himself or his people. Again that's no shade to him, but it's just the nature of what's at hand. We've all said in here that the knowledge of self is the most supreme knowledge on the planet, so when you have a lack of understanding regards to the basics of your physical anatomy it's difficult for me to take you seriously on things that transcend the physical. 

It's also fact that every time a european has integrated with indigenous people, death and destruction soon follow. Not that i think that is Ben's intentions in the slightest, but history has proven time and time again its not going to work out for us.

So when you talk about peace and love, you have to understand that chaos precedes all of that. From chaos comes order. In order to bring chaos to order you have to be willing to deal with the true nature of the chaos that has bequeathed this current space and time. The majority of people are not. When you can walk me through the journey of space and time of how we started to where we're at then we can have a conversation about peace and love. But from where you stand my brother you're shouting out instructions to someone who has already ran the marathon. 
And I suppose the white man you're defending is manifesting peace and love when he makes threads mocking your own people, spews bs about some fictitious media fed race war while completely ignoring the realities that his own kind have plagued on people of color for how long? Comical.

Smells like tap dancing to me.

Honestly, you have too much hate in your heart and you are entirely too emotional to even have a conversation with about anything race related.

It would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to defend myself and point out how wrong you are because your own racist prejudices wont allow you, not me, to see what's real and what isn't.

So miss me with all your nonsense and go back to the other threads with your fake outrage. Cause at the end of the day, what are you doing to fix anything you're complaining about? Not a damn thing.
I am not back pedaling on my statement when i say this, but that was the inference that you made and I can see how you would get to the conclusion. However, it's your choice so take it as you may.

What is fact is that the lack of melanin is not a natural condition. So when i have a conversation with Ben and I ask him where they come from and he can't give me an answer, how am I supposed to let him be the authority on my people/culture and how we go about things when he hasn't done the knowledge on himself or his people. Again that's no shade to him, but it's just the nature of what's at hand. We've all said in here that the knowledge of self is the most supreme knowledge on the planet, so when you have a lack of understanding regards to the basics of your physical anatomy it's difficult for me to take you seriously on things that transcend the physical. 

It's also fact that every time a european has integrated with indigenous people, death and destruction soon follow. Not that i think that is Ben's intentions in the slightest, but history has proven time and time again its not going to work out for us.

So when you talk about peace and love, you have to understand that chaos precedes all of that. From chaos comes order. In order to bring chaos to order you have to be willing to deal with the true nature of the chaos that has bequeathed this current space and time. The majority of people are not. When you can walk me through the journey of space and time of how we started to where we're at then we can have a conversation about peace and love. But from where you stand my brother you're shouting out instructions to someone who has already ran the marathon. 

edit: let me get to a computer lol.
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Fake outrage says the white man LOL I'm living this, you would have no clue which is the entire point. Fortunately your privilege doesn't disallow me from participating in this thread like I always have so deal with it bruh. It's all peace & we're all human until it comes down to actualizing the privileged lens you spew your bs from. You're full of it complete with all the catch phrases typical of your kind.
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