So you chillin in bed w/ ya girl at 2AM.... (UPDATE: Pg. 5)

Originally Posted by FeelMode

I mean, im seriously arguing with a chick that is still a girl, talking about smoking and rocking a "team" sig. i should have just not even responded.

I love NT, but i think i be taking it to serious sometimes
Clearly you are taking it a little too seriously. Catching feelings over what someone on the internet said to you. I never said that I knew you oryour girl but based my whole argument was based solely on what you typed. Now I thought you were gonna stop responding?
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

You know you're one of maybe 10 people who's opinion I'd take seriously on this issue, right? Most of NT's smash-happy youth ain't never even looked in the direction of where you and your fiance (hubby?!
) are standing or where I might be headed if the future plays out well. That's important to remember and easy to forget at times.
Im old enough to see that you chick aint as innocent as you think she is

You remind of this this dude I used to chill with. His chick ruined his life
.... He started making excuses for HER actions just like you are
OK, school me on this girl you know so well and I don't want to hear a single generalization. I want personality traits, background info, upbringing details, religious views, sad memories, life goals, lessons learned, and even favorite movies. GO!
..I don't have to make excuses because I live in her head. I know who she is and why she is the way she is. I don't have to monitor her because I'm never surprised. I can predict her actions based on knowing her M.O, before hand.... can u? Have you? I have. At times it scares her how intuned I am with the parts of her psych that she doesn't even fully understand, but she trusts my research and so she lets me guide her through her life. I know every little detail about her because if she didn't tell me, my boy did. Or his mom did. Both of which I've known for the last 8 years and consider them the same as blood relatives. Niether of those 2 people would set me up for failure and my friend was the one that said "Ay man, real talk, u ned to meet my cousin bro" in the first place. This ain't a chick I met in a bar fam. This isn't some random broad. Don't underestimate my thoroughness. I've done my homework and studied very well. You're just picking C on the multiple choice parts. I can write the essays with ease..

The end.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

iight, hypothetical, rilla, if ole girl one day DID do something to surprise you, what would your reaction be?

like you got her "figured out." you know how she is and what she's about...

and I'm not even talking sexual, just in general....

I don't know. I've never been wrong. Ever. I guess me having a way with words and knowing her buttons and all, I'd know which buttonsto push and how to push them achieve the desired result. And she knows this, and it scares her. So she stays predictable, as do I. Really though, it'skinda hard to be somebody else when you've been being yourself for years. The key is knowing the dominant character traits that come together to make upone's decision making precedences. From there, there aren't many surprises. People will be themselves 9 times out of 9 and a half, if given theopportunity. I'm not that worried. Most people are surprised because something happens that they didn't expect because that was the subject theydidn't study as well as they thought. Which draws back to me knowing this subject well and being able to do the essays with ease.Tests don't throwcurve balls. Pitchers do.

Yeah Dre, I am one rapping %$$ __.. and I'ma do numbers. But I ain't gotta rap, I'ma do numbers.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Yea the ex wedding proposal was never clarified. If it was I missed it.

Huh? Yes it was, she said No. And he's still trying to work that we can be friends angle. I'm surprised NT has lost faith in the friendzone'sinfallibility
Originally Posted by Jfresh7

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

You know you're one of maybe 10 people who's opinion I'd take seriously on this issue, right? Most of NT's smash-happy youth ain't never even looked in the direction of where you and your fiance (hubby?!
) are standing or where I might be headed if the future plays out well. That's important to remember and easy to forget at times.
Im old enough to see that you chick aint as innocent as you think she is

You remind of this this dude I used to chill with. His chick ruined his life
.... He started making excuses for HER actions just like you are
OK, school me on this girl you know so well and I don't want to hear a single generalization. I want personality traits, background info, upbringing details, religious views, sad memories, life goals, lessons learned, and even favorite movies. GO!
..I don't have to make excuses because I live in her head. I know who she is and why she is the way she is. I don't have to monitor her because I'm never surprised. I can predict her actions based on knowing her M.O, before hand.... can u? Have you? I have. At times it scares her how intuned I am with the parts of her psych that she doesn't even fully understand, but she trusts my research and so she lets me guide her through her life. I know every little detail about her because if she didn't tell me, my boy did. Or his mom did. Both of which I've known for the last 8 years and consider them the same as blood relatives. Niether of those 2 people would set me up for failure and my friend was the one that said "Ay man, real talk, u ned to meet my cousin bro" in the first place. This ain't a chick I met in a bar fam. This isn't some random broad. Don't underestimate my thoroughness. I've done my homework and studied very well. You're just picking C on the multiple choice parts. I can write the essays with ease..

The end.

*un-ignore user's posts*


Gotta go for real NT... I'm hungry!
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including mynt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that Ihave nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I haveno control over.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Yea the ex wedding proposal was never clarified. If it was I missed it.

Huh? Yes it was, she said No. And he's still trying to work that we can be friends angle. I'm surprised NT has lost faith in the friendzone's infallibility
That doesnt tell me much. Is he an ex? How long did they go out? How long before she met you? I mean if we were in a relationship long enough forme to propose and even if you say no the friendzone is very weak like a Box and 1
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including my nt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that I have nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I have no control over.
Ain't nobody talking to you
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including my nt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that I have nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I have no control over.

I don't know anything about YOUR situation, but you gave him a reason to want those passwords. That reason is still in the way of your relationship
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including my nt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that I have nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I have no control over.
Ain't nobody talking to you

I don't believe I was talking to you either.
you two need to cut that #%%* was funny the first few times now everytime i see enphan i know some ridiculous back and forth is coming...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you two need to cut that #%%* was funny the first few times now everytime i see enphan i know some ridiculous back and forth is coming...
But this time it wasn't with enphan so what are you saying?
This __ said box and 1... OMG..that's insanely hilarious
... Fam acting like my lady plays that Denver nuggets quarter court, "3 feet nopressure" $%* defense

I don't know who this guy is. She says he was her best friend when he went here (BSU) so maybe he tried to make a leap of faith from friend to husband.Maybe he was tagging (I seriously doubt it but I'm not an idealist at all). Either way, he swung and missed. Now seriously NT, STOP ENTERTAINING ME SO DAMNMUCH! I'm too hungry and
to still be here in this library

I'm a junkie for this damn website, I swear
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including my nt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that I have nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I have no control over.

I don't know anything about YOUR situation, but you gave him a reason to want those passwords. That reason is still in the way of your relationship

I can't help it if he's insecure. He should have got an ugly gf. If giving him my pwords means avoiding a needless accusation/argument then it'swhatever.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you two need to cut that #%%* was funny the first few times now everytime i see enphan i know some ridiculous back and forth is coming...

5iveonit wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
you two need to cut that #%%* was funny the first few times now everytime i see enphan i know some ridiculous back and forth is coming...
But this time it wasn't with enphan so what are you saying?

you two are arguing about some guy you bought weed from...even if it wasn't directed at him he quotes and responds...its irritating...
Who was the Nter whose girl tried to get em with the knife? And found out later she started doing coke cause of him? I forget but that relationship had majorproblems
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by FeelMode

I mean, im seriously arguing with a chick that is still a girl, talking about smoking and rocking a "team" sig. i should have just not even responded.

I love NT, but i think i be taking it to serious sometimes
Clearly you are taking it a little too seriously. Catching feelings over what someone on the internet said to you. I never said that I knew you or your girl but based my whole argument was based solely on what you typed. Now I thought you were gonna stop responding?

first, i never said i was done responding, 2nd the same chick trying to say my girl is weakminded because she doesnt want a cell phone is now typing that herdude has all of her PW's

Very comical, look you are a kid, maybe in college but you are still a kid. You might as well just fall back, this stuff cant be good for you and your dudesrelationship. why are you even on NT? I mean its none of my business eN, but why do you let her even come on here?

wait, of course you letting her do anything makes her weakmined, ok got it.
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NothingBefore


Exactly, bro you seem like a cool dude, but she is cheating on you, at the very least emotionally.

I have nothing to hide. I don't have a fb or myspace account. He has the pword to my aim, email, tmobile and whatever else that needs a pword including my nt account. He can see who I called/texted, at what time, in addition to what area/phone # the text was sent to. I did that out of respect and to prove that I have nothing to hide. Enphan pretty much has all the bases covered, which is why I don't see why he trips over every little thing even things that I have no control over.

I don't know anything about YOUR situation, but you gave him a reason to want those passwords. That reason is still in the way of your relationship

I can't help it if he's insecure. He should have got an ugly gf. If giving him my pwords means avoiding a needless accusation/argument then it's whatever.

Trust me, giving passwords doesn't "avoid" anything......
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

5iveonit wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
you two need to cut that #%%* was funny the first few times now everytime i see enphan i know some ridiculous back and forth is coming...
But this time it wasn't with enphan so what are you saying?

you two are arguing about some guy you bought weed from...even if it wasn't directed at him he quotes and responds...its irritating...

Well I'll start posting like this so you can avoid my posts next time, ok?
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