So this is how we disrespect the Based God?(update)


That was a +@*$# move. I dont support Lil B (although I think dude is hilarious) but he didnt deserve that. He seems like a cool dude despite being crazy.

+@%%% move if i ever saw one,

dude still making moves & is on wshh every other day,


Both them dudes took big Ls. How you sucker punch dude out of no where? and just walk off? Dude should have chased after him.
good lookin on that re-up, surprised no one did anything and dude hella just walked off
For all of the people that keep saying they don't understand the whole #BASED movement...let me explain it for you:
There ARE listeners out here with a sense of humor who don't need for every artist they like to be on some typical rap $%@* 24/7. And that's regardless of content...whether you like that backpack, save the world $%@* or you like trap music...or the in-between rappers. That's what Lil B presents. We're not acting like the N' is Nas or some $%@*. Simply put...dude is entertaining. I don't know what else to explain about the $%@*. I wonder how some of you _'s were in school or what type of people you hung around. Are ya'll always uptight with a stick up your !%$? 

Get over the whole, "I'm a princess"..."I'm a pretty B" $%@*. Lighten up *%$*%. It's all jokes. Stop acting like..." can you guys listen to someone who calls themselves this and that". Ya'll can go watch Steve Carrell or Will Ferrell movies where they be saying some off the wall $%@* and laugh at it...but Lil B says it and ya'll start playing the suspect card. How about you ponder which of your favorite artists/athletes/entertainers actually are butt pirates that ya'll probably look up to...cause rest assured...they out here. I swear...some of ya'll _'s would absolutely LAME to hang out with. Probably go out with your _'s to get some +$$*#@% while blasting some Joel Ortiz or some $%@*. 

At the end of the day...everyone who %++%% with Lil B just appreciate the entertainment value and the fact that dude's just a weird/unique individual and brings a different aspect that isn't just cut and dry like most rappers. You really don't know what you're going to get from him. He can make a video saying some of the most outrageous $%@* ever and then turn around and start spittin some real $%@*. It ain't for everyone...but me personally...I like that $%@*.

So stop asking about the $%@* every damn Lil B thread. It's like ya'll _'s get genuinely mad cause people find dude entertaining. Some of the $%@* I'm reading on Twitter from some of ya'll is just on some straight hatin $%@*. Yeah seeing someone get punched is funny...but reading ya'll reasons for WHY you find it funny is real suspect. 
Originally Posted by Im Not You

For all of the people that keep saying they don't understand the whole #BASED movement...let me explain it for you:
There ARE listeners out here with a sense of humor who don't need for every artist they like to be on some typical rap @+%* 24/7. And that's regardless of content...whether you like that backpack, save the world @+%* or you like trap music...or the in-between rappers. That's what Lil B presents. We're not acting like the N' is Nas or some @+%*. Simply put...dude is entertaining. I don't know what else to explain about the @+%*. I wonder how some of you _'s were in school or what type of people you hung around. Are ya'll always uptight with a stick up your *#$? 

Get over the whole, "I'm a princess"..."I'm a pretty B" @+%*. Lighten up @@#+*. It's all jokes. Stop acting like..." can you guys listen to someone who calls themselves this and that". Ya'll can go watch Steve Carrell or Will Ferrell movies where they be saying some off the wall @+%* and laugh at it...but Lil B says it and ya'll start playing the suspect card. How about you ponder which of your favorite artists/athletes/entertainers actually are butt pirates that ya'll probably look up to...cause rest assured...they out here. I swear...some of ya'll _'s would absolutely LAME to hang out with. Probably go out with your _'s to get some $$#%!#! while blasting some Joel Ortiz or some @+%*. 

At the end of the day...everyone who *%!*+ with Lil B just appreciate the entertainment value and the fact that dude's just a weird/unique individual and brings a different aspect that isn't just cut and dry like most rappers. You really don't know what you're going to get from him. He can make a video saying some of the most outrageous @+%* ever and then turn around and start spittin some real @+%*. It ain't for everyone...but me personally...I like that @+%*.

So stop asking about the @+%* every damn Lil B thread. It's like ya'll _'s get genuinely mad cause people find dude entertaining. Some of the @+%* I'm reading on Twitter from some of ya'll is just on some straight hatin @+%*. Yeah seeing someone get punched is funny...but reading ya'll reasons for WHY you find it funny is real suspect. 

you must be on dude's payroll.

is it that serious you wrote a short essay about it?
I swear...some of ya'll _'s would absolutely LAME to hang out with. Probably go out with your _'s to get some +$$*#@% while blasting some Joel Ortiz or some $%@*. 

Why does the video say "Career ender", when it never got started though.
Get over the whole, "I'm a princess"..."I'm a pretty B" $%@*. Lighten up *%$*%. It's all jokes.
So basically its something wrong with a person who doesn't find that @++# entertaining? 

 @ the punch too.  Somebody PLEASE put Kobe's face on Lil B!!!
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Im Not You

For all of the people that keep saying they don't understand the whole #BASED movement...let me explain it for you:
There ARE listeners out here with a sense of humor who don't need for every artist they like to be on some typical rap @+%* 24/7. And that's regardless of content...whether you like that backpack, save the world @+%* or you like trap music...or the in-between rappers. That's what Lil B presents. We're not acting like the N' is Nas or some @+%*. Simply put...dude is entertaining. I don't know what else to explain about the @+%*. I wonder how some of you _'s were in school or what type of people you hung around. Are ya'll always uptight with a stick up your *#$? 

Get over the whole, "I'm a princess"..."I'm a pretty B" @+%*. Lighten up @@#+*. It's all jokes. Stop acting like..." can you guys listen to someone who calls themselves this and that". Ya'll can go watch Steve Carrell or Will Ferrell movies where they be saying some off the wall @+%* and laugh at it...but Lil B says it and ya'll start playing the suspect card. How about you ponder which of your favorite artists/athletes/entertainers actually are butt pirates that ya'll probably look up to...cause rest assured...they out here. I swear...some of ya'll _'s would absolutely LAME to hang out with. Probably go out with your _'s to get some $$#%!#! while blasting some Joel Ortiz or some @+%*. 

At the end of the day...everyone who *%!*+ with Lil B just appreciate the entertainment value and the fact that dude's just a weird/unique individual and brings a different aspect that isn't just cut and dry like most rappers. You really don't know what you're going to get from him. He can make a video saying some of the most outrageous @+%* ever and then turn around and start spittin some real @+%*. It ain't for everyone...but me personally...I like that @+%*.

So stop asking about the @+%* every damn Lil B thread. It's like ya'll _'s get genuinely mad cause people find dude entertaining. Some of the @+%* I'm reading on Twitter from some of ya'll is just on some straight hatin @+%*. Yeah seeing someone get punched is funny...but reading ya'll reasons for WHY you find it funny is real suspect. 

you must be on dude's payroll.

is it that serious you wrote a short essay about it?
Naw. I think what he wrote was justified. 
Originally Posted by Im Not You

For all of the people that keep saying they don't understand the whole #BASED movement...let me explain it for you:
There ARE listeners out here with a sense of humor who don't need for every artist they like to be on some typical rap $%@* 24/7. And that's regardless of content...whether you like that backpack, save the world $%@* or you like trap music...or the in-between rappers. That's what Lil B presents. We're not acting like the N' is Nas or some $%@*. Simply put...dude is entertaining. I don't know what else to explain about the $%@*. I wonder how some of you _'s were in school or what type of people you hung around. Are ya'll always uptight with a stick up your !%$? 

Get over the whole, "I'm a princess"..."I'm a pretty B" $%@*. Lighten up *%$*%. It's all jokes. Stop acting like..." can you guys listen to someone who calls themselves this and that". Ya'll can go watch Steve Carrell or Will Ferrell movies where they be saying some off the wall $%@* and laugh at it...but Lil B says it and ya'll start playing the suspect card. How about you ponder which of your favorite artists/athletes/entertainers actually are butt pirates that ya'll probably look up to...cause rest assured...they out here. I swear...some of ya'll _'s would absolutely LAME to hang out with. Probably go out with your _'s to get some +$$*#@% while blasting some Joel Ortiz or some $%@*. 

At the end of the day...everyone who %++%% with Lil B just appreciate the entertainment value and the fact that dude's just a weird/unique individual and brings a different aspect that isn't just cut and dry like most rappers. You really don't know what you're going to get from him. He can make a video saying some of the most outrageous $%@* ever and then turn around and start spittin some real $%@*. It ain't for everyone...but me personally...I like that $%@*.

So stop asking about the $%@* every damn Lil B thread. It's like ya'll _'s get genuinely mad cause people find dude entertaining. Some of the $%@* I'm reading on Twitter from some of ya'll is just on some straight hatin $%@*. Yeah seeing someone get punched is funny...but reading ya'll reasons for WHY you find it funny is real suspect. 


You sound extra sensitive, stop being a little diva.

I really think this is some long, inside joke NT is pulling with actually liking this dude and having pages upon pages of a thread on his "music" 
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