So This Chick Asked Me To Pay A $150 Phone Bill On A First Date

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

hahhaa, my girl paying for my iphone bills $110. and i'm paying for her 24 hour fitness bill $16. lol THIS IS 2009, FEMALE suppose to paid bra.

Run that back?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by bruza

i would've ended the date as soon as she asked about paying her bill.

i would think long and hard about paying my GF's bills (most likely saying NO).

How do these "women" expect us to treat them as equals when they come off with ridiculous questions like this?
NOTHING to think about. The answer is NO
You're right I stand corrected.
This will forever be infamously embedded in my brain as one of the funniest stories about chickenheads that I have ever heard in my 19 years of existence
remember this saying

"if you give a woman a fish you feed her for a day, if you teach a women how to fish you feed her for life"

this girl obviously doesn't know how regular people get money in the real world. THEY WORK!!!

so what you need to do is be the bigger person and better person in this situation and give her the long term solution she needs.

call her and tell her, "baby i thought about your phone bill problem so i'm going to make sure you never have this problem again. i'm going to thesprint store to get this problem fixed today."

get her a job application for the store and tell her that you thought about paying her phone bill but then she might end up in the same situation next month,so instead you got her a job application so that she can earn money and not have the same problem happen again.
Damn, she tried to use you dawg. When i was 18, this chick in Cali tried to use me for rides to get around because she didn't have a car. I noticed aroundthe 4th time I saw her when she was like "can you take me to my friends house." At this point, I'm asking her questions like, who's yourfriend and things like that. She's like "he's a guy I know from school." I asked what she needed to see him for and she told me that she justwanted to visit, that I could just drop her off and leave if I wanted (she knew I had to go to the store). So in my head I'm like, ok trick. I told hr Ihad to go to walmart first and I ended up taking her to the opposite side of town and left her there at the store. It's the meanest thing I've done toa girl but to this date I don't know if she was going to the guys house to bone him or if she was really just going to see a friend. I didn't take anychances though. Never talked to her again. There are some shady girls out there! lol
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Damn, she tried to use you dawg. When i was 18, this chick in Cali tried to use me for rides to get around because she didn't have a car. I noticed around the 4th time I saw her when she was like "can you take me to my friends house." At this point, I'm asking her questions like, who's your friend and things like that. She's like "he's a guy I know from school." I asked what she needed to see him for and she told me that she just wanted to visit, that I could just drop her off and leave if I wanted (she knew I had to go to the store). So in my head I'm like, ok trick. I told hr I had to go to walmart first and I ended up taking her to the opposite side of town and left her there at the store. It's the meanest thing I've done to a girl but to this date I don't know if she was going to the guys house to bone him or if she was really just going to see a friend. I didn't take any chances though. Never talked to her again. There are some shady girls out there! lol
riveting tale chap
lol at her not even trying to slob your knob at the very least before asking about the bill.
Originally Posted by LifeisMoreThanKicks

Starts off normal, she picks me up, takes me to a spot to eat.
Thats not should have picked her up, but since that went down, she should have known you didnt have it if you needed to be picked up.

No way do I let a shorty I have the slightest interest in pick me up for a first date.
She drove because I was visiting from NY and didn't rent a whip. We were going to the Sprint store because she said she was going to pay it cash. I askedwhy she didn't use a card she said cause she didn't want to :-/ . I never said I would pay her bill, said we can talk about it when she called me 8:30am saying her phone was cut off. I wasn't on the phone with her, texting while bored. Chilled with other girls that were a lot nicer.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I said I'm not coming unless we doing something

you should have said lose my phone number instead.
Wrong. You should have said if you swallow my children ill pay the bill.

and after she swallows the children, just dont pay the bill

no..b/c that's just stooping to her level of trying to use people.
I'm better than that...I hold myself to a higher standard.

nahh...i fight fire wit fire...

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I live in Atlanta.. All these wack @@@ NY'ers came down here messing the game up. Trickin off on these o's. The south was always on some pimp !%% ... you chumps on some throw it in the bag !%% .

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