So This Chick Asked Me To Pay A $150 Phone Bill On A First Date

Can't do it.......

Can't win with em......

Cant't do it.....
damn so this happened on NT?

i saw this on, and thought it was from him

i should have known better, cuz of the gif usage.....

but anyway post pics!!!!

and furthermore, ATL chicks are ALL on some trickin %$#+... if u aint got it you aint gettin it.
Avg chicks are a differfent story, you can put some pipe in them.... but the dimes, its not poppin.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

damn so this happened on NT?

i saw this on, and thought it was from him

i should have known better, cuz of the gif usage.....

but anyway post pics!!!!

and furthermore, ATL chicks are ALL on some trickin %$#+... if u aint got it you aint gettin it.
Avg chicks are a differfent story, you can put some pipe in them.... but the dimes, its not poppin.
I think he is the guy that wrote it on realtalkny. I came in here also like dude just copied this of of realtalkny.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I said I'm not coming unless we doing something

you should have said lose my phone number instead.
Wrong. You should have said if you swallow my children ill pay the bill.

and after she swallows the children, just dont pay the bill

no..b/c that's just stooping to her level of trying to use people.
I'm better than that...I hold myself to a higher standard.

Imagine the job she would do if she think shes getting 150 out of it. She's the one that was dumb enough tothink you would pay here phone bill. Teach her a lesson, its not right to give head to pay your phone bill. Better find you a good man, and treat himright.
You lazy bumbs never wana read.

But got damn !! That's a bold !%% right there. Wouldn't be suprised if she wasn't a prostitute. She woulda got that bill paid and never saw youagain. I live in Atlanta.. All these wack @@@ NY'ers came down here messing the game up. Trickin off on these o's. The south was always on some pimp!%% ... you chumps on some throw it in the bag !%% .
man since i was 12 and a girl asked me for some pizza at summer camp fronting like she liked me only to peace out 2 slices richer a chick cant get nothing fromme.

oh i can't beat cause i didnt buy you those 400 dollar bamboo earings you wanted for xmas?

oh you can't talk to me unless i buy you a long island ice tea?

oh im not baller enough for you cause i dont wanna buy a 60 dollar bottle of goose for 200 at the club?

Originally Posted by bruza

i would've ended the date as soon as she asked about paying her bill.

i would think long and hard about paying my GF's bills (most likely saying NO).

How do these "women" expect us to treat them as equals when they come off with ridiculous questions like this?
NOTHING to think about. The answer is NO
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by LifeisMoreThanKicks

So I'm out in Atlanta, the capitol of tricking, and I decide to go out with this chick since I had nothing to do during the day. Starts off
normal, she picks me up, takes me to a spot to eat. She comes off as a genuine girl, not caught up in facades and going to school. Of course I take everything
she says with a grain of salt but it was a cool lunch. She then talks about how her phone is about to get cut off and and calls her dad for money but gets
. She jokingly says I should pay the 100+ bill which I of course laugh off. We take forever to get to a Sprint store and its closed and she asks me again.
At this point I did this..

Wait, what?

If she didn't have the money, her dad wouldn't give it to her and you said no, why were you on your way to the Sprint store? Am I missing something?

She is on some you can come see me if you reimburse me the money like you
said you would
Sounds like you told her yes, but then the Sprint place was closed and she wanted the cash and thats when you said no....

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