So This Chick Asked Me To Pay A $150 Phone Bill On A First Date

Originally Posted by AmberElise04

Mistake #1: You took her to the movies even after she hit you up for some money. Should've "had something suddenly come up" and bolted.

Mistake #2: You continued contact and communication with her. How the heck do you go from someone asking you to pay for a phone bill to you OWE her $700??

Mistake #3: You did not provide cliffnotes on NT. This my friend, was your biggest mistake. Reading is intimidating on this forum.

Mistake #4: You already knew someone was going to ask for pics...


Yea, dude is BUGGIN. After she asked about her phone bill i woulda used the bathroom and stuck her #*@ with THAT bill, But im grimy like that with women whoact like that.

Ive done that before actually........Ol babe asked me to buy her a $100 jacket after i stopped at the mall and bought me a $450 coat a few years ago (My othercoat ripped when i went to pick her up). I stopped at a walgreens and asked her to go in and get me some asprin because i had a headache for my"Headache".......I gave her $4, which was plenty for her to get home and proceeded to leave her #*@. She called me after 10 minutes of waiting andasked where i was.....when i told her #*@ off, she asked how she was supposed to get home, i said "Hope you didnt throw your receipt away" and hungup.

THIS is why i married a cheap, plain jane and hard working woman........She wont buy anything expensive for herself but will pay whatever for something forsomeone else
Originally Posted by LifeisMoreThanKicks

So I'm out in Atlanta, the capitol of tricking, and I decide to go out with this chick since I had nothing to do during the day. Starts off normal, she picks me up, takes me to a spot to eat. She comes off as a genuine girl, not caught up in facades and going to school. Of course I take everything she says with a grain of salt but it was a cool lunch. She then talks about how her phone is about to get cut off and and calls her dad for money but gets nada. She jokingly says I should pay the 100+ bill which I of course laugh off. We take forever to get to a Sprint store and its closed and she asks me again. At this point I did this..

Wait, what?

If she didn't have the money, her dad wouldn't give it to her and you said no, why were you on your way to the Sprint store? Am I missing something?

She is on some you can come see me if you reimburse me the money like you said you would
Sounds like you told her yes, but then the Sprint place was closed and she wanted the cash and thats when you said no....
"I usually make genuine guys wait months, but since you want to go this route you got to pay $700."

Glorified prostitute.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by LifeisMoreThanKicks

So I'm out in Atlanta, the capitol of tricking, and I decide to go out with this chick since I had nothing to do during the day. Starts off normal, she picks me up, takes me to a spot to eat. She comes off as a genuine girl, not caught up in facades and going to school. Of course I take everything she says with a grain of salt but it was a cool lunch. She then talks about how her phone is about to get cut off and and calls her dad for money but gets nada. She jokingly says I should pay the 100+ bill which I of course laugh off. We take forever to get to a Sprint store and its closed and she asks me again. At this point I did this..

Wait, what?

If she didn't have the money, her dad wouldn't give it to her and you said no, why were you on your way to the Sprint store? Am I missing something?

She is on some you can come see me if you reimburse me the money like you said you would
Sounds like you told her yes, but then the Sprint place was closed and she wanted the cash and thats when you said no....

Yes sir it does he told her yes then backtracked
My question is why is there so much trickin in ATL? It's so many bad chicks down there. I'm guessing it's ridiculously easy to bag an above averagechick, but when you get to the dimes, they act like you gotta pay to play.
I cannot believe she asked for money like that on the first date. I don't talk about my finances with men.
i would've ended the date as soon as she asked about payingher bill.

i would think long and hard about paying my GF's bills (most likely saying NO).

How do these "women" expect us to treat them as equals when they come off with ridiculous questions like this?
The moment she started talked about 700$ I would have LAUGHED and hung up. That B is crazy. Post pics and 700$ for one time is WAY too much. Prostitues donteven charge that much

that "it aint trickin if you got it" statement needs to be permadeaded. pumping these dumb, lazy, ignorant broads up and making these women (who willeventually become mothers) instill these bad habits on their future kids.

i swear the next girl that asks me for money or tries to make a simp out of me, im going to take her to a few stores hand her job applications and a pen andtell her, "if you give a woman a fish you feed her for a day, if you teach a women how to fish you feed her for life"
Isn't ATL .... the gayest city in America ........ Then you got women like this playing the game backwards ............ turning off the few straight menwith this type of foolishness
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