So the Taliban Pulled Up and Overthrew.

I have empathy for what those people are going through but we can't act as if America is in some grand position to be helping everyone else.
foreigners/refugees have more will and determination to Work. They also want free speech to complain about the same thing your questioning.
Page 10809 and onward in the Political Thread I have numerous posts regarding the situation

If you a summary:

-Taliban taking over again was destined to happen. Nearly everyone thought it would happen eventually, Trump included. The shock is it happened so quickly with such little resistance

-The president to blame for this situation is neither Biden nor Trump, it is Bush. We should have never gone over there, and even if 9/11 pushed us in that direction he still botched it worse than anyone

-Afghanistan is nearly impossible to hold. The British Empire failed, the Russians were more murderous than us and failed, we failed. If someone else tries, they will fail.

-The Afghan government is corrupt and had little interest in stopping the Taliban

-The Afghan military rolled over faster than most predicted, but I don't blame these dudes for not wanting to die for a hopeless fight

-A lot of Afghans wanted the US gone

-The biggest mistake the Biden Admin made was assuming the Afghan army would be able to hold off the Taliban for at least 6 months. After a little while, they just gave up, and let them take over. Which caused the panic to evacuate so quickly this weekend.

-I feel really sad for all the people whose lives will be affected by this

-I hope we can get all our collaborators out of the country in time

-The US should be willing to takin in million of refugees but this country will never do that. At best the people who aided the military will be let in

-Most dudes that will Monday morning quarterback this will be wrong. Because they will treat foreign policy/middle east policy/Afghan policy like it is a game instead of a complex situation that has been misrepresented in your news for decades.

-People will complain about the US's exit, but nearly will offer no good alternative strategy of what should have been done. Conservatives, progressives, and "both sides" dudes that are inclined to criticize Biden will ignore a lot to make their simplistic take work. Again, Bush is the President people should be upset at all things considered.

So in short, this was a 20-year ****show that ended in a 3-day **** show.

Just caught up with this thread, and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford post obviously stood out the most.

He did an excellent job of summing up what's been going down for the past 20+ years out there. I would like to add a few other points worth mentioning:

1. This is NOT Bidens or Trumps fault. They weren't in office when the genesis of this went down. Neither was Obama. We need to seriously talk about how Bush Jr started all this along with Cheney and Rumsfeld. Hell, I'd even go as far as to say Sr. had a hand at this as well.

2. It's been understated how China could emerge as a key player in this situation. They've been knocking on the door of establishing political foreign presence for quite some time now. This is their moment.
I thought Trump said he made a landmark peace agreement with the Taliban? What happened with all that?

He did, that's part of the reason we're in this mess. It was contingent on them cutting ties to Al-Qaeda but many experts believe they haven't.

China has already recognized the Taliban govt and are already planning to include Afghanistan in their belt and road initiative.


If you guys really want to understand what's going on I encourage you guys to educate yourselves on the history of Afghanistan. Read up on the Anglo-Afghan wars, the formation of the Durand line, the creation of Pakistan, ISI and Operation Cyclone.

Afghanistan has just been a pawn in the colonizers and super powers long obsessed game with our most valuable resource, location. If you control Afghanistan you essentially control key trade routes to South Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and China. Our minerals and natural resources are just the icing on the cake.
Again, idiotic take. They live in a place where a bombing is a weekly thing and the females are sold or married at a young age. They now live in a place where everyday could be your last. Just sit this one out
Sounds like certain parts of America minus the bombing... especially ones that have black and brown people. I completely understand what trynafeelmink trynafeelmink is saying. Most of those people coming over here will feel out of place and probably end up sleeping under a bridge.. A few might get lucky and set up businesses in black neighborhoods.
Sounds like certain parts of America minus the bombing... especially ones that have black and brown people. I completely understand what trynafeelmink trynafeelmink is saying. Most of those people coming over here will feel out of place and probably end up sleeping under a bridge.. A few might get lucky and set up businesses in black neighborhoods.

Man yall say some of the most ignorant things.
Sounds like certain parts of America minus the bombing... especially ones that have black and brown people. I completely understand what trynafeelmink trynafeelmink is saying. Most of those people coming over here will feel out of place and probably end up sleeping under a bridge.. A few might get lucky and set up businesses in black neighborhoods.
Name of these parts of america

uncle joe really fumbled the ball

I was all for Biden getting the troops out as much as I don’t like him
but this is a huge embarrassment

uncle joe really fumbled the ball

I was all for Biden getting the troops out as much as I don’t like him
but this is a huge embarrassment

Joe inherited a great situation in Afghanistan, and really ****** it up.

uncle joe really fumbled the ball

I was all for Biden getting the troops out as much as I don’t like him
but this is a huge embarrassment


Joe inherited a great situation in Afghanistan, and really ****ed it up.

I cant tell who's serious and who's not right now.
I'm not a big fan of Yglesias, but he had some really good takes on this situation.

The entire media has chosen to cover this from such a hawkish lens, that prioritizes Americans looking good but not actually doing good, that people are losing sight of what is actually going on...

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