So I just told my parents I'm having a kid...

doesnt believe in abortion...doesnt believe in plan b knew this beforehand..and you still had sex with her?


good look famb
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

The homie is really depressed. Be real, it's more of a burden on her. You're in the danger zone for Postpartum depression G. You should be in shock for a month tops after that man up g. You should be writing after this year, probably won't have time.

I don't know, being happy lightens any load...she was happy from day one cuz she doesn't know any better. I spent the last 6 months being depressed, getting intoxicated, writing, and not having sex. That'll get anybody into that baby spirit.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

OP sounds like a pesimistic meme

Thanks, that's kind of a compliment for a writer

Coulda been Purple
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

doesnt believe in abortion...doesnt believe in plan b knew this beforehand..and you still had sex with her?


good look famb

Well, I didn't exactly have a pro-choice debate with her before I whipped it out, but I'll remember that for next time.

Mouse, when I tell you that thought kept my skull intact some nights, I mean it. "It coulda been Purple..." *shudder*
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

doesnt believe in abortion...doesnt believe in plan b knew this beforehand..and you still had sex with her?


good look famb

Well, I didn't exactly have a pro-choice debate with her before I whipped it out, but I'll remember that for next time.
So you busted in her with the condom still on tho? Brotha you still pull out even with a rubber on mane I learned my lesson tha hard way with that.

Still I wish nothin' but good on your situation brotha.
Kids are the #*@% dude. I'm new to the game, son will be 1 next month. aint nothin like fatherhood my man. Watching your child grow before your eyes is amazing. This yr flew by.

Pics of the chick?

Oh and ...2 words: diaper genie

Good luck
Originally Posted by taymane23

So you busted in her with the condom still on tho? Brotha you still pull out even with a rubber on mane I learned my lesson tha hard way with that.

Still I wish nothin' but good on your situation brotha.

Yeah, reckless, right? I assumed the golden ticket was...well, golden. Not so, sir...not so. The halo got you too?

Seriously though, I'm saving some sperm then getting spayed or neutered after this %$%!, how anybody could deal with this unplanned %$%! twice or is beyond me. I'm serious, I'll sand down the head of my penis before I spread my seed by accident again.

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Kids are the $%%% dude. I'm new to the game, son will be 1 next month. aint nothin like fatherhood my man. Watching your child grow before your eyes is amazing. This yr flew by.

Pics of the chick?

Oh and ...2 words: diaper genie

Good luck

1) Yeah, sure are...I just love kids, the kind I could give back when they were done being cute, anyway.

2) I've been on NT for damn near 7 years...waaaaay too experienced for that.

3) I hear that...advice taken.

Thanks man.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Now I'm just sitting at my desk staring blankly at the wall like when the Cowboys lose. It's like when the Berlin Wall fell, uniting two long-separate peoples, my parents and the version of their son that they knew and raised. It's an awkward moment that lasts long after you hang up the phone, let me tell you. Luckily, she's a decent chick so at least I don't have to have her hardwood floors buttered. Please hold your congratulations, but I'll take those cool story points now...if I get enough, I get to retell it to somebody who cares.

Wrap it up NT (and watch for the dreaded halo, when you pull out and only the ring of the raincoat comes with you. Victim.)

My 2,000th %*%*@@$ post...couldn't plan that...

^ I see what you did there.
. But seriously though, how does a condom break? Unless you were moving like a piston in a car, it's very difficult. Unless you put it on wrong or the rubber was already defective, but I digress...
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

doesnt believe in abortion...doesnt believe in plan b knew this beforehand..and you still had sex with her?


good look famb

Well, I didn't exactly have a pro-choice debate with her before I whipped it out, but I'll remember that for next time.

every chick is poppin out babies left and right...i mean its good to see where her head is at before hand..cuz well you never know

im talking from experience too

good luck papa potus
I'm hopin' that I don't have a child or two runnin' around TN somewhere one nighters can end up being lifetime scares.

Still its just a lesson learned I pull out even with a rubber on now.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Kids are the #*@% dude. I'm new to the game, son will be 1 next month. aint nothin like fatherhood my man. Watching your child grow before your eyes is amazing. This yr flew by.

Pics of the chick?

Oh and ...2 words: diaper genie

Good luck

Jelly bro, can't even front....I try to live it through my niece....honestly OP it's a blessing, might not seem like it now, but open your heart and mind to it and enjoy it
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Seriously tho why wouldn't you go get a plan b pill after the condom broke
She calls it "abortion" and doesn't believe in either...ironically, a woman's right to choose can be a real $+%#+.
>Thinks the plan B pill is "abortion," knowing that plan B negates conception and not life.
>Has been excited since day one, and continues to be excited.
>Parents congratulated and were just as excited...

OP you've been set up.

Luckily for me, my lady is more put off about the thought of children than I am... There have been times when she didn't want to wait for me to go to the ATM and just offered to pay for it herself.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Seriously tho why wouldn't you go get a plan b pill after the condom broke

She calls it "abortion" and doesn't believe in either...ironically, a woman's right to choose can be a real $+%#+.
>Thinks the plan B pill is "abortion," knowing that plan B negates conception and not life.
>Has been excited since day one, and continues to be excited.
>Parents congratulated and were just as excited...

OP you've been set up.

Luckily for me, my lady is more put off about the thought of children than I am... There have been times when she didn't want to wait for me to go to the ATM and just offered to pay for it herself.

You know, the thought crossed my mind...but it was way too big a cross to bear, so I just put it out of mind to avoid potential overthinking and jail time.

ksteezy- aww, she's adorable...I just want to pick her up, hug her, read her a story, and give her back to her parents when I want to go do something else.
Seriously, she's cute...I hope I don't have an aesthetically challenged baby, I'm not nice enough to handle that correctly.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Name of your book is rather fitting now

Thanks...actually started it right after I found out and named it accordingly, good catch.

Originally Posted by remix

was she not on the pill either???

Allergic...damn, this is really sounding kind of off the more I type about it...
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Name of your book is rather fitting now

Thanks...actually started it right after I found out and named it accordingly, good catch.

Originally Posted by remix

was she not on the pill either???

Allergic...damn, this is really sounding kind of off the more I type about it...
theres so many other bc out there other than the pill....yikes well good luck regardless ull be fine
My wife & I have an 8 year old boy. Although ours was planned, our son is the best thing to happen to both of us (save for meeting each other). I live to spend time with him & wifey. I've had off since 12/22 & done nothing but hang out with him. I've really tried to relish this Christmas because as he get's older, it won't be so "magical" anymore. We did a lot of holiday %%@ like take day trips to Philly & NYC to do Christmas stuff.

Having a child will be the hardest work you will ever do (mulitplied by 10), no joke. Having said this, it will also be the most rewarding thing ever. I've said this in other threads, but my son has taught me more than I've taught him. He inspires me to be a better human being.

I wish you & your girl luck, good fortune, & as  much happiness possible. One word of advice, if you don't have it now, please develope patience. One of the many lessons your child will teach you is there will be certian/many things that are not under your control so just roll with it with as much grace & humility that you can....
i got a girl pregnant at 18, we aren't together.  it's hard sometimes but you'll be alright.  my advice is to try and make things work with her if you can see yourself with her.  if not, don't stay with her just because of the kid.

you're better off than i was though. at least you're a little older and probably more mature than i was.  before my daughter was born all i did was drink and play in the snow because i thought after i'd never be able to have a life outside of baby time.
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