So I just told my parents I'm having a kid...

I want the first book tho. Your viewpoint is funny as hell. The book has got to be a good read.
Try not to stress too much bro. All you got to do is rise to the occasion and work as hard as you can. My son was born when I was 20 and I'm 22 now. Since his birth I've been going to school full time and working full time.

I've had both successes (getting a 3.9 GPA last fall) and failures (going a couple months without work earlier this year because I underestimated how bad the job market is).But through it all I can say it has been a pretty rewarding experience and now I'm on the verge of graduating and buying my first home.
Originally Posted by debs 168

I want the first book tho. Your viewpoint is funny as hell. The book has got to be a good read.

Thanks can definitely get a copy, just inbox me or check out a struggling young father out (oh yes, no shame
Originally Posted by jdi23

Whats the book about?

It's um...a nonfiction self-helpish comedy...about life...relationships, the, screw it. Yo, Amazon!

"Do you want to know how to become one of the crowd? To think and act just like everyone around you and simply take life at face value? Do you take yourself and your life seriously? Would you prefer a return to the simpler, more traditional ways of years gone by to this fast paced technologically based world of today?

You should probably buy a different book then. "Fresh Uncensored Critical Knowledge for Your Life
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Just had one in sept..unplanned but I love my lil fat cheeks like no other lol...I'm only 3 months in but it's amazing how much she's grown already
strong sn x avy x chances of having a baby ratio
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by jdi23

Whats the book about?

It's um...a nonfiction self-helpish comedy...about life...relationships, the, screw it. Yo, Amazon!

"Do you want to know how to become one of the crowd? To think and act just like everyone around you and simply take life at face value? Do you take yourself and your life seriously? Would you prefer a return to the simpler, more traditional ways of years gone by to this fast paced technologically based world of today?

You should probably buy a different book then. "Fresh Uncensored Critical Knowledge for Your Life
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Man when will you dudes learn plan b works


this dummy in here tombout the condom broke

no... your an idiot

you knew when you pulled that straggly jaun of ur member it was damaged, no?

you didnt get plan b?

dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb

congrats, tho.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Man when will you dudes learn plan b works


this dummy in here tombout the condom broke

no... your an idiot

you knew when you pulled that straggly jaun of ur member it was damaged, no?

you didnt get plan b?

dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb

congrats, tho.

What don't you dudes understand about the +%%#* actually having to swallow the pill? She wouldn't take it and is smart enough to check her food before eating it. You act like I could just wave it near her like a Moon Stone and everything would have been cool
There was nothing to be done that didn't involve a brick and her bellybutton, so here we are.
Well she obviously wants it more than you so you're good. She seems like the type that wont press u out for child support so you won on a lot of levels on that one.
Originally Posted by jdi23

potus2028 wrote:

jdi23 wrote:

Whats the book about?

It's um...a nonfiction self-helpish comedy...about life...relationships, the, screw it. Yo, Amazon!

"Do you want to know how to become one of the crowd? To think and act just like everyone around you and simply take life at face value? Do you take yourself and your life seriously? Would you prefer a return to the simpler, more traditional ways of years gone by to this fast paced technologically based world of today?

You should probably buy a different book then. "Fresh Uncensored Critical Knowledge for Your Life
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by horchata kid

"ok, okay, whatever, make sure it's yours", and I reminded him that I know the Maury show number by heart.
I'll be watching!

But on some serious note, best of luck to you. Just have to look at it in a brighter side. It can be an inspiration and motivation for you to drive for a higher goal and career path. But I understand where you're coming from. Best wishes!
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by jdi23
I don't get her, she uses condoms. 
Condoms and mourning after pill are the same thing. 

The pill doesn't terminate it, it prevents it by not releasing your egg to be fertilized.
Just like a condom prevents sperm from getting through. 

And she is allergic to the pill.

She set you up

Either way a baby is a gift 


 its what I call them as a joke, mourning as in mourning a death.(although I know it doesnt terminate a pregnancy)
But stick around I make  A LOT  of actual grammatical errors, you are bound to find one. 
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by jdi23
I don't get her, she uses condoms. 
Condoms and mourning after pill are the same thing. 

The pill doesn't terminate it, it prevents it by not releasing your egg to be fertilized.
Just like a condom prevents sperm from getting through. 

And she is allergic to the pill.

She set you up

Either way a baby is a gift 

What you just said is very logical...however, I'll remind you that using logic in an argument with most women is like using Pokemon cards in a game of poker.

Oh, and BTW...the Trojan Horse was a gift too.

For real tho, thanks for caring.

I take grave offense to that, for I too have a vagina.
You can say some,but not most.

It really does sound like she wanted to have your child.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by jdi23
I don't get her, she uses condoms. 
Condoms and mourning after pill are the same thing. 

The pill doesn't terminate it, it prevents it by not releasing your egg to be fertilized.
Just like a condom prevents sperm from getting through. 

And she is allergic to the pill.

She set you up

Either way a baby is a gift 

What you just said is very logical...however, I'll remind you that using logic in an argument with most women is like using Pokemon cards in a game of poker.

Oh, and BTW...the Trojan Horse was a gift too.

For real tho, thanks for caring.

I take grave offense to that, for I too have a vagina.
You can say some,but not most.

It really does sound like she wanted to have your child.

Oh, then I'm sorry...

you can't pee standing up.

Since you went there with the last part though, I'm gonna dispense with the quips for a second. It's not that I don't want anything to do with her, before this situation we were great friends whether the lights were on or off. In fact, I think a lot of her, and that's one of the few things that even make this somewhat tolerable. I know she'll make a great mommy, and she even made a great stealth girlfriend type-thing so I know she'd be a solid 2nd round starting's just that this whole thing is kinda rough on everybody.

Like I said, it ain't the worst thing in the wouldn't understand until you read the account of the day I knew her, but it could have been Purple (herself a breathing synecdoche for shot-out +%+%#@ nationwide). Maybe the fact that I can no longer brush my hair with my right arm because my muscles have developed to the point where I can't quite reach is getting to me a bit right now, but at some point, things will be acceptable at's more than some folk wish for.

Thanks again for giving me some Friday night care.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by potus2028

What you just said is very logical...however, I'll remind you that using logic in an argument with most women is like using Pokemon cards in a game of poker.

Oh, and BTW...the Trojan Horse was a gift too.

For real tho, thanks for caring.

I take grave offense to that, for I too have a vagina.
You can say some,but not most.

It really does sound like she wanted to have your child.

Oh, then I'm sorry...

you can't pee standing up.

Since you went there with the last part though, I'm gonna dispense with the quips for a second. It's not that I don't want anything to do with her, before this situation we were great friends whether the lights were on or off. In fact, I think a lot of her, and that's one of the few things that even make this somewhat tolerable. I know she'll make a great mommy, and she even made a great stealth girlfriend type-thing so I know she'd be a solid 2nd round starting's just that this whole thing is kinda rough on everybody.

Like I said, it ain't the worst thing in the wouldn't understand until you read the account of the day I knew her, but it could have been Purple (herself a breathing synecdoche for shot-out +%+%#@ nationwide). Maybe the fact that I can no longer brush my hair with my right arm because my muscles have developed to the point where I can't quite reach is getting to me a bit right now, but at some point, things will be acceptable at's more than some folk wish for.

Thanks again for giving me some Friday night care.

Yes I can.

On the real, you have to be positive, you are lucky cause a lot of dudes get stuck with sucky bird like women caring their seed *cough my brother cough*

The fact that she is a friend, means that even if you guys dont stay together she wont put you on child support or mistreat your child.

Stay positive
Man it is what it and the lady are grown. Just set forth in providing for that child and giving him/her your attention growing up. Don't look to anyone to support your family. Go out there and make it happen.

Congrats...there are too many people out here that would love to have kids and can't

PS If you are not ready and the woman isn't either, do the child a favor and put them up for adoption so they can be in a home/situation where they feel wanted
*inserts deal with it gif*

Seriously, i dont know what to say to people who are about to become parents...especially if they arent ready for it...wish you the best on becoming a father though....dont let your kid become another statistic

I might buy your book though....just to help you out

Let's not do the pyramid quote thing...I test the torque on enough rules around here.

I see hope. That could have something to do with the living room fog, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and swiftly emptying bottle of Makers', but for now I'm going with it. Yes, I'm fully aware of the bullethead *+##!%# I dodged (proof in the form of the Purple story, in case anybody's curious about the true story what scared me off of North American Humanoid Poultry for good.) so I do appreciate my moderately unfortunate luck of the draw in perspective. I'm like 67% sure things will be aight...real life.
Originally Posted by bay1591

*inserts deal with it gif*

Seriously, i dont know what to say to people who are about to become parents...especially if they arent ready for it...wish you the best on becoming a father though....dont let your kid become another statistic

I might buy your book though....just to help you out

Can't do that...I'm not one, can't raise one...sets our people back a few minutes. I'd appreciate your donation though...hell, you might too when you're done. Oh, and "good luck" works fine for us types.
Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Just had one in sept..unplanned but I love my lil fat cheeks like no other lol...I'm only 3 months in but it's amazing how much she's grown already
strong sn x avy x chances of having a baby ratio
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