So I just told my parents I'm having a kid...

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Homie doesn't sound to jazzed about the baby nor the girl but its too late for that, Good luck with it tho. Home Paternity test at CVS is about 100 so yeah there you go. Just imagine, next Christmas your joy may come from an entirely new place. Never know this might be the push you need in life to grind on your writing career. Try to look to the positives for now..

I'm cool with the girl, that's the only thing that made this bearable...and yeah, the vision of having to spend my life in this place for health benefits for the kid kicked the +$*$ out of my career...I wrote a book and a screenplay in 3 months and will have book and script #2 ready by the time it's a month old...I'm doing this man, @%!# indentured servitude. Thanks for the kind words tho, man...

Better change that sig too. This country isn't electing a dude with a kid out of wedlock. There goes your chance...

Foolishness...%#$%, man by the time I run for office, I'll be considered an old parent when I started out...have you considered who will be voting in 20ish years

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you for your condolences, sir. This is more like it.

Originally Posted by RetroSan

just don't be a deadbeat, cause you sound low-key depressed

@ para-shoot

True I ain't clicking my heels, but never that, man...deadbeats are the #!!@ that the scum of the earth point to and go "eww". I'd eat a bullet first.
Congrats man. It's not the end of the world nor should you act like it, once the kid is here you'll change and adapt to your new situation. Handle it like and man and try to minimize any drama.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Congrats man. It's not the end of the world nor should you act like it, once the kid is here you'll change and adapt to your new situation. Handle it like and man and try to minimize any drama.

I'll pass those congrats along like the green LifeSaver, but I can dig it. Me and her are cool, so it could definitely be worse...I hope things work out. Hey, at least I get to write another book about this.

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Well OP I know the timing is off and you want to be established before having a child so I commend you on wanting to do right. Sometimes things happen that are beyond your control and its a situation you have to make the best of.

Me and my girl have been discussing marriage and pregnancy and the times we slip up she never got pregnant and her dr told her she couldnt have children. Its definitely a blessing that this child will be for both of you

Damn, I guess that's the other side of it. I guess I have to appreciate even being able to %%%# things up this sarcasm. Sorry to hear that, cuzzo...
All of the childhood friends I grew up with that were ultimately surprised with a kid shared similar emotions as you, OP. When the day finally came, they were completely different people and in a good way. Hope everything works out for you. One day at a time.
Keep our head up brah. 23 is not a bad age at all. It's gonna take a while to used to the idea that you're going to be a father, but you when the time comes, and with helpful support from both families, it won't be bad at all.


Well since you decided to tell NT, Good luck man... stay up and take the advice of other great fathers around you.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Congrats man. It's not the end of the world nor should you act like it, once the kid is here you'll change and adapt to your new situation. Handle it like and man and try to minimize any drama.

I'll pass those congrats along like the green LifeSaver, but I can dig it. Me and her are cool, so it could definitely be worse...I hope things work out. Hey, at least I get to write another book about this.

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Well OP I know the timing is off and you want to be established before having a child so I commend you on wanting to do right. Sometimes things happen that are beyond your control and its a situation you have to make the best of.

Me and my girl have been discussing marriage and pregnancy and the times we slip up she never got pregnant and her dr told her she couldnt have children. Its definitely a blessing that this child will be for both of you

Damn, I guess that's the other side of it. I guess I have to appreciate even being able to %%%# things up this sarcasm. Sorry to hear that, cuzzo...
Preciate it but you got my support 110%, just remember that every decision you and her make isn't for you two its all about the baby. 
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by potus2028

Now I'm just sitting at my desk staring blankly at the wall like when the Cowboys lose.

That's a lot of staring.
Usually it's more like "watch them slowly piss away the game...and THEN eventually lose." It's rough rooting for Dem Boyz.
Back OT, congrats to the father-to-be and all the best to you and yours.
sorry to hear this was not planned but you are bringing a life into this world regardless.

my question is....

was she on the pill? I would not touch a girl unless she was on the pill and even then..i may still wrap it.
Originally Posted by sillyputty



Well since you decided to tell NT, Good luck man... stay up and take the advice of other great fathers around you.

Well played
I was lucky enough to have mine, so I know how important it is...I'm a stand-up guy outside comedy clubs too.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect


So now you know why the posts haven't been coming out like that.

That's right.

I know.


Originally Posted by richyung412

Cool story bro

That's one...4 more and I get to tell Drake!
Like some people are saying, its more motivation for you buddy. If you didnt have it in you before you do now, am i write? (because he's a writer? get it? Im so funny!

You do what you have to do for your family and at the very least, your child. Your mindset should be full of win with a smile on. NT has your back, or at least I do. Cant wait toread your siggy and im glad it was with a woman that you could see yourself with.

Soget all the sad thoughts out now because when you see that child born you will love it with all your heart. Be the man my dad never was and do it
Originally Posted by DreSlay

Like some people are saying, its more motivation for you buddy. If you didnt have it in you before you do now, am i write? (because he's a writer? get it? Im so funny!

You do what you have to do for your family and at the very least, your child. Your mindset should be full of win with a smile on. NT has your back, or at least I do. Cant wait toread your siggy and im glad it was with a woman that you could see yourself with.

Soget all the sad thoughts out now because when you see that child born you will love it with all your heart. Be the man my dad never was and do it

It's cool, sometimes I can't resist a questionable pun's just...there, ya know?

On topic tho, thanks for the encouragement, my dude...means more than it's cool to say to have folk behind me. That's basically what this thread is tho, I'm washing my soul out on NT. I'll be there and great at it, any man worth the skin that holds his organs in is.
OP sounds depressed as hell

But congrats on the kid and good luck man.

Spoiler [+]
you're gonna need it
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Seriously tho why wouldn't you go get a plan b pill after the condom broke

She calls it "abortion" and doesn't believe in either...ironically, a woman's right to choose can be a real $+%#+.
Goodluck to you OP. You might not be happy about it at the moment but once you see that baby for the first time you will be glad you had the child
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