So I Hit my Sister.... smh

May 13, 2008
So my sister was acting disrespectful screaming back at my mom and stuff.

So I tell her to shut the f up when moms is speaking... so she just keeps on screaming back, I repeat again and tell her I will slap the sht out of you if youdon't be quiet and listen to what she is saying.

Then sister is still screaming. So the lil fight was over and my mom walks out the room then my sister screams something out and slams the door. Then I gotheated and went into the room and told her not to talk back and to act right then she goes crazy on me

Shes my sister but I won't allow that stuff to gly in the house so I proceed to slap the shsh out her leg. It even hurt my palm but I just swung at her legreal hard and told her to show respect to others.

To me she has begun to lose it and me being who I am don't want her turning into one of those lil hood rats geting loud and stuff so thats how I justify myaction.

Pops ain't aorund so I had to do it man..... its the only way I know.... I tried talking but kid won't listen yo.

on the leg???....ok.....hopefully she doesnt lose respect for you...........

edit--never ever hit a girl in the face
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

on the leg???....ok.....hopefully she doesnt lose respect for you...........
On the leg. She was just sitting there getting loud so I just slapped her leg with mighty strength.

My palm hurt and I bet she got a bruise.

Feeling bad right now
BTW shes 12 I think
im with you, when my 3 sisters disrespect my parents, i knock them out with my chem, bio or calculus book. It usually does the trick. Either that or i throwthem across the room. Both tactics work.
You did the rigt thing. Your the man of the house...keep it in order. Respect bro :har
I never understood the logic behind trying to modify someones behavior when you are in fact mirroring it.
Pops ain't aorund so I had to do it man..... its the only way I know.... I tried talking but kid won't listen yo.

Damn that sucks. Good luck to you homie, I'm pretty sure I would do the same thing if I was in your situation.
Aye, gettin the slipper/belt/hanger/choke-slam/punch to the gut/back scratcher broken on me worked on me when I was growing up (Well the first time didnt workobviously but it did remind me and kept me in check for the long run). So I dont see anythin wrong that you did ( Fact you didnt hit her in the face),hopefully that will keep her in check.

*Tippin' the hat off emoticon.
You hit her... to make her respect others.

That's counterproductive on 2 levels.

#1. Hitting is disrespectful in itself, so it makes little sense for me to hit someone and tell them 'I'm hitting you to try and get you to berespectful to others, dammit!'

#2. You're not going to 'make' her do anything. The only person you can 'make' do something... is you.

I only lived with my sister and my dad for a couple years (from 18-20), and my sister was 9 kinds of disrespectful to my dad. We both resented him, but I justpaid him no mind, paid him rent, stayed out of his hair, etc. She would go crazy on him... but I never hit her over it. It accomplishes nothing. Matter offact, I've shared on here before that I've even fought for her when I saw my dads put his hands on her, pushing her or what not.

Yeah, my sister ended up going down a self-destructive path, and she's currently failing at life,'bout to get all 3 of her kids taken away by the stateand everything, but would I have changed her life's path by hitting her when she was disrespectful to my dad?

that's your blood, so i can't tell you what and what not to do. but she is your little sister and if there is anyone you should be able to talk it outwith, it should be fam. now you know and knowing is half the battle. GI JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You hit her... to make her respect others.

That's counterproductive on 2 levels.

#1. Hitting is disrespectful in itself, so it makes little sense for me to hit someone and tell them 'I'm hitting you to try and get you to be respectful to others, dammit!'

#2. You're not going to 'make' her do anything. The only person you can 'make' do something... is you.

I only lived with my sister and my dad for a couple years (from 18-20), and my sister was 9 kinds of disrespectful to my dad. We both resented him, but I just paid him no mind, paid him rent, stayed out of his hair, etc. She would go crazy on him... but I never hit her over it. It accomplishes nothing. Matter of fact, I've shared on here before that I've even fought for her when I saw my dads put his hands on her, pushing her or what not.

Yeah, my sister ended up going down a self-destructive path, and she's currently failing at life,'bout to get all 3 of her kids taken away by the state and everything, but would I have changed her life's path by hitting her when she was disrespectful to my dad?

Over all these years ive been on NT, and with all thestuff i've seen you post...i just wanna give you a hug
. seem to be able to squeeze the positive out of the proverbial turnip. I want that kind of trait
You did the right thing to me. It's not whether your pops is around or not. Sometimes, people need discipline, whether it's physical or not. Yoursister sounds like she is hard headed though. I believe in physical discipline, but you got to explain WHY you did that to her. Sit her down and let her knowWHY you did that. If you don't, she might think you just hitting her cause you her older brother. Let her know you, YOU care how she talks to mom causethat is all we have and we have to be in line when it comes to talking to family. I have that guilt trip sometimes too fam. It's because I'm the oldestone in my house as far as brothers go. We have the closest connection to our siblings and if we don't step up they go astray.
I dont know how your family works but if my mom and sister are argueing Im chilling in my room minding my own dam business, aint no reason to chase drama
Originally Posted by Tyson Mayweather

Aye, gettin the slipper/belt/hanger/choke-slam/punch to the gut/back scratcher broken on me worked on me when I was growing up. So I dont see anythin wrong that you did, hopefully that will keep her in check. Fact you didnt hit her in the face made it justified in my book.

*Tippin' the hat off emoticon.
Word same thing with me.

I mean growing up I did get a little crazy at times.... but never had any one who was stronger than me telling me "Don't do that" so I messed upall throughout middle school and high school.

Found things out the hard way..... yeah even harder than an as whooping
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