So I Hit my Sister.... smh

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

All y'all "talk it out" and "use pyschology" folks are the ones with those bad #$! kids runnin' round the supermarket openin' up the popsicles and *$%!...
Let's not take it there, because every time I'm at Walmart or at the mall orsomething and I see some brat running around acting a fool, there's always some hoodrat behind him talking about ow she's going to whoop his %#%. And I always watch and think 'Yeah, that whole whopping him thing, that really seems to be working out for you.
Good job!'

Meanwhile, I'm married to a woman who was never hit... ever... by her parents, and she listened to every g.d. word they sad to her growing up. Same with her sister. They never disobeyed, got great grades, and they are both adults now with an EXCELLENT work ethic and respect for authority... but they were never, EVER hit.

Would you care to explain that?

My man I just typed this long %%@ response with bullet points and the whole nine, hit the damn mouse, and lost it

In a nutshell - your wife and her sister are an exception. I'm sure you're probably exaggerating just a little, but I get your point: theylistened and did as they were told. Kids who listen and do as they are told require no punishment or discipline, I mean, there's no reason to spank 'emunless you're Joe Jackson and you're just mad orange juice is orange. But how many kids do you see like that these days?

And as far as those hood mamas you see in Walmart talkin' bout some, "I'ma beat yo %%@ when we get home!!" Them broads are lying. They'rejust tryin' to save face in public, but when they get home - they don't do !+%$. I grew up around plenty women like that...
You had to do what you thought was right, just remember your role, and thats a brother. Prep talks dont help kids these days so find an alternative method intalking to your sister that will calm her down. I feel you about the hood rat thing. Ive seen many good good good good girls just go bad and not to sound likea punk but it kinda hurt a #+%+* to his heart to see such potential to go to waste damn.
You HAVE TO hit kids in order to discipline, there's no other way around it. I'm not saying beat them but a good slap here and there so they know wherethe boundaries are.
nature vs. nuture. youre kids will probably turn out the way they will regardless if you hit them or not.

but im not taking chances. my biggest fear is to have a disrespectful brat for a kid. if he listens, does the right thing, and does well in what is expected ofhim, obviously no "corporal punishment" will occur.

i got hit as a child, because i was testing my parents limits. as most children do. thank god they puniished me the way they did, or i wouldnt be the person iam.

it a neccesary tool, and like any tool, can be misused in the wrong hands.
Let's not take it there, because every time I'm at Walmart or at the mall orsomething and I see some brat running around acting a fool, there's always some hoodrat behind him talking about ow she's going to whoop his %#%. And I always watch and think 'Yeah, that whole whopping him thing, that really seems to be working out for you.
Good job!'

Meanwhile, I'm married to a woman who was never hit... ever... by her parents, and she listened to every g.d. word they sad to her growing up. Same with her sister. They never disobeyed, got great grades, and they are both adults now with an EXCELLENT work ethic and respect for authority... but they were never, EVER hit.

Would you care to explain that?

My man I just typed this long %%@ response with bullet points and the whole nine, hit the damn mouse, and lost it

In a nutshell - your wife and her sister are an exception. I'm sure you're probably exaggerating just a little, but I get your point: they listened and did as they were told. Kids who listen and do as they are told require no punishment or discipline, I mean, there's no reason to spank 'em unless you're Joe Jackson and you're just mad orange juice is orange. But how many kids do you see like that these days?

And as far as those hood mamas you see in Walmart talkin' bout some, "I'ma beat yo %%@ when we get home!!" Them broads are lying. They're just tryin' to save face in public, but when they get home - they don't do !+%$. I grew up around plenty women like that...
That same thing has happened to me plenty of times, where you type a long response and it gets lost.
It's why now, I copy replies before hitting 'ADD REPLY.'

Anyways... my wife and her sister? I'm not exaggerating at all. How do I know they weren't hit? Because that's how her family is. There are babieson her side of the family, obviously. Her cousins have little kids, and they don't ever hit them. I mean, not literally 'never', but the onlyhitting that goes on is rare, and I've never seen it (only heard about it). And her and her sister? According to... well... everyone... no, they were neverhit. And yes, they are very respectful of authority today, and they have excellent work ethic and self-discipline.

How many kids do you see running around like that? Hardly any. Why? Because so few realize that hitting is the least effective form of discipline. Look throughthe thread; only 2 people are saying what I'm saying (me and W2E). If more people realized that there are far more effective ways ofdisciplining/teaching/nurturing your child than hitting first, then the answer to the question 'How many kids do you see like that?' would be'Lots!'
^ Naw my man, not sayin' you're exaggerating about your wife and her sis bein' hit - I'm just sayin' they probaly did some pettydisobedience. Nobody's perfect...but like I said, they obviously weren't trouble makers...
I see.

Yeah, of course they disobeyed.

But the sheer shame from what they did caused by knowing they had disappointed their parents was more hurtful to them than anything physical her parents couldhave done. My wife told me this story once of how she rebelled this one time when she had gone out with friends, to a skating rink. My wife is really feisty;always has been, apparently. And before her mom came to pick her up, she had been talking to one of her girl friends about her friend taking her home insteadof her mom taking her, like always. So her mom came to pick her up, and she was like 'No, Amy's taki me home. She gets off in like an hour.' Hermom got all hot and told her 'No, you're going home right now. Get in.' They fought, and my wife stayed with what she said.

So her mom stayed there in the parking lot, and followed Amy and my wife home. She got out, went inside, and didn't say a word when my wife walked in.

According to my wife, at this point, she knew she had screwed up, and she knew she was in deep trouble. Her parents didn't say a word to her the rest ofthe night, and on the way to school the next morning, her mom told her that her and her dad made the decision that if she's going to start running theshow, then she can get her own rides to school, out with friends, and to everywhere else. She was 13, and she live out in the country, in northern KY. Thethought of getting her own rides everywhere was enough for her to realize that her mom was doing her a huge favor by taking her pretty much anywhere she wantedto go, and she needed to either appreciate that instead of rebelling against it, or find her own way.

Lesson learned... with no corporal punishment.

And that's another thing, hitting doesn't so much teach a lesson, other than 'You have angered me and screwed up.' But the lesson about why thebehavior was wrong, that doesn't exist in corporal punishment, except if it's explained later. Natural consequences don't exist in corporalpunishment (and no, 'You disobeyed so the natural consequence is that I'm going to whoop your tail' is not a natural consequence). A naturalconsequence is 'You want to waste my time coming out here to pick you up and you're going to get a ride from someone else at the last minute, withoutletting me know beforehand? Alright then, I'll just stop taking you places, since you've got that all figured out apparently.' That's a naturalconsequence.
im 20, my brother is 15. when he starts acting up and talking back to me or my mom, i give him a good punch on the arm
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

And Ska, you CAN make people do things whether you want to believe it or not. There is a reason governments use torture. It works. It's cruel, but it works.

If you're torturing me unmercifully, I still have a choice to give you what you want or to allow the torture to continue.

The choice is still mine. Just because your options aren't 'Get shot in the head? Or enjoy an ice cream sundae?' doesn't mean your ability to choose has been taken from you. Just because I'm tortuiring you doesn't mean I'm making you do something; you're still going to choose your action.

Oversimplifying it doesn't make you right. I guess it's a matter of semantics. If someone gets the desired results/information out of you,they could say "I made you do it/say it." And you could technically reply "No you didn't, I just didn't feel like having my toes sawedoff while being branded with hot coat-hanger wire." If that made you feel better about divulging information, then so be it. As far as I'm concerned,however, they "made" you do it. On top of that, you can reach a point where you are no longer making conscious choices due to fear or pain. One quickexample is when people urinate on themselves out of fear. I highly doubt anyone is consciously thinking, "I'm not really sure what's going onright now... hmmm... let me relieve myself so I can get focused and clear things up." There is also the subject of truth serums, etc. But I digress... Mypoint is, self-preservation will take over in most people when severe punishment is brought in the picture. And when the person being punished is a child,behaviors can generally be molded more easily. Again, not saying it's right, but it can be done.
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