So I Hit my Sister.... smh

Originally Posted by seniosoul

you have to use physcology sp? on kids these days... it's all in he mental
I disagree with that one, because before you know, there are going mental on you. Kids are way too advance for their own good, for what reason Idon't know and every bit of delinquent little shorty I meet or stumble upon I lose all kinds of hope. When we were kids we were scared of the cops, myparents and old people, in general. Nowadays, so many youngin's are running the streets without any self respect and definitely no respect for others. Justthis past summer, my godson called the cops on my homey because he didn't buy him the bike he wanted, and he told them he was getting hit. Shorty is only 8yrs old.

So tell me, with these smart $@% kids, how do you expect to teach them about respect and values ???!?

For the record, I agree with a little smack or even a tight grip to keep them in check but I think this must be done right before the time they start todevelop independance. By independance, I mean before they start to read and understanding the things they watch on TV. I find, once that line is crossed thenyou are in trouble because nowadays, these kids are way too advance & they know what's right and wrong but are capable of playing it cool whensomebody's watching..
oh...I rushed in here thinking he 'hit' her. anyway, you really have issues by hitting a woman bro. You get that from your dad?
you were trying to be the man of the house and discipline your sister so its all good just dont make it a habit...i never got or thought to hit my sistersbecause well theyre older than me...i have 3 older sisters too
All y'all "talk it out" and "use pyschology" folks are the ones with those bad #$! kids runnin' round the supermarketopenin' up the popsicles and *$%!...

I never understood that *$%! when some spoiled brat says, "I hate you mom. You're a @$%$%." Like, how the hell do you not smack that kid in themouth for that? Really.

You don't reason with children. You spank them.
shes 12 and you feel bad?? she deserved and my sister fist fight all the time
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You hit her... to make her respect others.

That's counterproductive on 2 levels.

#1. Hitting is disrespectful in itself, so it makes little sense for me to hit someone and tell them 'I'm hitting you to try and get you to be respectful to others, dammit!'

#2. You're not going to 'make' her do anything. The only person you can 'make' do something... is you.

I only lived with my sister and my dad for a couple years (from 18-20), and my sister was 9 kinds of disrespectful to my dad. We both resented him, but I just paid him no mind, paid him rent, stayed out of his hair, etc. She would go crazy on him... but I never hit her over it. It accomplishes nothing. Matter of fact, I've shared on here before that I've even fought for her when I saw my dads put his hands on her, pushing her or what not.

Yeah, my sister ended up going down a self-destructive path, and she's currently failing at life,'bout to get all 3 of her kids taken away by the state and everything, but would I have changed her life's path by hitting her when she was disrespectful to my dad?


Not the most convincig argument. Maybe slapping some sense into her would have made her a better person...along with some guidance as well. But I know whatyou mean, can't really MAKE anyone do anything in the long term through hitting.
i don't see the problem i mean you didn't hit her in the face and she needed cause she wasn't responding to words. i see it as you gave her a joltof reality. as long as you don't always use the physical to back up ya words you'll be good. you want her to respect you, not fear you fam
I've done worse
about 7-9 years ago my sister tried to stab me with a butcher knife in the chest, then I ran to my room and shut the door(no looks ftl
) I hold to hold the door shut and she was stabbing through the door, made a whole andeverything. I remember I had a gun in my closet so I reached in there grabbed it, struck it partially out the whole, she backed up, I opened the door andpointed the gun in her face, she ran out the door I chased her then locked her out of the house until my parents came home.
P.S. their was no bullets in the gun and she is older than me
Well, at least you didn't go biblical and stone her to death. Tell her you were defending your mom the same way you would defend her (your sis) if she gotdisrespected. You don't have to mean it, just sell it to patch things up.

And Ska, you CAN make people do things whether you want to believe it or not. There is a reason governments use torture. It works. It's cruel, but itworks.
Well, at least you didn't go biblical and stone her to death. Tell her you were defending your mom the same way you would defend her (your sis) if she gotdisrespected. You don't have to mean it, just sell it to patch things up.

And Ska, you CAN make people do things whether you want to believe it or not. There is a reason governments use torture. It works. It's cruel, but itworks.
I see no problem, as long as you don't OD. I've done it to my sister before when she gets out of line.

One time I might have went too far though, she was really pissing me and everyone off, so I slapped the &^*@ out of her. I mean, there were imprints of myfingers on her cheek an hour later
It wasnt that bad, but you should appologize anyway and explain your actions to her. You're the older brother so you gotta set the example for her. Alsohave her say sorry to your mom.
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