Snitches, SMH...Facebook FTL

Originally Posted by Jehlers02


Like i said there aren't any more pics. Everything got deleted from kids sketchin out.
They're busting another party tommoro and more kids are getting screwed tommorow.

You think ppl are gonna leave there %$%# up and not expect to get screwed?
You'd have to be a damn fool to go to a party after allof the stuff that has already happened at your school.
Neh, simple no camera rule haha.

But yea im gonna calm myself down until basketballs over with.
Can I post that pic of you w/ that one chick? Cause one look at that and it's got the triangle of red cups set up all over the table.

Not saying it's right that they busted you....just sayin though.
Thats some Bull man, I feel sorry for the kid who's parents told on ya'll. I cant believe a school can get into your off campus life like that andpunish you for it. Keep us updated. Sorry to hear about you being taken off football, thats got to be rough.
You must go to some small city school. Thats lame as +@#% i was at ghe homecoming last week high as +@#%. Mad parties n *@$%. Oh well your life sucks
but damn i just seen that part u posted about the RB
Reminds me of in HS my buddy got screwed over for his season. We had drug sniffing dogs come to the school, he had Cigars in his car from when he turned 18...and its a tobacco free school zone. Ridiculous... the teachers have cigs in their purses and what not. and He was over 18.

Looking back on it though.. hes a jerk now and we haven't talked in a year.. so maybe he deserved it
Also.... when I was in HS it was when you had to be in college to be on facebook

I didn't drink in HS, but either way its crazy to think all the HS kids posting stuff on facebook now a days

I didn't read everything... but assuming they just know you were there and didn't see pics of you drinking, how can they prove you were drinking? Whatif you were just there hanging out... not that you were... but you get the point
LOL. Wow I know that my HS wouldn't of done this and I went to a private school which was disciplined out the ++!. But if you weren't wearing anythingthat had the school name they didn't care because it didn't tarnish their image. Guess your school is taking it to an extreme.
upon recent reflection, my high school was so liberal.

i remember during student government elections, student candidates were required to record a 3-5 min campaign video explaining their platform and what theywould do as said-student gov't officer. in one of the more clever moments of pretentious mockery witnessed in my life, one kid spent 4 min promising tomake april 20th a holiday since it had such an unpopular attendance rate from our student body. he ended up winning junior class president, but his electionwas later rescinded by faculty after word spread about the meretricious success of his campaign video.

i meannn... i remember taking bowl hits and doing blow in the stretch navigator of my high school's parking lot while we waited in the limo line to pull upto the entrance of our homecoming dance. we hopped out reeking and incessantly bothering our nostrils right in front of our principal and front office faculty.aaah, my youthful brashness...
That's why I never let people take pictures of me at parties in high school.
Something similar happened at my school like 2 years ago. Bunch of kids got suspended and couldn't participate in sports because of this new years party.Someone posted pics on MySpace and people started getting questioned and stuff. Don't know who snitched though.
i think tennis even got screwed.

More like Go Golf, Bowling, Chess, Robotics, Forensics, and Anime.
just so you guys know. at my school, the school officials told us that they have facebook accounts and they do check students' pages/pictures frequently.
so it could've possibly been that school officials happened to be on facebook and they accessed the pix/info that way rather than attaining the info via asnitch.
that sucks man
get everyone to find out who that guy is though, and then you'll know what to do
All I know is when I was in HS..parties got busted all the time but nobody got suspended in school for it..

Hire a lawyer asap.
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