Snitches, SMH...Facebook FTL



Whats even ****tier is the starting Runningback for our team is possibly out of a scholarship for football.

There was even a huge article on him in the sports section in todays newspaper here.
Its about how he had cancer in the 7th grade and was not supposed to live, and if he did live he would never play sports again. Now hes in the best shape ofhis life tearing it up. Colleges looking at him and everything. Huge story on his life.

Same day that article comes out he gets this.
Hes a cautious dude too, he went to one party, now hes possibly done for.

Im pissed more for his sake then myself. One of my closest friends. I told the principal that kid better hope to goddd his name doesnt get out cause with theamount of people who got screwed over, its not going to be good for that person.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I need to rant.

Im a senior in Highschool who plays football and basketball.
Homecoming was the other week, i got trashed. There were many other Homecoming parties too. One of the parties got ratted out to the administration, they're all F'd. That led to one of the parties i was at, so all of us there are F'd. The principles led this to parties that happened over the summer, even more F'd.

Some kid/parent? Was salty they werent playing on a sport and ratted everyone out which led to everything else coming out.
The kid/parent? Emailed the school, pictures from all these parties that were allll on facebook.

Done for football, suspended for the beginning of basketball

Does this person hate that many ppl to !%*# everyone over?

My highschools teams for sports are alll done for, for the rest of the year.

Girls Volleyball
Guys Volleyball
Girls Basketball
Guys Basketball

There were kids in all of those sports who are now suspended. 20 something Varsity kids suspended.

One kid got expelled for snappin on the Head Principle cussing him out and flicking him off as he just left school right then and there.



Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

You of all people should know that athletes are held to a higher standard than other students. Be careful what you let get on the 'net, fam. It gets even worse when you're a college grad looking for a job, and your would-be employer finds drunk pics of you on Facebook.

Whoever did it was grimey for snitchin though.

Yea we had guidance counselors talking about this to watch what you put up there.
Theres been interviews where the employer will tell u straight up to bring your facebook up on the computer that instant.

Yea right.
Well being that you attend a public school your school should not have any business worrying about what you do outside of school. Getting arrested? iunderstand , but going to a party and taking pictures there? No.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Don't blame the snitch. You had no business getting trashed when you're still in HS. At least wait until you get to college before ruining your life with alcoholism.

You were the type of person calling in parties because you weren't invited, huh?

That sucks man. Especially about your friend.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Whats even ****tier is the starting Runningback for our team is possibly out of a scholarship for football.

There was even a huge article on him in the sports section in todays newspaper here.
Its about how he had cancer in the 7th grade and was not supposed to live, and if he did live he would never play sports again. Now hes in the best shape of his life tearing it up. Colleges looking at him and everything. Huge story on his life.

Same day that article comes out he gets this.
Hes a cautious dude too, he went to one party, now hes possibly done for.

Im pissed more for his sake then myself. One of my closest friends. I told the principal that kid better hope to goddd his name doesnt get out cause with the amount of people who got screwed over, its not going to be good for that person.

Thats messed up. Pretty stiff penalty too. But in this new media age, you aint safe no where
. NO WHERE. Best thing is to keep your nose clean and stay away from the wildstuff.
damn son. thank god I didn't play sports in hs.

OP you need to find out the rat and get everyone to ruin the rest of high school for them.
Lol at pics.

Seriously i would, but i think half my tagged photos got deleted cause of this. Everyone instantly deleted their albums to not get caught.

I forgot to add this part to the story. The administration has another party busted but didnt have time to get everyone down to the office today.
They're still busting kids tommoro casue of another party.

Jesus Christ.
Dirty i may be wrong on this, but they cant do anything to us legally.
But in the school they can, sports is the issue.

If a parent or student turns in pictures of drinking they are forced to suspend kids for any extra curricular activity.

Weather they can investigate this whole thing as much as they did, i dont know.

Theres alotttt of kids going to the school board to appeal.
That's outrageous.

The school administrators aren't your parents.

If you're getting good grades, participating in clubs/sports, not getting into to trouble at school, and being an all around good student...

I don't think they have any right to say what you can and can't do while off of school grounds (while school is out).

Especially since you go to a public school...I mean, your damn parent's taxes are being contributed to the place (not counting the tickets they'vebought to attend your games).
That kid would have had his chest caved in the next day he came to school. You can't be that upset that you didn't make a team that you and your parentdevised a scheme to bring down everyone. That just violates every code known to man. For that kid's sake he had better transfer. A lot of people werescrewed over because of an act of jealousy. Whenever you party, do not take pics. Its advice to remember just in case this happens.
thread's no good w/o pics.


from the limited information you've posted, sounds like you got caught hot ballin. i mean, red solo cups solves any "drinking" pictures. andalways keep illegal drugs and related paraphernalia off camera, word to michael phelps.

however, your punishment is a bit extreme, especially with the absence of law enforcement-involvement at those parties.

Like i said there aren't any more pics. Everything got deleted from kids sketchin out.
They're busting another party tommoro and more kids are getting screwed tommoro.

You think ppl are gonna leave there %$%# up and not expect to get screwed?
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