Snitches, SMH...Facebook FTL

Jun 2, 2007
I need to rant.

Im a senior in Highschool who plays football and basketball.
Homecoming was the other week, i got trashed. There were many other Homecoming parties too. One of the parties got ratted out to the administration,they're all F'd. That led to one of the parties i was at, so all of us there are F'd. The principles led this to parties that happened over thesummer, even more F'd.

Some kid/parent? Was salty they werent playing on a sport and ratted everyone out which led to everything else coming out.
The kid/parent? Emailed the school, pictures from all these parties that were allll on facebook.

Done for football, suspended for the beginning of basketball

Does this person hate that many ppl to %+%% everyone over?

My highschools teams for sports are alll done for, for the rest of the year.

Girls Volleyball
Guys Volleyball
Girls Basketball
Guys Basketball

There were kids in all of those sports who are now suspended. 20 something Varsity kids suspended.

One kid got expelled for snappin on the Head Principle cussing him out and flicking him off as he just left school right then and there.


You of all people should know that athletes are held to a higher standard than other students. Be careful what you letget on the 'net, fam. It gets even worse when you're a college grad looking for a job, and your would-be employer finds drunk pics of you onFacebook.

Whoever did it was grimey for snitchin though.
You shoulda known that would happen. We live in a digital world.

And it's HS. Someone always rats out the parties.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

You of all people should know that athletes are held to a higher standard than other students. Be careful what you let get on the 'net, fam. It gets even worse when you're a college grad looking for a job, and your would-be employer finds drunk pics of you on Facebook.

Whoever did it was grimey for snitchin though.

Yea we had guidance counselors talking about this to watch what you put up there.
Theres been interviews where the employer will tell u straight up to bring your facebook up on the computer that instant.
I got snitched too my sophomore year...only suspended 4 games though. Didn't getta play varsity when i got back though moved back to junior varsity. effnarks.
Like who gets expelled for cussing out a principal? Granted you can get in trouble, but expulsion? Seems a little harsh no? Do you go to a private school orsomething?
Damn i dont know what i would do with out school sports... do you know who did it? and school dont have any jurisdiction aver you during the summer F they holdthat against you? If i were you id look into my rights a little more and see wats up... As for the snitch you better find that SOB....
I would say "That's why if you're an athlete, you have to stay out of pics like that." but you're not in're still inHS. That's horrible fam, what did you do for this to happen? Either karma, or somebody is just a serious hater.
But what i don't understand is that, they got pics of yall trashed or what? The school should not be involved if its outside of school.
You must go to a catholic/private school, I went to one so I know how the rules are

They say even though you are not at school, on school grounds/property, you still represent the school.
So doing things such as drinking would tarnish the schools name.
I remember that some kids wanted to fight at the mall at the end of the school week, some how the dean heard of it and said if anything went down that theywould be expelled.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

I don't understand.... you're not allowed to have parties?
I'm pretty its because they were drinking, and in highschool all underage so...

Rule 684: Never put anything on the internet that you wouldn't want your mother, a priest or the dean of admissions to see.
Originally Posted by Jeuce

Like who gets expelled for cussing out a principal? Granted you can get in trouble, but expulsion? Seems a little harsh no? Do you go to a private school or something?

Hes had previous suspensions. He did it because in the WIAA (Wisconsin High School Sports) you have a limit of points for conduct.
Idk what the limit is but now hes over it so he cant play his senior year. Hes a junior, either way he wasnt playing football for previous conduct rulesbroken.

I got like 7 points or something, again i dont know what the limit is but i dont care cause im a senior and dont have to worry about next year.

And for all who have asked, i go to a Public school.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I need to rant.

Im a senior in Highschool who plays football and basketball.
Homecoming was the other week, i got trashed. There were many other Homecoming parties too. One of the parties got ratted out to the administration, they're all F'd. That led to one of the parties i was at, so all of us there are F'd. The principles led this to parties that happened over the summer, even more F'd.

Some kid/parent? Was salty they werent playing on a sport and ratted everyone out which led to everything else coming out.
The kid/parent? Emailed the school, pictures from all these parties that were allll on facebook.

Done for football, suspended for the beginning of basketball

Does this person hate that many ppl to %+%% everyone over?

My highschools teams for sports are alll done for, for the rest of the year.

Girls Volleyball
Guys Volleyball
Girls Basketball
Guys Basketball

There were kids in all of those sports who are now suspended. 20 something Varsity kids suspended.

One kid got expelled for snappin on the Head Principle cussing him out and flicking him off as he just left school right then and there.


Originally Posted by Mastamind89

You must go to a catholic/private school, I went to one so I know how the rules are

They say even though you are not at school, on school grounds/property, you still represent the school.
So doing things such as drinking would tarnish the schools name.
I remember that some kids wanted to fight at the mall at the end of the school week, some how the dean heard of it and said if anything went down that they would be expelled.
Oh i understand now, OP you go to a private school?
You should, a college could pull your admission for bad marks on your disciplinary record.
Don't blame the snitch. You had no business getting trashed when you're still in HS. At least wait until you get to college before ruining your lifewith alcoholism.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

But what i don't understand is that, they got pics of yall trashed or what? The school should not be involved if its outside of school.

With that much to lose, you probably should have been a little more careful.
Tell me about it.

I'm working with the board of education as a student rep, and I have to be clean as a whistle this entire school year.

One party I almost went to had a group of kids get snitched on. They smoked and drank on some movie night at a girl's house, and one of the girls that wasthere at the party told her parents who told the parents of another kid who was there. The kid's parents grounded him for half a year with no carprivileges, held him from playing soccer, and was never allowed to hang out past 5-6 at a friend's house with no parental supervision.

People following up on that Michael Phelps snitching tip...
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