SMH: Such Inhumane Acts - Picking On Asian Elders (VID) Vol. If Only Karma Was Real

Originally Posted by Derek916

This is why I avoid any group of teens whether they're black, asian, white, etc because they alot of times having something to "prove" or have enlarged cahonas because they with their crew

this is the sad truth of the youth today
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Sid chill.
You're fighting a battle you CANNOT win my man.This thread isn't going 11 pages strong for nothing (if you know what I mean).

word... them dudes had racist feeling before this thread and def. will have them after this thread is closed. So no point in arguing with anyone.
Pssst..please.  The only people that were "racist" were the ATTACKERS in EACH of these cases.  !!$+ outta here.
gtfoohwtbs... you can't be serious with all the racial comments made all throughout this thread. fall the $*%$ back.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Its funny to me actually. How the african american ethic group can sit here and defend their own people. yes i know, its nature to sit there and defend. however, theres a time where you have to come to realization that the stereotype of blacks being violent, disrespectful, and barbaric, is true. specifically in this generation. because i know damn well back during the civil rights era, the teens would not do this. they were fighting to be treated equal. this generation of blacks is just ridiculous. dont come in here with the argument that all races commit these crimes. sure all races commit murder, but an unprovoked act like dragging a helpless asian man and pushing him? and killing them? thats ridiculous. THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU GUYS ARE BEING TREATED THE WAY YOU ARE. we arent racist, but realist. i dont hate blacks, i hate blacks who act like this, just as for any race. but 90 percent of time, these crimes, are committed by blacks. these punk *** people would never do this to people who can actually defend them selves.

well said.  close thread.  wonder why black people are portrayed as barbaric animals? look at your media, look at your influences, and look at these young hoodlums. 
I've been avoiding this thread but I just read the last few pages. I understand that in a lot of cases like these, blacks are the suspects but still I hope that people aren't stereotyping so much. I think anyone, regardless of color, can be a bad person because of their surroundings and upbringing. All I'm saying is don't pre-judge. Give a chance first.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

So for my closing statement: I love people of all ethnic backgrounds as long as you're a decent person. I have love for Asians, hopefully I get the same love back.
I truly commend you on that, not a lot of people have that type of mentality.
I am the same, I have respect for everyone unless they cross the line. I think the whole "I hate black people" words that were utter is a shame as well.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Its funny to me actually. How the african american ethic group can sit here and defend their own people. yes i know, its nature to sit there and defend. however, theres a time where you have to come to realization that the stereotype of blacks being violent, disrespectful, and barbaric, is true. specifically in this generation. because i know damn well back during the civil rights era, the teens would not do this. they were fighting to be treated equal. this generation of blacks is just ridiculous. dont come in here with the argument that all races commit these crimes. sure all races commit murder, but an unprovoked act like dragging a helpless asian man and pushing him? and killing them? thats ridiculous. THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU GUYS ARE BEING TREATED THE WAY YOU ARE. we arent racist, but realist. i dont hate blacks, i hate blacks who act like this, just as for any race. but 90 percent of time, these crimes, are committed by blacks. these punk *** people would never do this to people who can actually defend them selves.

Man. There are good and bad people of all races. These violent acts can happen to anyone. However, I do believe that this happen to them because they're Asian. If you watch the news how many times do you hear an Asian fighting back or getting even. That's why they are usually targets. In addition, they are foreigners. I bet you if any of these victims were African American, Samoan, or Tongan...then these dudes would think twice. These idiots wouldn't choke no 83 year old African American.. they may have some respect for him being an older African American... And you know it too. 
i love the "there are so good blacks out there" as if we are a rare breed

ya'll are barely any better than the people that committed these crimes...

yeah you didn't kill anyone but seriously? its ok to just lump a whole group of people together for the horrible acts of a few but end it with "there are some good ones" as if that makes your statement ok...

these people might have been targeted cuz of their race...i wouldn't be surprised but that damn sure doesnt make it ok to group a whole race because of that...

again i ask...where is the outrage about all the bad white people who target spanish speaking immigrants? can we safely assume all white folks are bad except "the few good ones"

i never really paid it any attention but i guess the mods to let this stuff slide...
Also I would like to know why Dirty bans people when things said in threads about Asians, which aren't as bad as some of these posts in this thread, are banned?

Dirty shouldn't be the only person at fault; he's not the only mod / admin on here.

And it doesn't help if you guys aren't reporting the comments you feel are inappropriate.
There's no use in trying to reason with the people in this thread.It's pointless.
that's so ******ed... these are a bunch of cowards hitting on helpless people.
I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.
lol blatant racism in this thread

black folks ask yourself... do you really even care about the asian opinion on black people?
Originally Posted by BTK

I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.
speak for yourself kid
Originally Posted by BTK

I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.

   our genes?

Haze has said something along those lines about white people and many tried to bite his head off for it...lets see hom many co-signs this gets
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by BTK

I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.
speak for yourself kid
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by KB8isCLUTCH

i really want to believe that these people are not just targeting asians but from what i've seen on this site, i wouldn't doubt it.
Exactly, so many assaults within such a short amount of time.
Actually, demographically san francisco is just heavily asian. We cannot confirm nor deny whether they were looking to attack just that group, but these could certainly qualify as random acts of violence against people in that part of town, in that part of day, who just happen to be asian.  Still, I'm a firm believer in karma, so I think they will pay in the long run. 
Originally Posted by jjsrf

lol blatant racism in this thread

black folks ask yourself... do you really even care about the asian opinion on black people?
NO...92 % of Asians wish they were black 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by BTK

I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.

   our genes?

Haze has said something along those lines about white people and many tried to bite his head off for it...lets see hom many co-signs this gets
it's pretty much general consensus.  ask anyone in America who ISN'T black, hell, any part of the world... they'll tell you the same answer and will most likely share the same feelings about inner city black people.

ahh  shameless self defense mechanism.  don't blame some of you guys though.. it's human nature.  i'd probably do the same thing if my race was put on blast on national TV/news every other day for committing violent crimes.   
Originally Posted by BTK

I'm black and I'll be the first to say, we're the most ignorant race on the face of this earth. And I'm talking staggering numbers, like 90% of us. It's runs rampant in the black community in all social classes. Why, who knows, maybe it's in our genes. I don't see it changing either.

Originally Posted by inspektahdeck

Originally Posted by jjsrf

lol blatant racism in this thread

black folks ask yourself... do you really even care about the asian opinion on black people?
NO...92 % of Asians wish they were black
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]  Absolutely no sarcasm, I can honestly say these two responses have made my night.. [/color]
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