SMH, now I know why women from Atlanta love out of towners

While there are alot of gay guys in ATL, if you think about it, women everywhere like out of towners. Im from Alabama and now live on the West Coast. It is soeasy to smash chicks out here because they love something different. Even when I visit the Mid-West and the East Coast, the girls are just crazy for out oftown dudes. Must just be the rush and excitement of doing something different.
@ y'all being shook to go toAtlanta because of these gay dudes.

I lived in Atlanta for three years, and enjoyed every minute of it.
It's a beautiful city with some very beautiful women.
I'm notgonna front, the first time I saw dudes like the ones Rell posted in Lenox Mall or wherever I was
but I realized that they in no affect on my life so I just
and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by loxley4life

While there are alot of gay guys in ATL, if you think about it, women everywhere like out of towners. Im from Alabama and now live on the West Coast. It is so easy to smash chicks out here because they love something different. Even when I visit the Mid-West and the East Coast, the girls are just crazy for out of town dudes. Must just be the rush and excitement of doing something different.

Originally Posted by FedExciter

Originally Posted by Dakingii

first if all, most of yall out of towners are corny

second of all, imma have to agree, there are too many gay dudes down here

third, it makes it easier for straight dudes like me to bag chicks

first of all,it doesnt matter what the dudes think because most of yall are gay anyways

i was in atl last summer and it seemed like all i had to do was speak a few words to bag a chick,they love the ny accent

Yezzirr, I need to take a trip donw there again soon. The females down there love NY. Was snacthing everything i saw
[h2]Atlanta: A city on the DL?[/h2]

Friday Oct 23 1:14 PM CDT posted by Byron Crawford


Just how gay is Atlanta, anyway? I'd investigate myself, but I wouldn't want to fall victim to a reverse hate crime. Lord knows I'm still recovering from that "this hamburger has AIDS" scene from the first season of True Blood.

Someone probably should have a look though. Atlanta is one of the biggest cities in hip-hop these days. Someone with the information and the math skills would have to conduct the analysis, but I wouldn't be surprised if Atlanta rap albums sell way better than New York rap albums at this point, even with Def Jam making bulk purchases of albums by its own artists. It'd be a trip, if Atlanta turned out to be the black equivalent of San Francisco or some such.

I've seen enough evidence to suggest that it probably is, on the basis that where there's smoke there's fire, stereotypes tend to be based in truth, etc., but you never can be too sure. For example, I was informed the other day, in the comments section of a post on my own site about how Atlanta might be on the DL, collectively, that Atlanta isn't so much on the DL as it is plain ol' teh ghey. However, you'd be hard pressed (nullus) to find a suspect black man in Atlanta who would cop to being a brownie hound. Trey Songz, Pastor Ma$e, Tyler Perry, Teh Gyant? All supposedly straight as an arrow. Name one admittedly teh ghey black guy from Atlanta. See, you can't do it.

A few years ago, there was this great video some guy made of how ****** hookers had just completely taken over this one neighborhood down there. It was like a scene right out of these zombie movies. It looked like a more or less normal neighborhood, but there were ****** hookers all over the place. You could hardly drive down the street, without having to swerve around them. I was gonna post the video on my own site, to suggest that it's statistically very probable that you could accidentally pick up a ****** !+#*** in Atlanta, but it was removed from YouTube before I got a chance. I guess it violated the ****** hookers' right to privacy. You know how the best videos on YouTube are always getting removed on some ol' *%!!%#%+. On the other hand, there wasn't a "girl" in that video I'd cop a $15 blowski from. So who knows?

I heard recently, on Tariq Nasheed's Mack Lessons Radio Show, that a song called "Addicted to Boyz," by a teh ghey rapper named J.R., aka Gay Rapper Jr. (who's Gay Rapper Sr., Kanye West?), is actually played on the radio down in Atlanta. But it wasn't clear to me if he was saying that this song really does come on the radio down there, or that Atlanta is so teh ghey that a song like "Addicted to Boyz" by Gay Rapper Jr. could actually be played on the radio down there. I raised the issue on - again - my own site, but the response was inconclusive. Most were just upset that there could be a rap video that's so teh ghey, and that I would post it on my site without issuing much of a warning. (My bad, guys.) Indeed, the video for "Addicted to Boyz" is way more bothersome, in a purely objective sense, than any number of straight videos that have been removed from YouTube. (Or so I've heard.) Don't let me find out YouTube is part of some conspiracy on behalf of the TIs to spread teh gheyness in the black community.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just saying. Different communities have different norms. One of the reasons I'm considered such an iconoclast on the Internets is because I grew up in the Midwest, where people still have values. When I was in high school, it was nothing for a math teacher/wrestling coach to come up to you between classes and tell you you looked like a *#%. If this were in San Francisco or somewhere, he probably would have been on the news. But why? Yeah, he probably could have used a better choice of words, but what if it's important to a kid that he doesn't look like a fudge, and he unwittingly wore something suspect, because you know how high school kids can fall victim to trends, and, in all likelihood, your mom - rather than your father - is buying all of your clothes?

I read a story on CNN the other day about the new dress code at Morehouse, and I was taken aback by the list of things that were banned: makeup, dresses, purses, high heel shoes. And I got to thinking, if Morehouse has enough of a problem with men showing up to school dressed like Madea, it must be the gayest college evar. The school I went to has been around since 1867, and I doubt its ever seen a male student walking around with a purse. Not even a foreign exchange student from Europe. (Most of our foreign students were imported from Africa, slavey-style, to help pad the number of "black" students on campus out to 3%.) In my post, I raised the question of whether or not this is true, but the response was - again - inconclusive. I thought this might have been a matter of proud Morehouse men not willing to cop to just how teh ghey their school has gotten, but then it occurred to me that they might just lack a proper frame of reference.

Like hip-hop circa 2009, Atlanta might only seem teh ghey when compared to something decidedly less teh ghey. At any rate, it's hardly any wonder hip-hop is in the state that it's in, when so much of it comes from such a suspect city.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

I love ATL.

Females always approach you.


my friend from Atlanta tells me its like NYC backwards over there....da chicks is starved for %$#**% so they da ones hunting
This is not a good look for the ATL. Ey, these $%*$%+ gay as *#%$. Women down there so fine though, thick, tall, and pretty, why in the hell all these $%*$%+gay. I know T.I, Outkast, and Jeezy and them mad these pictures are on the net. This is why music from the ATL sounds like this, it's influenced by these++!#**
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Females in ATL are stuck up because just like anywhere else, men worship them. They throw money at them as if they are banks. Dudes cause this nonsense. Praising women that don't deserve praise. Gives these females a false sense of worth/value.

Plus every girl there wants to be a video vixxen.

DC don't let da video hype fool you..atlanta girls are nuffin like NYC girls........when they see a heterosexual fly dude doing his thing, theyflockin'...ain't no kinda of reservations

on they end.
Sons, I was there this weekend with my frat for MLK weekend. Lenox was soooo gay.

I was going down the escalator to get a drink from the food court, this big muscular cat walks up on me and steps on the same platform as me on the escalator.I'm 5'10 and 150lbs. I was mad shook, thought he was gone try to holla. I step off the escalator and this dude gets right back on and goes back up theother side.

Club Miami was
though. So many bad chicks.

They played that new Luda go low, and the girls was wilding out.
Damn them pics reminded me of the Prince skit on Chappelle show

This thread doesn't give me any incentive to visit ATL again.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Females in ATL are stuck up because just like anywhere else, men worship them. They throw money at them as if they are banks. Dudes cause this nonsense. Praising women that don't deserve praise. Gives these females a false sense of worth/value.

Plus every girl there wants to be a video vixxen.

DC don't let da video hype fool you..atlanta girls are nuffin like NYC girls........when they see a heterosexual fly dude doing his thing, they flockin'...ain't no kinda of reservations

on they end.
thats anywhere tho----I gotta goto NYC for like a week and see for myself.

DC is right tho. 9/10 females here are on some vixen/musician/actress type steelo man. You have to filter through a million of them, not including thehoodrats. I know a lot dudes that dont have the time to do all that---its pointless to me.
I remember when I was in high school working at a restaurant in downtown Toronto and gay pride parade rolled around in June. Tons of dudes came in to visitfrom Atlanta. They looked exactly like the dudes in OPs photos
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Sons, I was there this weekend with my frat for MLK weekend. Lenox was soooo gay.

I was going down the escalator to get a drink from the food court, this big muscular cat walks up on me and steps on the same platform as me on the escalator. I'm 5'10 and 150lbs. I was mad shook, thought he was gone try to holla. I step off the escalator and this dude gets right back on and goes back up the other side.

Club Miami was
though. So many bad chicks.

They played that new Luda go low, and the girls was wilding out.
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