sixers ready to bring back AI

f the Philadelphia 76ers are thinking about bringing back Allen Iverson(notes), coach Eddie Jordan says no one has talked to him about it.

Jordan downplayed reports Sunday of Iverson possibly returning to the city where he became an NBA superstar, saying he hasn't spoken to the recentlyretired guard and added that the Sixers are not seriously looking at any free agents.

"It's something that's probably more in the media than it actually is," Jordan said. "We're just going about our daily operation ofpracticing and trying to win a game. But certainly I have not talked to anybody about Allen Iverson.";_y...5nYcB?slug=ap-76ers-iverson&prov=ap&type=lgns
Originally Posted by Informerx

If you think me calling someone an idiot is me acting tough, something wrong with you.

No somethings wrong with you so please
Originally Posted by presequel

f the Philadelphia 76ers are thinking about bringing back Allen Iverson(notes), coach Eddie Jordan says no one has talked to him about it.

Jordan downplayed reports Sunday of Iverson possibly returning to the city where he became an NBA superstar, saying he hasn't spoken to the recently retired guard and added that the Sixers are not seriously looking at any free agents.

"It's something that's probably more in the media than it actually is," Jordan said. "We're just going about our daily operation of practicing and trying to win a game. But certainly I have not talked to anybody about Allen Iverson.";_y...5nYcB?slug=ap-76ers-iverson&prov=ap&type=lgns
So who's blowing smoke here??

Is this gonna be another Knicks situation?
As each days past, I'm doubting its going to happen.

The right thing to do is to let the young guys play, with or w/o Iverson we are not going to be a title contender, so I guess just like the young guys play andget experience.

Maybe we can bring him back next year, no hurt in that
NT wait...wait a minute... yall saying Allen Iverson can STILL average 25-30 pts a game now (2009-2010 season)?!

before i respond.... let me clarify that. is that WHAT YALL ARE TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO ME?!
I can't believe some of the comments dudes on here posting

Question anything about AI, but to question his ability to score?
When did y'all start watchin the L?

Anyway, this needs to happen already....AI in a Sixers uni again would be

BTW, let me clarify...i don't think he can drop 26-30+ on the reg anymore though...but i could see him getting his 22-25 nightly...
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

NT wait...wait a minute... yall saying Allen Iverson can STILL average 25-30 pts a game now (2009-2010 season)?!

before i respond.... let me clarify that. is that WHAT YALL ARE TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO ME?!

are you serious? i always thought you were a NT persona in the music forum just talking ##+$ to make people laugh ... but you sound like youre serious thistime ... you really believe ai cant put up 25 points a night if he starts and gets 40 minutes per game?
youre a funny dude
anyone who thinks he cant average 20 a night should stop watching basketball...with that being said i cant wait til he comes back. the entire nba did this mandirty letting him retire and let giving him a shot. just goes to show can be on top of the world one day, and have the whole world doubt you the next
Ok...let's look at this from a logistics standpoint...

AI is gonna get to the line at least 8-9 times a night, let's say 8 for the sake of argument. He will make at least 6.

AI will get at least one or two steals which will lead to fast break points. That will add up to 4 points

So that means all he as to do is make 5 shots. And if he gets at least 15 shots a night he can do that easily. That's the other 10.

So really, come on with the "he can't get 20" argument.
Nov 30, 2009 4:10 PM EST
The 76ers met with free-agent guard Allen Iverson for two hours on Monday in Dallas.

The team released the following statement:

"This afternoon, we met with free agent Allen Iverson in Dallas for the first formal discussion regarding a possible return to the Philadelphia 76ers. Themeeting lasted approximately two hours and covered a variety of topics, all of which we would prefer to keep between the team and Allen," general managerEd Stefanski said.

"Joining me at the meeting with Allen, his agent Leon Rose and his personal manager Gary Moore was Senior Vice President/Assistant General Manager TonyDiLeo, Head Coach Eddie Jordan and Assistant Coach Aaron McKie.

"At this time, both parties remain non-committal regarding a final decision and we will continue to discuss internally whether or not to pursue thiscourse.

"We want to thank Allen, Leon and Gary for taking the time to meet with us today."

Via Press Release
Iverson Can still dominate if needed, gaurenteed. He is a one man wrecking crew. I Hate the way people get down on this guy who leaves his heart an soul on thecourt every time he plays. wether he scored 2 pts or 52, you know that he brings everything he has every night.

If you dont think Iverson could lead the league in scoring if needed then you dont know basketball and you prolly shouldnt speak. Allen Iverson lives to scorethe basketball. Thats the thing he is best at, scoring! if there is anything Iverson can do its score. You can pick a part the rest of his game, but dont talkabout his scoring.

Before He went to denver he was averaging 28+ a game all time career, Thats unreal, that was good for 3rd all time!!! dude average 33.7 points for an entireseason once!!!, that is crazy, name another 6 foot 165 pounder that has done that? I think he Avg like 7 assists to go along with that.

Iverson Forever Punks
Originally Posted by PR baller 23

Iverson Can still dominate if needed, gaurenteed. He is a one man wrecking crew. I Hate the way people get down on this guy who leaves his heart an soul on the court every time he plays. wether he scored 2 pts or 52, you know that he brings everything he has every night.

If you dont think Iverson could lead the league in scoring if needed then you dont know basketball and you prolly shouldnt speak. Allen Iverson lives to score the basketball. Thats the thing he is best at, scoring! if there is anything Iverson can do its score. You can pick a part the rest of his game, but dont talk about his scoring.

Before He went to denver he was averaging 28+ a game all time career, Thats unreal, that was good for 3rd all time!!! dude average 33.7 points for an entire season once!!!, that is crazy, name another 6 foot 165 pounder that has done that? I think he Avg like 7 assists to go along with that.

Iverson Forever Punks

That's the problem. He lives to score points, not to win basketball games. He wants to be the center on attention at all times. He doesn't care if hewins or loses, as long as you put everything on him. To some, it's admirable. To me, it's stupid -- especially after 13 years. Philly will beentertaining though. It's a good business move for them, unless they did something stupid like giving Iverson anything over 2 mil/yr.
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