sixers ready to bring back AI

This is great. Iverson is still a great scorer and with the lack of offensive production the sixers have right now, he can definately help them do some thingson that end of the floor. Amazing how the iverson saga went through all of this to come back where he started and ironically, this is the best fit for himsince he left the sixers years ago. They NEED Iverson like it or not.

Looking forward to watching the sixers make a playoff push and suprise some people.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Sixers in the playoffs. Book it.

Welcome back homie.

A 17-65 season with a top 3 pick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 40-42 season with a first round exit in the playoffs.

However, Sixers won't make the playoffs this year, with or without Iverson. I'd be shocked if Iverson was even still on the active roster in April.

And with that said, I bought courtside seats for Monday's game. Sec 101, Row BB. Had to do it.

Tickets are that cheap? I need to go to a Philly game then.
76ers games are not cheap, I'm assuming he paid over $500 for those
Man them tickets are 220 or something like that. Its somebody on ebay that sells them and thats how much they said they paid for them. Sixers tickets are cheap(compared to other teams) to me.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by enyceking

he will be dropping 40s like its nothing and maybe a 50 or 2 quote me on that

But will his team win? Oh yeah, I forgot it doesn't matter because "he leaves everything on the floor." My bad.

And when he brings the Sixers out of the basement and into the playoffs what then? O yeah, I forgot they wont win the championship (pretty much 100% on that one) so he still wont be regarded as "a winner" by the haters. So just go beat off to "Kobe: Doin Work" and leave the basketball discussions to people who actually know what they are talking about.
You do realize that his career win percentage is very close to .500, and I'm not even sure if he's on the positive side of the equation these days. People aren't saying these things without basis. He acts like he wants to win, but he doesn't. He wants to be the center on attention, win or lose. When one loses more often than they win, they are often referred to as a "loser." Iverson is not the exception. As for "Kobe: Doin' Work"....

Spoiler [+]
Your spoiler sums up my response to your post. Aside from the first 2 seasons in the league where he had to drag a trash team out of the gutter and the 03-04 season (where he only played half the season) the team he is on has not had a losing record. So im not quite sure where you are getting this he loses more than he wins garbage. O wait you may have long term memory loss and are only remembering the last 2 seasons where he really had nothing to do with the teams losing. But dont go editing your posts, Id like to be able to come back around March and get a nice little laugh at your expense.

Or maybe we're back to the whole NBA title is the end all be all when it comes to being a winner in the league. I mean to be honest its getting kinda old. I mean I could name 10 guys in the league, and there are countless others who are in the Hall of Fame and are amazing players but they just never got that ring. It takes a lot for a TEAM to win a championship. He would have had his in 00-01 but he ran into a fairly decent (sarcasm) team that had some guys you may or may not know on it. Their names are Shaq and Kobe. This was the start or their 3peat, so they were a pretty dominant team at that point to say the least. Sometimes things just dont add up.

Now just to put things into perspective. Say Bron or Melo never get a title. Are they any less of a player because they didnt win it all. No they are both well on their ways to the Hall and more then likely one if not both may end their career without ever getting to the promise land. Im not sure when this whole your not a winner if you dont have a ring mentalitly came from. Sometimes their are other contributing factors that come into play where you just cant get the big one. Hell during the 90s no1 had rings unless you were playing beside a guy named Michael. Were those guys not "Winners"

This isnt golf or tennis we're talking about. Your out there with 4 other guys. Sometimes the other guy has to make the shot.

I really see that you're trying with all of your heart to defend your boy, and it's cute... it really is.
I'm refering to a particular point and you're going off on tangents throwing up defenses against arguments that I'm not even making.

Anyway, the stat I'm referring to is 355-342. THIS IS IVERSON'S RECORD AS A 76er.


Critics point out that Iverson's career shooting percentage (.423) is unremarkable. They also frequently accuse Iverson of being a ball hog: as of March 2007, he has taken ~16,800 shots in just over 700 games, averaging over 23 per game. In Iverson's defense, he has not been on teams with other remarkable scorers, and his assists-to-turnovers ratio is actually better than that of some other high scorers such as Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. Detractors also note that the 76ers' all-time record with Iverson in the lineup was barely above .500 (355-342), and that in the 2006-2007 season, the 76ers posted a better win-loss record without Iverson in the lineup than with him.

I can't verify that stat 100%, but if it holds true as IVERSON'S RECORD (not that of the 76ers collectively), then my point is proven. 13 games above .500 for a guy who wants to be called a "winner" doesn't cut it in my book. Iverson: Great individual talent, not a winner. I'm not talking about rings, I'm talking about games. Feel free to respond, I only ask that you stay focused.

W/e you say. But that takes into account his first two seasons where the sixers were a terrible franchise and he dragged them single handedly outof the gutter. His first 2 seasons were .268 & .378 respectively. And thise arent really his fault. Did you expect a team who won 18 games to have a rookiecome in and automatically make them a playoff team. Since them they posted

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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2004-05[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]43[/td] [td]39[/td] [td].524[/td] [td]2nd[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]4[/td] [td].200[/td] [td]Lost East Conf 1st Rd[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2003-04[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]49[/td] [td].402[/td] [td]5th[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]DNQ[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2002-03[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]34[/td] [td].585[/td] [td]2nd[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]6[/td] [td].500[/td] [td]Lost East Conf Semis[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2001-02[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]43[/td] [td]39[/td] [td].524[/td] [td]4th[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3[/td] [td].400[/td] [td]Lost East Conf 1st Rd[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2000-01[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]56[/td] [td]26[/td] [td].683[/td] [td]1st[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]11[/td] [td].522[/td] [td]Lost NBA Finals[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1999-00[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]33[/td] [td].598[/td] [td]3rd[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td].500[/td] [td]Lost East Conf Semis[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1998-99 *[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]22[/td] [td].560[/td] [td]3rd[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]5[/td] [td].375[/td] [td]Lost East Conf Semis[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1997-98[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]31[/td] [td]51[/td] [td].378[/td] [td]7th[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]DNQ[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1996-97[/td] [td]Philadelphia[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]60[/td] [td].268[/td] [td]6th[/td] [td]Atlantic Division[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]DNQ[/td] [/tr][/table]
Theres the complete break down. If you take out the two god auful first seasons because the Sixers didnt put it all on a rookies back and the 03-04 seasonwhere he only played 42 games in the season (not gonna go game by game and see how many they won with Iverson) His win % is around .580. So sure you can takethe stats as literal and str8 forward but sometimes theres more to the stats. I mean it is what it is, Im not gonna change anyones mind on here so thats fine.If you hate the man then thats that.

And the "boyfriend" comments are played out son. Do I have to put it in my sig that I made this SN when I was 15. Im 22 now. I dont need to fightIversons battles but some ppl are just ignorant on here. Acting like his last 2 seasons sum up his career. Or that he doesnt want to win because he wants to bethe facal point of a club and the only teams that seem to give him that chance are teams who arent in the best positions. If he decides to ring chase at theend of his career then that is on him. But I respect players more if they cant get it on their own merits then they feel it jujst wasnt meant to be. Sorry ifyour opinion differs on that matter.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

And the "boyfriend" comments are played out son. Do I have to put it in my sig that I made this SN when I was 15. Im 22 now. I dont need to fight Iversons battles but some ppl are just ignorant on here. Acting like his last 2 seasons sum up his career. Or that he doesnt want to win because he wants to be the facal point of a club and the only teams that seem to give him that chance are teams who arent in the best positions. If he decides to ring chase at the end of his career then that is on him. But I respect players more if they cant get it on their own merits then they feel it jujst wasnt meant to be. Sorry if your opinion differs on that matter.

Wow... where did I say anything about "boyfriend"?
I said "your boy". Any allusions to homosexuality that you draw from that are strictly on you. Again, you are doing alot of defendingagainst things I didn't say. You are trying to put me in the mold of what you see as a typical Iverson hater. If I've said these things, please quoteme so that I can see what you are refering to.

It's all good man. I prefer to see a player get his stats without having a negative effect on his team(mates). You seem to back a man on a mission whois only interested in playing his game on his terms. Either way the Sixers will be way more entertaining now. I won't front. I'll be watching. I'mreally just glad he no longer on the Nuggets.
Originally Posted by CP1708

People in here arguing that AI is a winner?

Yeah. Apparently, all you have to do is discount his losing seasons and BOOM, a win-loss record he can be proud of.
Im not exactly lobbying that hes a winner on MJs level or anything like that. But what do you constitute as being a winner. Do you have to have a chip to be a"winner" I mean sure if that is your only criteria, then yea I agree with you Iverson is not a winner. But when he is the focal point of the team andeven in Denver when he was second fiddle to Melo his team has posted a fairly decent record. The entire record you post brings into play Detroit where thesabotage of his career started and that all cant be blamed on Iverson. Dumars blew that whole franchise up when he let Billups go. Billups was the heart ofthat team and when he left so did the hearts of everyone on that team. Sheed, Rip, Prince all really stopped playing at that point.

And I guess if you want to blame the Sixers being god awful his first 2 years in the league. When they were by far the worst team in the league before theypicked him up then be my guest as well. Im just pointing out facts, your minds seem to be made up so it is what it is. Im not gonna change your mind about theman, thats clear. All im saying is his teams are well over 500 if you dont account for how bad they were his first 2 years. 1 scorer is not going to come ontoa team and change their fate over night. But when they got rebounding pieces around him his teams have not been "Losers".

Id just like to know if your only criteria for a "Winner" is a ring then let me know. Cuz we can agree on that. But saying the man doesnt want to wingames/Isnt capable of carrying his team to a winning record is just outright ******ed.
Same dudes saying A.I. is a loser are the same dudes that got braids when A.I. started growing his.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Im not exactly lobbying that hes a winner on MJs level or anything like that. But what do you constitute as being a winner. Do you have to have a chip to be a "winner" I mean sure if that is your only criteria, then yea I agree with you Iverson is not a winner. But when he is the focal point of the team and even in Denver when he was second fiddle to Melo his team has posted a fairly decent record. The entire record you post brings into play Detroit where the sabotage of his career started and that all cant be blamed on Iverson. Dumars blew that whole franchise up when he let Billups go. Billups was the heart of that team and when he left so did the hearts of everyone on that team. Sheed, Rip, Prince all really stopped playing at that point.

And I guess if you want to blame the Sixers being god awful his first 2 years in the league. When they were by far the worst team in the league before they picked him up then be my guest as well. Im just pointing out facts, your minds seem to be made up so it is what it is. Im not gonna change your mind about the man, thats clear. All im saying is his teams are well over 500 if you dont account for how bad they were his first 2 years. 1 scorer is not going to come onto a team and change their fate over night. But when they got rebounding pieces around him his teams have not been "Losers".

Id just like to know if your only criteria for a "Winner" is a ring then let me know. Cuz we can agree on that. But saying the man doesnt want to win games/Isnt capable of carrying his team to a winning record is just outright ******ed.

A winner can also be someone who does whatever the team wants for the sake of winning. So come off the bench, carry water buckets, shine the coaches shoes, Idon't care. Do what is asked.

Duncan came off the bench when he returned from an injury. Kobe did. TMac is currently offering to come off the bench. Then, when the injury was healedand they proved they were ready, the coaches moved them back into the starting lineup.

Coach wants AI to come off the bench, come off the bench. Period, done, end of story. But no. AI don't want that. AI don't agree with that. AIhas a problem. That's not winner.

His playing style is not conducive to winning. He dominates the ball, he doesn't care, he wants it, he wants it his way, everyone else be damned. Heabsoultely tries hard. He absoultely is talented. He WANTS to win, but what he doesn't realize is that HIS way, is not the way to get it done.

Reggie, Malone, Stockton, Ewing, never won, but they did whatever they were told. Reggie was on a team that better younger players came along, his rolereduced, he still played his best. Malone and Stock did whatever Sloan asked of them. They just always came up short. The point is, they didn't takeaway from the team. They didn't do anything that prevented the team from improving, winning, growing, whatever.

AI can not say the same.

THAT, to me, is why he is not a winner. (you'll notice that it has zero to do with rings, I'm talking attitude, style, the way they all play, notthe result of what team they were on)
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Im not exactly lobbying that hes a winner on MJs level or anything like that. But what do you constitute as being a winner. Do you have to have a chip to be a "winner" I mean sure if that is your only criteria, then yea I agree with you Iverson is not a winner. But when he is the focal point of the team and even in Denver when he was second fiddle to Melo his team has posted a fairly decent record. The entire record you post brings into play Detroit where the sabotage of his career started and that all cant be blamed on Iverson. Dumars blew that whole franchise up when he let Billups go. Billups was the heart of that team and when he left so did the hearts of everyone on that team. Sheed, Rip, Prince all really stopped playing at that point.

And I guess if you want to blame the Sixers being god awful his first 2 years in the league. When they were by far the worst team in the league before they picked him up then be my guest as well. Im just pointing out facts, your minds seem to be made up so it is what it is. Im not gonna change your mind about the man, thats clear. All im saying is his teams are well over 500 if you dont account for how bad they were his first 2 years. 1 scorer is not going to come onto a team and change their fate over night. But when they got rebounding pieces around him his teams have not been "Losers".

Id just like to know if your only criteria for a "Winner" is a ring then let me know. Cuz we can agree on that. But saying the man doesnt want to win games/Isnt capable of carrying his team to a winning record is just outright ******ed.

A winner can also be someone who does whatever the team wants for the sake of winning. So come off the bench, carry water buckets, shine the coaches shoes, I don't care. Do what is asked.

Duncan came off the bench when he returned from an injury. Kobe did. TMac is currently offering to come off the bench. Then, when the injury was healed and they proved they were ready, the coaches moved them back into the starting lineup.

Coach wants AI to come off the bench, come off the bench. Period, done, end of story. But no. AI don't want that. AI don't agree with that. AI has a problem. That's not winner.

His playing style is not conducive to winning. He dominates the ball, he doesn't care, he wants it, he wants it his way, everyone else be damned. He absoultely tries hard. He absoultely is talented. He WANTS to win, but what he doesn't realize is that HIS way, is not the way to get it done.

Reggie, Malone, Stockton, Ewing, never won, but they did whatever they were told. Reggie was on a team that better younger players came along, his role reduced, he still played his best. Malone and Stock did whatever Sloan asked of them. They just always came up short. The point is, they didn't take away from the team. They didn't do anything that prevented the team from improving, winning, growing, whatever.

AI can not say the same.

THAT, to me, is why he is not a winner. (you'll notice that it has zero to do with rings, I'm talking attitude, style, the way they all play, not the result of what team they were on)

wasn't Ewing traded at the end of his career cuz he didnt want to take a smaller role in NY???
I would honor that if those guys could play at the same skill level when they took those lesser roles. But all of those guys didnt take lesser roles until theywere declining in skill level. Now if Iverson comes out and cant get 15 a game and wont take a lesser role. Then I will come back and agree with you. ButIverson has gotten better at taking good shots as his career has gone on. His 2 years in Denver he shot .450+ from the field and that is a good % for ashooting guard.

The other reason the whole coming off the bench is a little harder for him than those guys you mentioned is that they didnt play near the minutes per game hedid. Stockton only played like 32 minutes a night or something in his prime. So when they ask him to go down to 25 thats not that big a deal. But Iverson avgs.for his career 44 or so minutes a game. Asking a guy to go from 44 to 22/23 while he still feels he can go out there and play 40+ and be effective is gonna rubanyone the wrong way.

But we'll see what happens in Philly. But I've got a feeling hes gonna show everyone that hes not quite washed up yet. Denver on Monday, Detroit onWednesday. Should be a great start to his comback. I would imagine he will want to go out prove it more to Detroit. He cant blame Denver for going out andgetting Chauncey. Hes exactly what Devner needed
Same haters coming to throw their two cents in? I'm shocked

*waits to hear something about a radar*
His first game's on Monday in Denver, he'll be starting while Lou is out multiple weeks due to jaw surgery. Welcome back, he was my childhood hero!
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Im not exactly lobbying that hes a winner on MJs level or anything like that. But what do you constitute as being a winner. Do you have to have a chip to be a "winner" I mean sure if that is your only criteria, then yea I agree with you Iverson is not a winner. But when he is the focal point of the team and even in Denver when he was second fiddle to Melo his team has posted a fairly decent record. The entire record you post brings into play Detroit where the sabotage of his career started and that all cant be blamed on Iverson. Dumars blew that whole franchise up when he let Billups go. Billups was the heart of that team and when he left so did the hearts of everyone on that team. Sheed, Rip, Prince all really stopped playing at that point.

And I guess if you want to blame the Sixers being god awful his first 2 years in the league. When they were by far the worst team in the league before they picked him up then be my guest as well. Im just pointing out facts, your minds seem to be made up so it is what it is. Im not gonna change your mind about the man, thats clear. All im saying is his teams are well over 500 if you dont account for how bad they were his first 2 years. 1 scorer is not going to come onto a team and change their fate over night. But when they got rebounding pieces around him his teams have not been "Losers".

Id just like to know if your only criteria for a "Winner" is a ring then let me know. Cuz we can agree on that. But saying the man doesnt want to win games/Isnt capable of carrying his team to a winning record is just outright ******ed.

A winner can also be someone who does whatever the team wants for the sake of winning. So come off the bench, carry water buckets, shine the coaches shoes, I don't care. Do what is asked.

Duncan came off the bench when he returned from an injury. Kobe did. TMac is currently offering to come off the bench. Then, when the injury was healed and they proved they were ready, the coaches moved them back into the starting lineup.

Coach wants AI to come off the bench, come off the bench. Period, done, end of story. But no. AI don't want that. AI don't agree with that. AI has a problem. That's not winner.

His playing style is not conducive to winning. He dominates the ball, he doesn't care, he wants it, he wants it his way, everyone else be damned. He absoultely tries hard. He absoultely is talented. He WANTS to win, but what he doesn't realize is that HIS way, is not the way to get it done.

Reggie, Malone, Stockton, Ewing, never won, but they did whatever they were told. Reggie was on a team that better younger players came along, his role reduced, he still played his best. Malone and Stock did whatever Sloan asked of them. They just always came up short. The point is, they didn't take away from the team. They didn't do anything that prevented the team from improving, winning, growing, whatever.

AI can not say the same.

THAT, to me, is why he is not a winner. (you'll notice that it has zero to do with rings, I'm talking attitude, style, the way they all play, not the result of what team they were on)
Quoted for truth.
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