Signs From Tea Party March At Washington DC: Ignorant Conservative White People FTL

"Ignorant Conservative White People"

I suppose they are not allowed to have "Freedoms" either.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I been telling y'all watch out for this ratcheting up....

abeautifulhaze ��� � �� � �� �[-]

Posted: 09/05/08 1:42 AM
�� �
The system of currency is already starting to erode as dollars become over saturated across the globe.

Everything is going to be based on system of credit soon enough.

I don't know what direction things are going to take but s_ is going to get dramatic and confrontational eventually....word to the Republican convention posts.
How do people listen to this?

Honestly, I am in awe. I've seen very, very little of anything this man has to say but this is flat out disgusting. This is just as bad, if not WORSE than the people who scream 9/11 was an inside job and that aliens are going to come down to Earth in 2012. How he is allowed to fear monger like this on a so called respectable news network is appalling. I find it even funnier that he says "Listen to this statement in its entire context and let me tell you what I think hes saying so you agree with me because you're just sheep, you can't think for yourself, you have to think like me." And then he adds the closer, "WAKE UP." Priceless. was though...

dead ++$.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

NostrandAve68 wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

100PROOF wrote:
2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
Do you have any proof of this. How are you so sure that everyone one, who compares president Obama's policies to Fascism and Socialism, is really just calling him a racial slur?

Did you every think that in at least some cases, people call his policies socialism because they involve government moving in the direction of government owning the means of production? Have you opened your mind to the possibility that when someone uses government force to control the means of production that they are pursuing policies that define Fascism? In other words, is there enough room in that progressive, cannot-be-fooled mind of yours to even consider the possibility that some of the President and his allies' policies might actually have elements that make them indeed Socialist and Fascist in nature?

Since we are going to speculate as to why people believe what they believe. I can be confident that many, if not almost all of you guys ,who take anti Obama speech so personally, are young and/or are new to following politics. I came to this conclusion for two reasons. One is that people, who are new to politics, tend to have a very stark, dualistic, us-versus-them and absolute view of things and this is particularly true when it comes to addressing criticism for an idea or a person whom you supported. Second, it is clear that at least some Obama supporters did not really follow politics until very recently and you and others may be unaware that Presidents before President Obama have been protested. In fact, demonstrations have been held against every president since the 1960's.

Finally, a lot of you really need to break out of the MSNBC bubble. With Democrats in power, the MSNBC anchors have suddenly become little hall monitors. They went from speaking what they though was truth to power during the Bush years to marginalizing dissenters now at the start of the Obama years. The way so many of your Obama supporters talk about issues, frame issues and confront challenges to your world view makes it clear that most of you consider watching one network, with one point of view a sufficiently broad inquiry and that parroting Keith Olbermann's talking points constitutions a thoughtful discussion of the issues. Just because classical music gets played at some point in a program does not mean that the content is always reasoned, logical or even factual.

Some, if not almost all of you guys will become more discerning in the future. The news at the moment is not so bright. To be honest, it is obvious that most of you guys who are uniformly dismissing and marginalizing any and all dissenters need to grow up, get some perspective and grow a thicker skin. If you want to be a politico, you have to understand that people will disagree with you and sometimes you should engage them instead of invent a reality that allows you to universally dismiss and those people with which you disagree.
Everything you just typed is a bunch of hogwash. During the 1960's when MLK, Rev Lowery, Ralph Abernathy and etc were marching for Civil Rights and it became abundantly clear their movement was becoming effective and garnering attention from the masses guess what white people started calling MLK and his associates... "communists". Why did they label him that because they wanted to make him appear like an outsider, out to destroy America and etc fast foward to 2009 does this same rhetoric sound familiar. It seems anytime a person of color is able to mobilize a large movement of both black and white people they become the BIGGEST threat to America.

When FDR was implementing his New Deal policies it was the same silly fascism name calling being thrown out by Republicans. Republicans have a history of trying to scare the public with these "ism's" but i guess the American nation during the time period were fascists because they sure did relect FDR president 2 times. If Republicans were so set on their principles why do they have no problems accepting Social Security when they retire... never once have i heard a story on the news about a conservative rejecting fascists social security payments. Ofcourse they are individuals out there genuinely concerned about Obama's policies and the vast amount of spending but they are blanketed by the wingnuts who bring in race [Kenyan] and religion [Muslim] and cant seem to accept the fact that a black person is president... and honestly what it is that these white people know in the next 30-40 yrs they will no longer be the majority in America.. hearing that is like ether to some conservative white people's soul. I find it soooo hilarious that conservatives that believe in the free market principle get irritated about Hispanics coming to America and getting jobs... well they wouldn't be getting jobs if the market didn't have a demand for them now would they but im digressing. You can't try to downplay people who fully understand that most of these teabaggers have another agenda besides political dissent, a picture with him telling what appears to be Taliban members I Got It Now is some how related to dissent to his Healthcare agenda or huge government spending... like come on.

You just confimred what I said about Obama supporters, who dismiss dissent, you cannot discuss the issues so you have to kick up dust and compare Obama to MLK and try to get back to the same tired line, that anyone disagrees with him is a racist. Like I said, you guys need to grow up and get a thicker skin and confront criticisms head on instead of call names.

As far as your take on the FDR years is concerned, you obviously do not have much of grasp of the facts beyond what your high school teachers told you. In retrospect, Reoosevelt did not engage in the wholsesale nationalization, which he had seriously considered. In fact his strong arm tactics prolounged the Great Depression and that is confirmed when it comes to Bond prices through on the 1930's which indicate that the US was a place that was not conductive to growth or even property rights and markets at that time, reflected that risk.

You also have probably not been taught that Roosevelt was the most aggressive President when it came to using the media and censoring his opponents. The fact that Obama is supposed to be a new FDR is nothing to boast about.

Your one of those "The New Deal helped to prolongthe Depression and the only reason we got out the depression was WWII" huh.... which has been proven many times to be false has been debunked by manyeconomists. Love how you didn't dispute what I typed.
You just confimred what I said about Obama supporters, who dismiss dissent, you cannot discuss the issues so you have to kick up dust and compare Obama to MLK and try to get back to the same tired line, that anyone disagrees with him is a racist. Like I said, you guys need to grow up and get a thicker skin and confront criticisms head on instead of call names.

So Obama supporters are the ones astray from the issues now?

Nobody could be naive enough to believe that anybody who doesn't support Barack is racist, however, those who DO disagree with him LOVEEEEE forcing thatpoint. Are you afraid to be called racist?

Faux News has the highest broadcast ratings along with the most viewers in the nation, but you call for people to get out of this MSNBC 'bubble'.

Calling the president a 'Marxist Muslim', or anything similar (which we have seen plenty of), is racist and ignorant. Differences in policy or NOT.

We're not dodging issues, we're highlighting another, which is republicans have a HISTORY of throwing around this socialism, communism , bull $$+*.Those people are the ones not discussing the issues.

And before you try to prove yourself right by saying young voters have an 'Us vs Them' mentality. If anything that mentality is inherited from thecurrent political climate, and it's contributors.

I actually believe that most young people could give a !$#$ about republican vs democrat nonsense.The nature of the party system and American politics forcesyou to choose sides.
I am loving this bickering.

Before it was the crazy lunatic liberal hippies protesting the war monger Bush. Now we have "ignorant white people" protesting Obama and let me getthis right, because Obama is black, those protesting are RACISTS?

When will you people realize that Obama = Bush. Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan and wants to deploy an additional 45,000 troops there so why aregroups like Code Pink or those peace loving liberal hippies not protesting? Now why is that?
Protesting a president talking to kids an ascribing it as indoctrination, delegitimizing his Presidency by saying he's not an American citizen andpractices the Muslim faith, bringing automatic weapons to a healthcare forum. Yes Rex these are ALL LEGITIMATE POLICYISSUES... no possible way these could be construed as showing a bit of racism

When will you people realize that Obama = Bush. Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan and wants to deploy an additional 45,000 troops there so why are groups like Code Pink or those peace loving liberal hippies not protesting? Now why is that?

Maybe you should read up before throwing out statements passed off as factual.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I am loving this bickering.

Before it was the crazy lunatic liberal hippies protesting the war monger Bush. Now we have "ignorant white people" protesting Obama and let me get this right, because Obama is black, those protesting are RACISTS?

When will you people realize that Obama = Bush. Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan and wants to deploy an additional 45,000 troops there so why are groups like Code Pink or those peace loving liberal hippies not protesting? Now why is that?

Ask em. They will happily tell you.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

So Obama supporters are the ones astray from the issues now?

Nobody could be naive enough to believe that anybody who doesn't support Barack is racist, however, those who DO disagree with him LOVEEEEE forcing that point. Are you afraid to be called racist?

Faux News has the highest broadcast ratings along with the most viewers in the nation, but you call for people to get out of this MSNBC 'bubble'.

Calling the president a 'Marxist Muslim', or anything similar (which we have seen plenty of), is racist and ignorant. Differences in policy or NOT.

We're not dodging issues, we're highlighting another, which is republicans have a HISTORY of throwing around this socialism, communism , bull $$+*. Those people are the ones not discussing the issues.

And before you try to prove yourself right by saying young voters have an 'Us vs Them' mentality. If anything that mentality is inherited from the current political climate, and it's contributors.

I actually believe that most young people could give a !$#$ about republican vs democrat nonsense.The nature of the party system and American politics forces you to choose sides.

Cable News is crap no matter what channel you're watching. MSNBC and CNN use talking points that are based around the morality of the health reform andmarginalizing dissenters. Fox News asks tough questions, but the amount of dog whistle politics and innuendos make the channel un-watchable.

Getting out of the MSNBC 'bubble' means realizing that several of Obama's policies do include socialistic aspects. Or that history has shown usseveral times about what can happen to personal freedoms during socialistic regimes. Besides, the price tag for many of Obama's policies could potentiallybankrupt this country. If those arent concerns worthy of protest, I dont know what is.

There is no doubt that some of the protesters may be prostesting for racist reasons. But painting a group of people a certain way without polling them or evenbeing on site to witness the crowd is nothing short of ignorance. Personally, I agree that some of the actions of the these tea party protesters have beendespicable, but as long as the the issues that they are representing (even though some protest for different reasons) are issues that should be discussed onthe national level, I will ignore the actions of a selected few and focus on the issues at hand.

That "Us vs Them" mentality does nothing but close your mind to the other sides ideas. No one ideology has a perfect solution for any problem.History has shown us that Presidents who play the center and use ideas from both sides are the most successful.
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

I wonder how familiar everyone who has an opinion either way for the proposed health care bill is with the actual bill

probably as equal as Obama and the Stimulus. Just heard about it and Said "NO." And Never Bothered to read it. Coming from a Conservative. IF itwasn't for these EXTREME EXTREME Conservatives people wouldn't just label us as ignorant, thats just maybe 5%
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

notice how they claim the teaparties are about too much spending but all the signs have generic attacks on Obama like he is taking away our freedoms and he is a muslim marxist and a commy, it has nothing to do with his spending, its cause he is black, yeah i said it, cause its true. They dont even know why they are angry. Rich conservatives get poor whites to fight for their causes by exploiting the one thing that the two groups have in common, their whiteness. thats how they got them to fight for the conferderacy in the civil war when most people didnt even own slaves and they still do it today.

If you say the white people who don't like Obama are Racist then Any black person who didn't like any previous president is racist. That'sbasically what you are saying. Not 100% backing the rich conservatives but lemme ask you this: If you've worked hard your whole life to build up yourfortune and then The State you live in or President said "Were going to have you pay almost all of the Income taxes in the Country, and were going to getrid of your current, working health care plan" Would you be the Slightest Bit Pissed Off?
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

So Obama supporters are the ones astray from the issues now?

Nobody could be naive enough to believe that anybody who doesn't support Barack is racist, however, those who DO disagree with him LOVEEEEE forcing that point. Are you afraid to be called racist?

Faux News has the highest broadcast ratings along with the most viewers in the nation, but you call for people to get out of this MSNBC 'bubble'.

Calling the president a 'Marxist Muslim', or anything similar (which we have seen plenty of), is racist and ignorant. Differences in policy or NOT.

We're not dodging issues, we're highlighting another, which is republicans have a HISTORY of throwing around this socialism, communism , bull $$+*. Those people are the ones not discussing the issues.

And before you try to prove yourself right by saying young voters have an 'Us vs Them' mentality. If anything that mentality is inherited from the current political climate, and it's contributors.

I actually believe that most young people could give a !$#$ about republican vs democrat nonsense.The nature of the party system and American politics forces you to choose sides.

Cable News is crap no matter what channel you're watching. MSNBC and CNN use talking points that are based around the morality of the health reform and marginalizing dissenters. Fox News asks tough questions, but the amount of dog whistle politics and innuendos make the channel un-watchable.

Getting out of the MSNBC 'bubble' means realizing that several of Obama's policies do include socialistic aspects. Or that history has shown us several times about what can happen to personal freedoms during socialistic regimes. Besides, the price tag for many of Obama's policies could potentially bankrupt this country. If those arent concerns worthy of protest, I dont know what is.

There is no doubt that some of the protesters may be prostesting for racist reasons. But painting a group of people a certain way without polling them or even being on site to witness the crowd is nothing short of ignorance. Personally, I agree that some of the actions of the these tea party protesters have been despicable, but as long as the the issues that they are representing (even though some protest for different reasons) are issues that should be discussed on the national level, I will ignore the actions of a selected few and focus on the issues at hand.

That "Us vs Them" mentality does nothing but close your mind to the other sides ideas. No one ideology has a perfect solution for any problem. History has shown us that Presidents who play the center and use ideas from both sides are the most successful.
PBS and Link TV have the best news coverage on TV in my opinion.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Protesting a president talking to kids an ascribing it as indoctrination, delegitimizing his Presidency by saying he's not an American citizen and practices the Muslim faith, bringing automatic weapons to a healthcare forum. Yes Rex these are ALL LEGITIMATE POLICY ISSUES... no possible way these could be construed as showing a bit of racism

When will you people realize that Obama = Bush. Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan and wants to deploy an additional 45,000 troops there so why are groups like Code Pink or those peace loving liberal hippies not protesting? Now why is that?

Maybe you should read up before throwing out statements passed off as factual.

for calling out anyone else on trying to pass things that aren'tfactual/make any sense, when you throw out ridiculous statements and then run away when somebody confronts you.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

So Obama supporters are the ones astray from the issues now?

Nobody could be naive enough to believe that anybody who doesn't support Barack is racist, however, those who DO disagree with him LOVEEEEE forcing that point. Are you afraid to be called racist?

Faux News has the highest broadcast ratings along with the most viewers in the nation, but you call for people to get out of this MSNBC 'bubble'.

Calling the president a 'Marxist Muslim', or anything similar (which we have seen plenty of), is racist and ignorant. Differences in policy or NOT.

We're not dodging issues, we're highlighting another, which is republicans have a HISTORY of throwing around this socialism, communism , bull $$+*. Those people are the ones not discussing the issues.

And before you try to prove yourself right by saying young voters have an 'Us vs Them' mentality. If anything that mentality is inherited from the current political climate, and it's contributors.

I actually believe that most young people could give a !$#$ about republican vs democrat nonsense.The nature of the party system and American politics forces you to choose sides.

Cable News is crap no matter what channel you're watching. MSNBC and CNN use talking points that are based around the morality of the health reform and marginalizing dissenters. Fox News asks tough questions, but the amount of dog whistle politics and innuendos make the channel un-watchable.

Getting out of the MSNBC 'bubble' means realizing that several of Obama's policies do include socialistic aspects. Or that history has shown us several times about what can happen to personal freedoms during socialistic regimes. Besides, the price tag for many of Obama's policies could potentially bankrupt this country. If those arent concerns worthy of protest, I dont know what is.
Agreed, while I find CNN to be the most objective, I rarely watch TV.

What do you mean OUR history shows what happens to personal freedoms during socialist regimes? Since when does the United States have such a history?

Potentially bankrupt the country? This country was in debt long before Obama took office.

There is no doubt that some of the protesters may be prostesting for racist reasons. But painting a group of people a certain way without polling them or even being on site to witness the crowd is nothing short of ignorance. Personally, I agree that some of the actions of the these tea party protesters have been despicable, but as long as the the issues that they are representing (even though some protest for different reasons) are issues that should be discussed on the national level, I will ignore the actions of a selected few and focus on the issues at hand.

That "Us vs Them" mentality does nothing but close your mind to the other sides ideas. No one ideology has a perfect solution for any problem. History has shown us that Presidents who play the center and use ideas from both sides are the most successful.
I'm really questioning if it's the actions of a 'select few'. All this tea party stuff has filled the air with hostility andtension. What kind of progress is being made on any issue? People are protesting reform, it's not even established yet. How can you protest a proposal?

What have these tea parties accomplished? What have they advocated. Rather than protest they have prosecuted.
Originally Posted by Alan Garner

Most of these people are just mad because deep down inside they just can't stand the fact that a black man is in charge, where the %+*% were they when Bush was In office %%+%!@! everything up??? It's like they were ok with what bush was doing but now they're mad???Really??? they got to be ******ed I swear. I hate being white because of these dumb %$@*%.

end of rant
LOL just on the fact that you think a president is in charge. A president can only propose to do something. The senate, congress, and thesupreme court can do anything they want without the presidents approval if they want with a 2/3 vote. A president is just a figure head who talks, other thanthat he has very little pull. Do some research and understand your government before you post. A president has very limited power without getting the senateinvolved.
I meant world history. I wasn't talking specifically about the United States. Wherever Socialism has been instated, governments have used its authority tostifle personal freedoms.

Your exactly right that this country was in debt before Obama. Irresponsible wars and bills signed by Republicans left this country in a fiscal mess. However,this does not mean that Obama should act as if the slate was cleaned as soon as he was elected. A pundit used a perfect example to describe this.

When an executive of a company is fired for making poor fiscal decisions and a new executive is brought in to fix things, the new executive can not disregardthe debt from the previous CEO. That debt still has to be paid back. A CEO who doesn't realize this and fails to act according is destined to make thatcompany fail.

Barack Obama was given a huge deficit when he came into office. It is his job to fix it. Potentially adding trillions of debt to the deficit could lead tobankruptcy and it wont be Bush's fault, It'll be Obama.

You're questioning whether it is a "select few" but you have nothing except your own opinion, a few pictures and cable news snippets to proveyour point. You cant prove that most of these people are racist, but its obvious that you don't really care. Just the fact that they oppose your opinion isenough for you to paint your entire opposition as racist.

People are protesting reform, it's not even established yet. How can you protest a proposal?

What have these tea parties accomplished? What have they advocated. Rather than protest they have prosecuted.
What is the point of protesting something when it is already in place? Why not try to inform the people who are in charge of legislating of yourview points? I don't understand what your getting at. Who have they prosecuted ? (If you meant persecute then you need to look up the definition of theword) You're just making stuff up. That statement you made makes it seem like you don't even know what your talking about...
What is the point of protesting something when it is already in place? Why not try to inform the people who are in charge of legislating of your view points? I don't understand what your getting at. Who have they prosecuted ? (If you meant persecute then you need to look up the definition of the word) You're just making stuff up. That statement you made makes it seem like you don't even know what your talking about...

Disregard what I know, which has nothing to do with this discussion. What have the tea parties accomplished? Have they raised awareness on theissue of reform or caused a commotion? Are they productive and constructive attempts at bettering the country, or attacking 'Obamacare'.
I meant world history. I wasn't talking specifically about the United States. Wherever Socialism has been instated, governments have used its authority to stifle personal freedoms.
So is Barack Obama establishing a socialist state? What has he done to threaten our 'personal freedoms'? The constitution is still ineffect the last time I checked.

You claim he is adopting policies with 'socialist aspects'...your pretty wordy with your argument. In my opinion the notion that Obama is socialist isfiction. Purely 1984. NA68 already made the point that former presidents have been referred to as 'socialist' or 'communist' by the GOP, thistype of thinking, or paranoia rather, is nothing new at all.

Yet as a realist I have no doubt that Barack Obama as a black politician has a vigorously charged opposition purely off race consciousness in this country. Ialready said I wouldn't be naive and believe all people are ignorant. But I knew as soon as Barack was elected that his presidency would be one of the mostpolarizing administrations ever.

Again, do what President Obama advised last week and stay in school.
Scary. Fascist President Obama trying to indoctrinate the youth!!
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

NostrandAve68 wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

NostrandAve68 wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

100PROOF wrote:
2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
Do you have any proof of this. How are you so sure that everyone one, who compares president Obama's policies to Fascism and Socialism, is really just calling him a racial slur?

Did you every think that in at least some cases, people call his policies socialism because they involve government moving in the direction of government owning the means of production? Have you opened your mind to the possibility that when someone uses government force to control the means of production that they are pursuing policies that define Fascism? In other words, is there enough room in that progressive, cannot-be-fooled mind of yours to even consider the possibility that some of the President and his allies' policies might actually have elements that make them indeed Socialist and Fascist in nature?

Since we are going to speculate as to why people believe what they believe. I can be confident that many, if not almost all of you guys ,who take anti Obama speech so personally, are young and/or are new to following politics. I came to this conclusion for two reasons. One is that people, who are new to politics, tend to have a very stark, dualistic, us-versus-them and absolute view of things and this is particularly true when it comes to addressing criticism for an idea or a person whom you supported. Second, it is clear that at least some Obama supporters did not really follow politics until very recently and you and others may be unaware that Presidents before President Obama have been protested. In fact, demonstrations have been held against every president since the 1960's.

Finally, a lot of you really need to break out of the MSNBC bubble. With Democrats in power, the MSNBC anchors have suddenly become little hall monitors. They went from speaking what they though was truth to power during the Bush years to marginalizing dissenters now at the start of the Obama years. The way so many of your Obama supporters talk about issues, frame issues and confront challenges to your world view makes it clear that most of you consider watching one network, with one point of view a sufficiently broad inquiry and that parroting Keith Olbermann's talking points constitutions a thoughtful discussion of the issues. Just because classical music gets played at some point in a program does not mean that the content is always reasoned, logical or even factual.

Some, if not almost all of you guys will become more discerning in the future. The news at the moment is not so bright. To be honest, it is obvious that most of you guys who are uniformly dismissing and marginalizing any and all dissenters need to grow up, get some perspective and grow a thicker skin. If you want to be a politico, you have to understand that people will disagree with you and sometimes you should engage them instead of invent a reality that allows you to universally dismiss and those people with which you disagree.
Everything you just typed is a bunch of hogwash. During the 1960's when MLK, Rev Lowery, Ralph Abernathy and etc were marching for Civil Rights and it became abundantly clear their movement was becoming effective and garnering attention from the masses guess what white people started calling MLK and his associates... "communists". Why did they label him that because they wanted to make him appear like an outsider, out to destroy America and etc fast foward to 2009 does this same rhetoric sound familiar. It seems anytime a person of color is able to mobilize a large movement of both black and white people they become the BIGGEST threat to America.

When FDR was implementing his New Deal policies it was the same silly fascism name calling being thrown out by Republicans. Republicans have a history of trying to scare the public with these "ism's" but i guess the American nation during the time period were fascists because they sure did relect FDR president 2 times. If Republicans were so set on their principles why do they have no problems accepting Social Security when they retire... never once have i heard a story on the news about a conservative rejecting fascists social security payments. Ofcourse they are individuals out there genuinely concerned about Obama's policies and the vast amount of spending but they are blanketed by the wingnuts who bring in race [Kenyan] and religion [Muslim] and cant seem to accept the fact that a black person is president... and honestly what it is that these white people know in the next 30-40 yrs they will no longer be the majority in America.. hearing that is like ether to some conservative white people's soul. I find it soooo hilarious that conservatives that believe in the free market principle get irritated about Hispanics coming to America and getting jobs... well they wouldn't be getting jobs if the market didn't have a demand for them now would they but im digressing. You can't try to downplay people who fully understand that most of these teabaggers have another agenda besides political dissent, a picture with him telling what appears to be Taliban members I Got It Now is some how related to dissent to his Healthcare agenda or huge government spending... like come on.

You just confimred what I said about Obama supporters, who dismiss dissent, you cannot discuss the issues so you have to kick up dust and compare Obama to MLK and try to get back to the same tired line, that anyone disagrees with him is a racist. Like I said, you guys need to grow up and get a thicker skin and confront criticisms head on instead of call names.

As far as your take on the FDR years is concerned, you obviously do not have much of grasp of the facts beyond what your high school teachers told you. In retrospect, Reoosevelt did not engage in the wholsesale nationalization, which he had seriously considered. In fact his strong arm tactics prolounged the Great Depression and that is confirmed when it comes to Bond prices through on the 1930's which indicate that the US was a place that was not conductive to growth or even property rights and markets at that time, reflected that risk.

You also have probably not been taught that Roosevelt was the most aggressive President when it came to using the media and censoring his opponents. The fact that Obama is supposed to be a new FDR is nothing to boast about.

Your one of those "The New Deal helped to prolong the Depression and the only reason we got out the depression was WWII" huh.... which has been proven many times to be false has been debunked by many economists. Love how you didn't dispute what I typed.

I never said that WWII "got us out of it."

Paul Krugman (and I know thyat is the one economist who agrees with you who you can name without using google) is not an "economists" he is one economist and is therefore an "economist." He is, however, in the minority and it is his orthodox Keynsian way of thinking that has been universally debunked.

Finally, I did address what you said. I called it what it is, an attempt to avoid thinking and defending your own ideas on their merits. Comparing yourself and your friends to to MLK is the definition of a red herring.

Again, do what President Obama advised last week and stay in school.

When I see all these tea bag people and protesting groups the overwhelming vibe I get is racism. I really cant see how Obama has done enough inhis term to garner as much hate as he gets from these people other then being black. I've seen these people scream about "my counrty", like Obamahas no right to run it.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What is the point of protesting something when it is already in place? Why not try to inform the people who are in charge of legislating of your view points? I don't understand what your getting at. Who have they prosecuted ? (If you meant persecute then you need to look up the definition of the word) You're just making stuff up. That statement you made makes it seem like you don't even know what your talking about...
Disregard what I know, which has nothing to do with this discussion. What have the tea parties accomplished? Have they raised awareness on the issue of reform or caused a commotion? Are they productive and constructive attempts at bettering the country, or attacking 'Obamacare'.
I meant world history. I wasn't talking specifically about the United States. Wherever Socialism has been instated, governments have used its authority to stifle personal freedoms.
So is Barack Obama establishing a socialist state? What has he done to threaten our 'personal freedoms'? The constitution is still in effect the last time I checked.

You claim he is adopting policies with 'socialist aspects'...your pretty wordy with your argument. In my opinion the notion that Obama is socialist is fiction. Purely 1984. NA68 already made the point that former presidents have been referred to as 'socialist' or 'communist' by the GOP, this type of thinking, or paranoia rather, is nothing new at all.

Yet as a realist I have no doubt that Barack Obama as a black politician has a vigorously charged opposition purely off race consciousness in this country. I already said I wouldn't be naive and believe all people are ignorant. But I knew as soon as Barack was elected that his presidency would be one of the most polarizing administrations ever.

Again, do what President Obama advised last week and stay in school.
Scary. Fascist President Obama trying to indoctrinate the youth!!

What you know is a part of this discussions because your lack of knowledge on the subject is evident. I'm not a teacher I shouldn't haveto brief you on these issues. If you re read my previous post you'll see that I have already explained exactly why people are protesting Obama's healthcare plan. So protesting the Iraq or Afghanistan war doesn't bring any thing to the table besides disruption? Your logic fails.

You obviously aren't well versed on this issue so I'm not going to continue this conversation until you at least google socialism and gain someknowledge on the issue.

Real talk,
Again, do what President Obama advised last week and stay in school.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Cop outs FTW!

Son, you have not made 1 provable point in this entire thread. And your saying I'm copping out?

You funny kid
I'm speaking from experience and giving my opinion (based on my point of view) on the traditions and history in our country.

There is a clear divide in demographics within politics and it's not a good thing, I dislike having two major political parties in the first place, andBarack is only a catalyst to a deteriorating relationship between red and blue in Washington.

There has been grumblings of succession, and we're still early in Obamas term. My perspective is that a divide is gaining momentum...can the country take 4years of this?
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