Signs From Tea Party March At Washington DC: Ignorant Conservative White People FTL

Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by habib77fm

i did not see one brother in that crowd
My father is a "brother" and he went to this March on Washington...
He went to this to exercise his right to protest the government and what it is doing, etc.
Are you gonna call him an ignorant racist who just attended because another "brother" is President???

To you, OP and everyone else that just assumes and run your mouths saying everyone who protests Obama and the government at these tea parties are racists and "Ignorant Conservative White People"

No one never said there aren't people there for legitimate reasons its just they get drowned out by the wingnuts and fanatics. I myself am notokay with how much our national debt has expanded both under Bush and Obama, still have qualms about the Healthcare reform but at the same time im not going tobe fanatical and take stuff to the extreme like bringing a gun to a healthcare forum, call the guy a Nazi and etc. Whats been missing from the Republican sidesince Nov 4th has been civility.

Those offended by the title find some pics, vids and etc where the large concentration isn't just middle aged white people. Last election there wereAsians, Hispanics and etc that voted against Obama, why do you never see them being represented at these rallies.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I been telling y'all watch out for this ratcheting up....

abeautifulhaze ��� � �� � �� �[-]

Posted: 09/05/08 1:42 AM
�� �
The system of currency is already starting to erode as dollars become over saturated across the globe.

Everything is going to be based on system of credit soon enough.

I don't know what direction things are going to take but s_ is going to get dramatic and confrontational eventually....word to the Republican convention posts.
How do people listen to this?

Honestly, I am in awe. I've seen very, very little of anything this man has to say but this is flat out disgusting. This is just as bad, if not WORSE thanthe people who scream 9/11 was an inside job and that aliens are going to come down to Earth in 2012. How he is allowed to fear monger like this on a so calledrespectable news network is appalling. I find it even funnier that he says "Listen to this statement in its entire context and let me tell you what Ithink hes saying so you agree with me because you're just sheep, you can't think for yourself, you have to think like me." And then he adds thecloser, "WAKE UP." Priceless.
two things:

glenn beck is not a libertarian. although he claims to be

and is that kevin costner at 1:00 in the first video? ^
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CWrite78

im convinced evangelic Christians have ruined america, which is 90% of what these people are. they've ruined america, the republican party, and religion.

Nope. Evangelical influence in politics isn't even mainstream---they're still on the fringe. I mean if they were that powerfulwouldn't McCain have won last November?

What is ruining America is the greed of Big Business and the greed of Republicans and Democrats who obey artificial entities and CEO's. As someone saidearlier in this thread--- the people to be concerned with aren't the extremist wackos with no pull. It's the corporate gangsters and out of controlspeculators "gambling" with funds. Untaxed speculation, too.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CWrite78

im convinced evangelic Christians have ruined america, which is 90% of what these people are. they've ruined america, the republican party, and religion.

Nope. Evangelical influence in politics isn't even mainstream---they're still on the fringe. I mean if they were that powerful wouldn't McCain have won last November?

What is ruining America is the greed of Big Business and the greed of Republicans and Democrats who obey artificial entities and CEO's. As someone said earlier in this thread--- the people to be concerned with aren't the extremist wackos with no pull. It's the corporate gangsters and out of control speculators "gambling" with funds. Untaxed speculation, too.
Okay, good points on what's ruined the internal workings of America, but name a group more responsible for tarnishing the images of all theentities CWrite mentioned.
And I know we dont have to be worried about the people who are out there acting ignorant and doing nothing to help.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by habib77fm

i did not see one brother in that crowd
My father is a "brother" and he went to this March on Washington...
He went to this to exercise his right to protest the government and what it is doing, etc.
Are you gonna call him an ignorant racist who just attended because another "brother" is President???

To you, OP and everyone else that just assumes and run your mouths saying everyone who protests Obama and the government at these tea parties are racists and "Ignorant Conservative White People"

No one never said there aren't people there for legitimate reasons its just they get drowned out by the wingnuts and fanatics. I myself am not okay with how much our national debt has expanded both under Bush and Obama, still have qualms about the Healthcare reform but at the same time im not going to be fanatical and take stuff to the extreme like bringing a gun to a healthcare forum, call the guy a Nazi and etc. Whats been missing from the Republican side since Nov 4th has been civility.

Those offended by the title find some pics, vids and etc where the large concentration isn't just middle aged white people. Last election there were Asians, Hispanics and etc that voted against Obama, why do you never see them being represented at these rallies.
Based purely on statistics, considering 70+% of Americans are Caucasian and the majority of the Republican Party is also Caucasian, it makes a lotof sense that rallies that are organized by the Republican Party/Conservatives will probably be mostly white people. While there were some minorities thatvoted against Obama, that number was probably relatively small in comparison to the number of white people that voted against Obama. Also, just becausesomebody voted against Obama, doesn't mean that they are in traveling distance to show up to an event or they might disagree with Obama but not feel sostrongly to actually protest in person. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are non-white, Democrat who did not vote for Bush. In his eightyears of presidency, how many times did you show up to DC to protest what Bush was doing? What are your excuses for not showing up?

Whenever you would like to admit that you shouldn't have generalized all white people as the same kind of people that were protesting and'ignorant', I would love to hear it.
[Dave Chappelle]
The Racism is killing me [/Dave Chappelle]

These people are lunatics, who are being fueled by actors who use their mental incapacity to make them feel angry and start these shenanigans...

a) I'm sick of the damn ACORN %%%%$%##, they don't even know what ACORN does completely, just one thing they do. They register people in UrbanCommunities. We don't want people to vote nowadays? And they don't need to persuade people in Urban Communities who to vote for because it is a damnnear no brainer. There is no Conservative Leaning Group who does that in the U.S., go to gun rallies or wherever, conservatives do for fun and register people?It is just such a dumb argument. They are like Hannity when it comes to William Ayers or Rev. Wright, that would explain a bunch.
b) Lol U.S.S. Constitution, come on dude.. "Where does it say the government can take over health care?" 1. If they really want to argue gov'ttakeover, we should start arguing single payer.. 2. The government should only be allowed to do what is in the Constitution? (I hope he knows if that were thecase, this country would go down fast)
c) "We shouldn't fund abortion!" 1. Why because some force hates it? That is why we are a secular country, once we start doing politics byreligion it has always lead us astray... 2. Because most people don't favor choice? and even if a majority favored pro-life, Abortion is legal and why thehell are we even talking about it, it won't be in the bill..
d) I know first hand these people are stupid... I was driving and I saw this similar crowd in my town, so I went to the nearest parking lot, parked my car andjoined the crowd.. They don't know what they are talking about..

Conversations from the encounters (The gist of different convos)
Crowd: Obama is taking our freedoms
Me: What freedoms have you lost?
Crowd: .........Well, ummm, he is ripping up the constitution..
Me: Are you not allowed to walk, drive, go where you want to? Are you not allowed to work where you want? Are you not allowed to say what you want about yourgovernment? Can you not buy what you want from the store? Are you not allowed to see who you want to? Do you have to watch a certain channel? Visit certainwebsites?
Crowd: .................

Crowd: Obama is a fascist
Me: He is a liberal right?
Crowd: Yes he is a fascist liberal.
Me: Funny you should say that, fascists hate liberal, also they hate communists, capitalism and socialism

Crowd: He is leading us to socialism and communism
Me: Those are different to let you know
Me: (Explanation of Communism & Socialism different ideology)
Crowd: *Crickets*

Crowd: He is a Muslim Terrorist sent to destroy America
Me: So you are saying he is a terrorist?
Crowd: He wants to destroy America
Me: Well who knows. I think what you said is crazy.. But if we are not attacked by Sept 11th 2009 at 11:59, will you say he kept us safer then George W. Bush?
Crowd: Hell no
Side Note: It is now September 13th, Obama has kept us safer than George Bush did..

Don't let me get into the Public Health Care option conversations.

These people are dumb.. They will not listen to logic, facts, even common sense.. They have what they want, and threw away what they don't want.
They did a study (they covered it in Newsweek) they took 49 people who thought Saddam & Iraq had something to do with 9/11, over and over would show themthe facts that the two are nowhere near a connection and after the study only 1 person decided that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. (Not saying this is allconservatives, I'm just making a parallel to this is how they act.)
They have cue cards and just read a bulleted point even if it is a lie.. Then tell you go look it up, when there is nothing to look up they are flat outwrong...
That Joe Wilson character actually voted to give insurance to illegal immigrants before.. Now while I agree we shouldn't give full insurance to people whoare here illegally, this guy lied and said it is in the bill when the only mention of it, was that Illegal Immigrants cannot participate, and acts concernedabout it when he voted for it before..

If liberals started acting like this the world would be ending according to Conservatives.. But when do Conservatives not try and say liberals want to killeveryone?

These people are not patriots, they are the O'Doyle's driving off the cliff still chanting their catch phrases.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CWrite78

im convinced evangelic Christians have ruined america, which is 90% of what these people are. they've ruined america, the republican party, and religion.

Nope. Evangelical influence in politics isn't even mainstream---they're still on the fringe. I mean if they were that powerful wouldn't McCain have won last November?

What is ruining America is the greed of Big Business and the greed of Republicans and Democrats who obey artificial entities and CEO's. As someone said earlier in this thread--- the people to be concerned with aren't the extremist wackos with no pull. It's the corporate gangsters and out of control speculators "gambling" with funds. Untaxed speculation, too.
Okay, good points on what's ruined the internal workings of America, but name a group more responsible for tarnishing the images of all the entities CWrite mentioned.
And I know we dont have to be worried about the people who are out there acting ignorant and doing nothing to help.
Big Business has much more influence then a group of wackos like the Tea Party or whatever they call themselves. The fall of Enron crushedthousands of people financially and wiped out their retirement plans.

White collar crime is much more of a problem in this country then groups of extremists changing the perception of an already corrupt political party andreligion which is unfortunately all too often run as a business.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by habib77fm

i did not see one brother in that crowd
My father is a "brother" and he went to this March on Washington...
He went to this to exercise his right to protest the government and what it is doing, etc.
Are you gonna call him an ignorant racist who just attended because another "brother" is President???

To you, OP and everyone else that just assumes and run your mouths saying everyone who protests Obama and the government at these tea parties are racists and "Ignorant Conservative White People"

No one never said there aren't people there for legitimate reasons its just they get drowned out by the wingnuts and fanatics. I myself am not okay with how much our national debt has expanded both under Bush and Obama, still have qualms about the Healthcare reform but at the same time im not going to be fanatical and take stuff to the extreme like bringing a gun to a healthcare forum, call the guy a Nazi and etc. Whats been missing from the Republican side since Nov 4th has been civility.

Those offended by the title find some pics, vids and etc where the large concentration isn't just middle aged white people. Last election there were Asians, Hispanics and etc that voted against Obama, why do you never see them being represented at these rallies.
Based purely on statistics, considering 70+% of Americans are Caucasian and the majority of the Republican Party is also Caucasian, it makes a lot of sense that rallies that are organized by the Republican Party/Conservatives will probably be mostly white people. While there were some minorities that voted against Obama, that number was probably relatively small in comparison to the number of white people that voted against Obama.

This post is in direct contradiction to

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.
You were upset i put conservative whites in the title but then point out that the Republican party is mosty made up of white conservatives.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by habib77fm

i did not see one brother in that crowd
My father is a "brother" and he went to this March on Washington...
He went to this to exercise his right to protest the government and what it is doing, etc.
Are you gonna call him an ignorant racist who just attended because another "brother" is President???

To you, OP and everyone else that just assumes and run your mouths saying everyone who protests Obama and the government at these tea parties are racists and "Ignorant Conservative White People"

No one never said there aren't people there for legitimate reasons its just they get drowned out by the wingnuts and fanatics. I myself am not okay with how much our national debt has expanded both under Bush and Obama, still have qualms about the Healthcare reform but at the same time im not going to be fanatical and take stuff to the extreme like bringing a gun to a healthcare forum, call the guy a Nazi and etc. Whats been missing from the Republican side since Nov 4th has been civility.

Those offended by the title find some pics, vids and etc where the large concentration isn't just middle aged white people. Last election there were Asians, Hispanics and etc that voted against Obama, why do you never see them being represented at these rallies.
Based purely on statistics, considering 70+% of Americans are Caucasian and the majority of the Republican Party is also Caucasian, it makes a lot of sense that rallies that are organized by the Republican Party/Conservatives will probably be mostly white people. While there were some minorities that voted against Obama, that number was probably relatively small in comparison to the number of white people that voted against Obama.

This post is in direct contradiction to

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.
You were upset i put conservative whites in the title but then point out that the Republican party is mosty made up of white conservatives.

Got em.
CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I been telling y'all watch out for this ratcheting up....

abeautifulhaze ��� � �� � �� �[-]

Posted: 09/05/08 1:42 AM
�� �
The system of currency is already starting to erode as dollars become over saturated across the globe.

Everything is going to be based on system of credit soon enough.

I don't know what direction things are going to take but s_ is going to get dramatic and confrontational eventually....word to the Republican convention posts.
How do people listen to this?

Honestly, I am in awe. I've seen very, very little of anything this man has to say but this is flat out disgusting. This is just as bad, if not WORSE than the people who scream 9/11 was an inside job and that aliens are going to come down to Earth in 2012. How he is allowed to fear monger like this on a so called respectable news network is appalling. I find it even funnier that he says "Listen to this statement in its entire context and let me tell you what I think hes saying so you agree with me because you're just sheep, you can't think for yourself, you have to think like me." And then he adds the closer, "WAKE UP." Priceless.

��I think the real question here is why are the people who�listen to Glenn Beck threatened by what Van Jones said.� I think that answer will explain a lotabout whats going on right now with the right wing.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by habib77fm

i did not see one brother in that crowd
My father is a "brother" and he went to this March on Washington...
He went to this to exercise his right to protest the government and what it is doing, etc.
Are you gonna call him an ignorant racist who just attended because another "brother" is President???

To you, OP and everyone else that just assumes and run your mouths saying everyone who protests Obama and the government at these tea parties are racists and "Ignorant Conservative White People"

No one never said there aren't people there for legitimate reasons its just they get drowned out by the wingnuts and fanatics. I myself am not okay with how much our national debt has expanded both under Bush and Obama, still have qualms about the Healthcare reform but at the same time im not going to be fanatical and take stuff to the extreme like bringing a gun to a healthcare forum, call the guy a Nazi and etc. Whats been missing from the Republican side since Nov 4th has been civility.

Those offended by the title find some pics, vids and etc where the large concentration isn't just middle aged white people. Last election there were Asians, Hispanics and etc that voted against Obama, why do you never see them being represented at these rallies.
Based purely on statistics, considering 70+% of Americans are Caucasian and the majority of the Republican Party is also Caucasian, it makes a lot of sense that rallies that are organized by the Republican Party/Conservatives will probably be mostly white people. While there were some minorities that voted against Obama, that number was probably relatively small in comparison to the number of white people that voted against Obama.

This post is in direct contradiction to

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.
You were upset i put conservative whites in the title but then point out that the Republican party is mosty made up of white conservatives.

A. Not all whites are conservatives
B. Not all conservatives are white.
C. Not all white conservatives participate in extreme right wing rallies

If I put "ignorant black democrats" in a title, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go over very well and wouldn't be fair to say since itisn't entirely applicable to the group. While that description might apply to some, it doesn't apply to all.

If you can't see that you unjustly brought race into a discussion about politics, than I don't know what to tell you.

Way to look past the simple logic that answered your stupid question and nice attempt try to bring up a contradicted that wasn't even correct. I will checkback into this thread later, so any time you would like to recant your initial statement about race or answer my question about the amount of anti-Bush ralliesthat you attended, I'll be here.
^ To say race is not a motivator at all is just wrong... It is a big factor. I don't think it is the only factor, I am unwilling to say it is the biggestfactor but it still is a big factor..

He could have left out the White People part you're right but Racism is part of the offensive against Obama.
Originally Posted by Essential1

^ To say race is not a motivator at all is just wrong... It is a big factor. I don't think it is the only factor, I am unwilling to say it is the biggest factor but it still is a big factor..

He could have left out the White People part you're right but Racism is part of the offensive against Obama.

I agree, we get a black president and all of a sudden conservatives start protesting and Texas wants to secede.
Many Americans disagree with the President's policy for perfectly legitimate reasons and the bigotry and ignorance displayed by some of those who protestagainst his policies does not excuse the President and his allies for pursuing bad policies.
Originally Posted by Essential1

^ To say race is not a motivator at all is just wrong... It is a big factor. I don't think it is the only factor, I am unwilling to say it is the biggest factor but it still is a big factor..

He could have left out the White People part you're right but Racism is part of the offensive against Obama.

There were probably plenty of racist out there who just used this as an excuse to protest against a black president. These were probably the ones holding upthe ridiculous signs.

However there were probably plenty of people who genuinely disagree with Obama's plans and were just expressing their views. These were probably theones without signs or with signs that didn't depict Obama as a terrorist, communism, etc.

I won't debate how large of a factor race is because no poll will ever be able to accurately measure this because in general, people will not publicallyadmit that there are a racist.

All I am trying to get out is there were a variety of people there for a variety of reasons and to classify all of them as "ignorant conservative whitepeople" is not accurate and is flat out racist.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by Essential1

^ To say race is not a motivator at all is just wrong... It is a big factor. I don't think it is the only factor, I am unwilling to say it is the biggest factor but it still is a big factor..

He could have left out the White People part you're right but Racism is part of the offensive against Obama.

There were probably plenty of racist out there who just used this as an excuse to protest against a black president. These were probably the ones holding up the ridiculous signs.

However there were probably plenty of people who genuinely disagree with Obama's plans and were just expressing their views. These were probably the ones without signs or with signs that didn't depict Obama as a terrorist, communism, etc.

I won't debate how large of a factor race is because no poll will ever be able to accurately measure this because in general, people will not publically admit that there are a racist.

All I am trying to get out is there were a variety of people there for a variety of reasons and to classify all of them as "ignorant conservative white people" is not accurate and is flat out racist.
I don't disagree at all.. But all of the people in that video were if not racist, very questionable.. But it's insane to say allconservatives are racist.. I think his choice of words were in bad taste..
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

is it necessary?

[h2]Ignorant Conservative White People FTL[/h2]

no yes

where in that crowd of people do you see a person of color?
Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

is it necessary?

[h2]Ignorant Conservative White People FTL[/h2]

no yes

where in that crowd of people do you see a person of color?

Try looking in the 3rd picture "Impeach the Muslim Marxist".
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

is it necessary?

[h2]Ignorant Conservative White People FTL[/h2]

no yes

where in that crowd of people do you see a person of color?

Try looking in the 3rd picture "Impeach the Muslim Marxist".
i sit corrected.

nevertheless, to say that this event is not racist and/or prejudiced is to ignore history. the fact that the sign says "muslim marxist" is enough initself. what does him being muslim (which he's obviously not) have to do with his politics and values?

would white people react differently if there was a progressive white president and people wrote signs saying "impeach white, christian marxist"?
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

is it necessary?

[h2]Ignorant Conservative White People FTL[/h2]

no yes

where in that crowd of people do you see a person of color?

Try looking in the 3rd picture "Impeach the Muslim Marxist".
Obama got 98% of the black vote in the election, so theres 2% out there who don't like him. You can find a few black people hating on obama ina big enough crowd if you look hard enough. But I have two points:

1 These people have no problem screaming "Muslim" like its a cuss word or an insult.

2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
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