Signs From Tea Party March At Washington DC: Ignorant Conservative White People FTL

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Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

is it necessary?

[h2]Ignorant Conservative White People FTL[/h2]

no yes

where in that crowd of people do you see a person of color?

Try looking in the 3rd picture "Impeach the Muslim Marxist".
Obama got 98% of the black vote in the election, so theres 2% out there who don't like him. You can find a few black people hating on obama in a big enough crowd if you look hard enough. But I have two points:

1 These people have no problem screaming "Muslim" like its a cuss word or an insult.

2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
95% but it is semantics, black people will vote Democrat 85%+ every time because it is Republican after Republican who screws them over.. Nowwhile Democrats will also screw them over, it is not nearly in the same frequency.

#1 & #2 are absolutely true, which is sad.

and the person who asked would they treat a white progressive like this, to an extent but this has gone way past political discussion and civil conversation..This has become the same threat they accuse Obama of being.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

OP, you're racist FTL.

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.


In the picture of the sign "Impeach the Muslim Marxist" there is a man to the right of the sign holder who appears to be African-American. While he could be trying to show these "ignorant conservative white people" the way, it appears that he may actually be apart of the rally. What does that make him?
Wow. Do us all a favor and stop playing stupid so we can look at the real issue here.

Your talking about the back guy in the picture (he is an Uncle Ruckus btw for being there), instead of the subject of the picture itself.

Stereotype? People are walking around holding pictures calling their president a Muslim Marxist

and you ask about the black guy who is barely in the picture
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

OP, you're racist FTL.

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.


In the picture of the sign "Impeach the Muslim Marxist" there is a man to the right of the sign holder who appears to be African-American. While he could be trying to show these "ignorant conservative white people" the way, it appears that he may actually be apart of the rally. What does that make him?
Wow. Do us all a favor and stop playing stupid so we can look at the real issue here.

Your talking about the back guy in the picture (he is an Uncle Ruckus btw for being there), instead of the subject of the picture itself.

Stereotype? People are walking around holding pictures calling their president a Muslim Marxist

and you ask about the black guy who is barely in the picture
Just because he wasn't the subject of that particular picture doesn't mean that he wasn't there being an active participate in therally. For all you know, he could have had an equally ignorant sign which was not shown in that picture. I was drawing attention to the racist title thatclaimed that it was "Ignorant Conservative White People", when in the small sampling of 4 pictures which were posted, there happens to be anAfrican-American.

So that guy was Uncle Ruckus? Have you ever talked to him? Maybe he is against health care reform and a variety of Obama's other ideas. Just because theman is black doesn't mean he has to support Obama and by not supporting Obama, doesn't mean that he is a self-hating African-American, it means that hehas a mind of his own.
LOL thats politics for you. Bush had many detractors, including myself, so this is what happens with unpopular policy. Being white, I will AGREE with the OPabout the redneck white trash.
Originally Posted by cwalk1950

notice how they claim the teaparties are about too much spending but all the signs have generic attacks on Obama like he is taking away our freedoms and he is a muslim marxist and a commy, it has nothing to do with his spending, its cause he is black, yeah i said it, cause its true. They dont even know why they are angry. Rich conservatives get poor whites to fight for their causes by exploiting the one thing that the two groups have in common, their whiteness. thats how they got them to fight for the conferderacy in the civil war when most people didnt even own slaves and they still do it today.
Rich conservatives get poor whites to fight for their causes by exploiting the one thing that the two groups have in common, their whiteness. thats how they got them to fight for the conferderacy in the civil war when most people didnt even own slaves and they still do it today.

Coldest ++#+ I've heard on NT in a long time.

A LONGGG time.

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

OP, you're racist FTL.

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.


In the picture of the sign "Impeach the Muslim Marxist" there is a man to the right of the sign holder who appears to be African-American. While he could be trying to show these "ignorant conservative white people" the way, it appears that he may actually be apart of the rally. What does that make him?
Wow. Do us all a favor and stop playing stupid so we can look at the real issue here.

Your talking about the back guy in the picture (he is an Uncle Ruckus btw for being there), instead of the subject of the picture itself.

Stereotype? People are walking around holding pictures calling their president a Muslim Marxist

and you ask about the black guy who is barely in the picture
Just because he wasn't the subject of that particular picture doesn't mean that he wasn't there being an active participate in the rally. For all you know, he could have had an equally ignorant sign which was not shown in that picture. I was drawing attention to the racist title that claimed that it was "Ignorant Conservative White People", when in the small sampling of 4 pictures which were posted, there happens to be an African-American.

So that guy was Uncle Ruckus? Have you ever talked to him? Maybe he is against health care reform and a variety of Obama's other ideas. Just because the man is black doesn't mean he has to support Obama and by not supporting Obama, doesn't mean that he is a self-hating African-American, it means that he has a mind of his own.
Like I said stop playing stupid.

You claim the OP is bringing race into the issue. Race has BEEN part of this issue.

Reverse racism isn't advancing your argument at all.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

You do realize that the left plants people in "conservative" shindigs to act as extremists. Just like the right plants people at "liberal" gatherings to act as " off the wall liberals".
Since I can't know who is a plant and who is genuine I just write them all off.

I would say I write them off, I think its still important to know and understand how certain groups view things. Especially now.
It's impossible to know who's genuine though. Both sides plant agents especially in this day of 24/7 news coverage where one good plant can tarnish an entire gathering.
All they need to do is get in front of the camera and act like a total nut job. The media then gets somethign to talk about for the next 20 hours.

that may be true, but these peopel DO exist. ill give you an example. i knew this one girl since she was like 12 years old, she loved playing basketball andall of her friends were black girls and guys from playing basketball in middle and high school. she dated black dudes and all that, inspite of her parentsbeing pretty much racist conservatives. i swear to you the moment it became clear that obama had a real shot at the white house i saw some of the craziest *$*@come out her mouth or posted on her myspace/facebook. like straight up and down her friends white and black were all like what the hell happened to you all asudden. its like shes ok playing basketball with them and shes ok dating black people but the moment a black person was running her country something in hersubconsciously just flipped out and she just had so much hate for obama. im talking about even her sister and mom saying %%! a couple times, cause atleast theywere informed republicans, she just jumped on the bandwagon of photoshopped pictures and catchy sayings.
Very interesting times we are living in.� I'm surprised it took so long for people to act up actually.

I just wanted to quote this video because I found it very important.� Tim Wise makes great statements about how this rhetoric is caused by the very top of theconservatives.

Concerning the thread title, I don't think it's appropriate to say ignorant conservative white people, because not all white conservatives areignorant.� Not all ignorant conservatives are white.� Not all conservatives are white.� A majority are, but still, it's not right to generalize.�
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

100PROOF wrote:
2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
Do you have any proof of this. How are you so sure that everyone one, who compares president Obama's policies to Fascism and Socialism, is really just calling him a racial slur?

Did you every think that in at least some cases, people call his policies socialism because they involve government moving in the direction of government owning the means of production? Have you opened your mind to the possibility that when someone uses government force to control the means of production that they are pursuing policies that define Fascism? In other words, is there enough room in that progressive, cannot-be-fooled mind of yours to even consider the possibility that some of the President and his allies' policies might actually have elements that make them indeed Socialist and Fascist in nature?

Since we are going to speculate as to why people believe what they believe. I can be confident that many, if not almost all of you guys ,who take anti Obama speech so personally, are young and/or are new to following politics. I came to this conclusion for two reasons. One is that people, who are new to politics, tend to have a very stark, dualistic, us-versus-them and absolute view of things and this is particularly true when it comes to addressing criticism for an idea or a person whom you supported. Second, it is clear that at least some Obama supporters did not really follow politics until very recently and you and others may be unaware that Presidents before President Obama have been protested. In fact, demonstrations have been held against every president since the 1960's.

Finally, a lot of you really need to break out of the MSNBC bubble. With Democrats in power, the MSNBC anchors have suddenly become little hall monitors. They went from speaking what they though was truth to power during the Bush years to marginalizing dissenters now at the start of the Obama years. The way so many of your Obama supporters talk about issues, frame issues and confront challenges to your world view makes it clear that most of you consider watching one network, with one point of view a sufficiently broad inquiry and that parroting Keith Olbermann's talking points constitutions a thoughtful discussion of the issues. Just because classical music gets played at some point in a program does not mean that the content is always reasoned, logical or even factual.

Some, if not almost all of you guys will become more discerning in the future. The news at the moment is not so bright. To be honest, it is obvious that most of you guys who are uniformly dismissing and marginalizing any and all dissenters need to grow up, get some perspective and grow a thicker skin. If you want to be a politico, you have to understand that people will disagree with you and sometimes you should engage them instead of invent a reality that allows you to universally dismiss and those people with which you disagree.

Everything you just typed is a bunch of hogwash. During the 1960's when MLK, Rev Lowery, Ralph Abernathy and etc were marching for CivilRights and it became abundantly clear their movement was becoming effective and garnering attention from the masses guess what white people started calling MLKand his associates... "communists". Why did they label him that because they wanted to make him appear like an outsider, out to destroy America andetc fast foward to 2009 does this same rhetoric sound familiar. It seems anytime a person of color is able to mobilize a large movement of both black and whitepeople they become the BIGGEST threat to America.

When FDR was implementing his New Deal policies it was the same silly fascism name calling being thrown out by Republicans. Republicans have a history oftrying to scare the public with these "ism's" but i guess the American nation during the time period were fascists because they sure did relectFDR president 2 times. If Republicans were so set on their principles why do they have no problems accepting Social Security when they retire... never oncehave i heard a story on the news about a conservative rejecting fascists social security payments. Ofcourse they are individuals out there genuinely concernedabout Obama's policies and the vast amount of spending but they are blanketed by the wingnuts who bring in race [Kenyan] and religion [Muslim] and cantseem to accept the fact that a black person is president... and honestly what it is that these white people know in the next 30-40 yrs they will no longer bethe majority in America.. hearing that is like ether to some conservative white people's soul. I find it soooo hilarious that conservatives that believe inthe free market principle get irritated about Hispanics coming to America and getting jobs... well they wouldn't be getting jobs if the market didn'thave a demand for them now would they but im digressing. You can't try to downplay people who fully understand that most of these teabaggers have anotheragenda besides political dissent, a picture with him telling what appears to be Taliban members I Got It Now is some how related to dissent to his Healthcareagenda or huge government spending... like come on.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Rich conservatives get poor whites to fight for their causes by exploiting the one thing that the two groups have in common, their whiteness. thats how they got them to fight for the conferderacy in the civil war when most people didnt even own slaves and they still do it today.

Coldest ++#+ I've heard on NT in a long time.

A LONGGG time.


Not really. Watch the second CNN video. It's pretty much the same argument. The guy on CNN just put it more eloquently.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

OP, you're racist FTL.

This would have been a relevant post that I would have actually read if the title was "Ignorant Conservative People FTL'" but instead you want to stereotype based on a few pictures you saw and bring race into a political issue.


In the picture of the sign "Impeach the Muslim Marxist" there is a man to the right of the sign holder who appears to be African-American. While he could be trying to show these "ignorant conservative white people" the way, it appears that he may actually be apart of the rally. What does that make him?
Wow. Do us all a favor and stop playing stupid so we can look at the real issue here.

Your talking about the back guy in the picture (he is an Uncle Ruckus btw for being there), instead of the subject of the picture itself.

Stereotype? People are walking around holding pictures calling their president a Muslim Marxist

and you ask about the black guy who is barely in the picture
Just because he wasn't the subject of that particular picture doesn't mean that he wasn't there being an active participate in the rally. For all you know, he could have had an equally ignorant sign which was not shown in that picture. I was drawing attention to the racist title that claimed that it was "Ignorant Conservative White People", when in the small sampling of 4 pictures which were posted, there happens to be an African-American.

So that guy was Uncle Ruckus? Have you ever talked to him? Maybe he is against health care reform and a variety of Obama's other ideas. Just because the man is black doesn't mean he has to support Obama and by not supporting Obama, doesn't mean that he is a self-hating African-American, it means that he has a mind of his own.
Like I said stop playing stupid.

You claim the OP is bringing race into the issue. Race has BEEN part of this issue.

Reverse racism isn't advancing your argument at all.
I would tell you to stop playing stupid, but I'm not sure you are playing.

Every person at that rally wasn't white, so you can't title the post "Ignorant Conservative White People" and unless you personallyinterviewed each person there, you can't make broad generalizations about an entire group. There were probably some white people who just opposedObama's healthcare reform.

It sounds like you and many others, are trying to take a group who opposes your views, find the group's bad apples, and then label the entire group so youcan downplay anything that group does. If you will sleep better tonight thinking that everyone at that rally was just a racist who hates having a blackpresident and that none of them legitimately disagree with Obama's policies, then fine, but you'd be a fool.
@ the religious right. I don't care what color shape orsize...religion and politics dont mix.
And if Texas wants to secede, let 'em.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

100PROOF wrote:
2 All these "ISM's & IST's", Fascism, communist, and what not are code words,it's the new N-word. They aint foolin' me one bit.
Do you have any proof of this. How are you so sure that everyone one, who compares president Obama's policies to Fascism and Socialism, is really just calling him a racial slur?

Did you every think that in at least some cases, people call his policies socialism because they involve government moving in the direction of government owning the means of production? Have you opened your mind to the possibility that when someone uses government force to control the means of production that they are pursuing policies that define Fascism? In other words, is there enough room in that progressive, cannot-be-fooled mind of yours to even consider the possibility that some of the President and his allies' policies might actually have elements that make them indeed Socialist and Fascist in nature?

While I agree that it's not quite the same as the "N-word", I do think the guy makes a good point about the buzzwords that are being used by thepeople in opposition to the Obama administrations every waking, breathing move.

While you're right, that we are moving towards a more socialist regime, MOST people opposed to such a thing don't truly understand that even means, asevidenced by their outright disapproval of it. They are just conditioned at this point to equate it with communism and therefore Soviet Russia and thereforethe complete opposite of what they think America is supposed to be... not realizing at all, that what America was "supposed to be" disappeared LONGago and probably no longer exists as a possibility for any country in the world given the current nature of how technology and economics works.

It's very much like what I imagine the red-scare was like. Republican tactics are ALL about fear now, because like somebody else said, it's beingcoordinated by most of the super-rich in this country and they need foot soldiers (the poor and middle classes) to support them somehow.. so they use feartactics... everything from buzzwords like socialism to making sure to show the right angles on every terrorist "story" in the news. They demonizeeverything on the left through these fear tactics - including socialist programs which might very well benefit the country in the long run, including many ofthose people opposing it.

This is not to say the left is innocent... as I will continue saying in every thread dealing with politics, it's time to get over the idea of left andright in America - because they're just two sides of the same extremist coin. It's time to meet in the middle somewhere - start getting fiscally andsocially responsible and intelligent, and get the hard-liners out of office all over the country... They are driving the country apart from the inside, andwe're all left to suffer in the meantime. If people aren't going to be willing to compromise for the better good, than we are doomed to perish as anation. Social programs are a compromise to how this country started, but not a new one.. and definitely not something that doesn't fit well within theideals of a democracy.
these people do a lot more damage than good for the republican party. the thing is conservatism is dead, its 2009, the world is a complicated place, this handsoff approach doesn't work anymore, hence why the country is a disaster now.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

notice how they claim the teaparties are about too much spending but all the signs have generic attacks on Obama like he is taking away our freedoms and he is a muslim marxist and a commy, it has nothing to do with his spending, its cause he is black, yeah i said it, cause its true. They dont even know why they are angry. Rich conservatives get poor whites to fight for their causes by exploiting the one thing that the two groups have in common, their whiteness. thats how they got them to fight for the conferderacy in the civil war when most people didnt even own slaves and they still do it today.

Cues Tim Wise.
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