Showtime Series: Shameless 3 1-13-13

The writers keep out doing themselves when it comes to Frank and what depths he will sink to :pimp:

Mandy is a down *** chick but damn...I thought she was just gonna beat her up. Wonder how Lips gonna play it.

Preview showed him having no clue about the text being sent so you know Mandy is gonna get her ear chewed for it.

Crazy episode, great season so far. Everything going on is really connecting to the shows title name.
I thought Karen was definitely dead. She had her eyes open looking empty of life and had a puddle of blood forming under here.

Fiona looking damn hot in her work clothes. Her boss will get in her guts as soon as Steve leaves town for med school.
Best episode of the season. The scene with Deb & Sheila was touching. Lip dropping science on the M.I.T recruiter was on point.
4 way with veronica, fiona, and estefania
You rate Karen way too high :lol: Better than Fiona and Veronica? With that prepubescent body :smh: Might as well rank Debbie too

Karen is actually 25 and Fiona is probably as skinny if not more.

Frank's speech and when he went to the gay bar :rofl: the bathroom scene :x :lol:
Since there was no Veronica's mom I'm expecting good things later on... **** better hit the fan before the season is over since they dropped the ball with the long lost son story line.
I know, which is why i lolwut? @ the idea of new mandy being better than her.
only reason i watch suburgatory when bored & attempted to watch fun size.
Anyone know how many episodes left for the season. Hopefully we don't have to wait another year
Jodi :lol: :x :smokin :rofl:

Frank :x (It's official he'll hit anything)

Lip :smh:

Jimmy & Fiona :rolleyes

Ian :stoneface:

Veronica and her moms :lol:

Ep felt a bit transitionary but good. Next week seems like it'll be great
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