Showtime Series: Shameless 3 1-13-13

It's not about taking sides...Jimmy went damn near everywhere on the show for someone to whine to. ALL the other stuff going on in his life and that's the one thing to put him over the edge :rolleyes He isn't even close with his dad/family. Jimmy is the dumber adult version of Lip.

Where is that guy that was tailing jimmy anyway??

Frank has legal custody of the kids if he goes to jail kids have no chance of staying at home...that in addition to the social worker seeing that mess :x
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Idk I just hated how jimmy was complaining so much, it kind of annoyed me. Frank is a **** just because he has nowhere to stay he has to call social services but I know they are going to get the kids back.
It's not about taking sides...Jimmy went damn near everywhere on the show for someone to whine to. ALL the other stuff going on in his life and that's the one thing to put him over the edge :rolleyes He isn't even close with his dad/family. Jimmy is the dumber adult version of Lip.

Where is that guy that was tailing jimmy anyway??

Frank has legal custody of the kids if he goes to jail kids have no chance of staying at home...that in addition to the social worker seeing that mess :x
I feel Jimmy's dad reveal was the last straw for him and he's using that to vent all of the other stressful **** going on. He wants to at least share that one thing with Fiona but she aint having it cuz as usual she has bigger problems. He can't tell her how he's still forced to be married to this chick or that her father will kill him and has already killed a dude and had his bod dismembered in front of him. So he's trying to go all in with this my dad is gay stuff and he's obsessing over it.

I meant taking sides as far as who is right. Fiona doesn't seem the type that's capable of sharing like that. She deals with **** and moves on. Maybe every now and then a deep embrace when somebody's feelings are really hurt but that's cuz she made her self the mom of the household and worries to know end. Jimmy has some legit gripes but he has nobody to share with.

I was wondering where that guy was as well just didn't ask. I dunno maybe we're suppose to assume he's still watching or maybe he had a few days off and possibly trusts Jimmy but I doubt that. Only thing I can assume is I missed a scene where he blackmailed Jimmy by saying he'd tell Fiona about the married chick to keep him from doing anything illegal.
What ever happened to the repair dudes that were going to fix the pipes?? Because they came in the beginning of the episode but never showed up again and why were they digging again I think it was to find some dead money right?
One thing about this ep and more about Fiona and Jimmy is at the end I was expecting for Fiona to wake up and see Jimmy in the backyard digging by himself, not him banging his wife and confiding in her.
What ever happened to the repair dudes that were going to fix the pipes?? Because they came in the beginning of the episode but never showed up again and why were they digging again I think it was to find some dead money right?
I can't remember the repair dudes but in this ep the city told the neighborhood they were going to dig up their back yard to get to the sewage pipes and lay a new one I think. Frank buried their aunt back there so he had to dig up the body before the city did and arrest him. he lied to the guys in the bar that she orchestrated some jewelry heist and buried the goods in the backyard to get them to help.
One thing about this ep and more about Fiona and Jimmy is at the end I was expecting for Fiona to wake up and see Jimmy in the backyard digging by himself, not him banging his wife and confiding in her.
I can't remember the repair dudes but in this ep the city told the neighborhood they were going to dig up their back yard to get to the sewage pipes and lay a new one I think. Frank buried their aunt back there so he had to dig up the body before the city did and arrest him. he lied to the guys in the bar that she orchestrated some jewelry heist and buried the goods in the backyard to get them to help.

Psh oh yeah I forgot that's why Fiona found that leg when she was digging
This episode was great beginning to end. :lol: :smokin

Jimmy dealin with his dad. >D
Carl being cured of cancer :rofl:
Frank explaining gay guys. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Molly :smh:..."mom says it's impolite to show off my bulge" :x :rofl:
Shiela and Jody were actually funny to me this week.
Lip being ghetto married...I finally like the new Mandy.

And then when they got serious and followed through on all of their storylines...
I mean that whole ending with was really well acted to me, especially Emmy Rossum.
The ep was like night and day, but both sides worked for me.
The most ADD episode they've had in a minute, but it all hit the right notes for me.

My favorite ep of the season, easy.
This show is too good.

Can't wait for next week's.
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Enjoyed last nights episode.

I hate Debbie though, regardless of what she does/does not do.
can someone school me on this show? was watching this with my friend last night, she said it is a really good show. im trying to understand whats going on the entire show just following a family in chicago day to day? what do you guys like about? and is it realistic cuz that level of family dysfunction is cray lol..
Remember Boston Public?

How every bad story you ever heard about a high school happened to that one school.

This is like that except one family. Take all the trashy reality shows, the Teen Moms and the Jerry Springers and even the True Lifes. And put all of that into one neighborhood around one big family. It's like a really ****** up 7th Heaven. And each one of the kids is a couple examples of some kinda social, emotional or mental issue that gets swept under the rug in society. And they gotta fend for themselves, because the dad is a vicious, self-centered drunk piece of **** who they have to kick out, but somehow he's still better than their mom, who ain't even there anymore. But it's not that serious.

It can get serious, but they somehow keep it light enough that it ain't Precious every episode. It's a really sarcastic, matter of fact kinda-comedy. Some type unbelievable stuff happens at times, but it doesn't go full ****** like those later seasons of Weeds. It's pretty grounded. Cuz it's got really good characters all around and Emmy Rossum, who plays the oldest daughter in the family, puts the show on her back and makes it work.

I'm not even gonna bother explaining Joan Cusack, though. :lol:
Remember Boston Public?

How every bad story you ever heard about a high school happened to that one school.

This is like that except one family. Take all the trashy reality shows, the Teen Moms and the Jerry Springers and even the True Lifes. And put all of that into one neighborhood around one big family. It's like a really ****** up 7th Heaven. And each one of the kids is a couple examples of some kinda social, emotional or mental issue that gets swept under the rug in society. And they gotta fend for themselves, because the dad is a vicious, self-centered drunk piece of **** who they have to kick out, but somehow he's still better than their mom, who ain't even there anymore. But it's not that serious.

It can get serious, but they somehow keep it light enough that it ain't Precious every episode. It's a really sarcastic, matter of fact kinda-comedy. Some type unbelievable stuff happens at times, but it doesn't go full ****** like those later seasons of Weeds. It's pretty grounded. Cuz it's got really good characters all around and Emmy Rossum, who plays the oldest daughter in the family, puts the show on her back and makes it work.

I'm not even gonna bother explaining Joan Cusack, though. :lol:


joan cusack is so out there idk what she's thinking watching her so i feel you on that :lol:

emily rossum can get it. that is all. (acting is good too).
for those wondering what happened to the dude who was tailing jimmy i believe he called estefania asking for advice and she told him her dad always moves on to different things he obsesses about all the time, then later that episode i think they showed the guy peeling out off the street. they're probably still watching him sporadically just not around the clock.
Veronica's mom is hot :evil:. Emmy Rossum topless scenes are always appreciated. I wonder how she's going to handle all of the women at work going after her.
I actually like that it has so many characters and that the writers kept adding characters from season's 1 to 2. It's like they could pull off eps where the main main characters don't even show up and it'll still be interesting. The way I see it things that don't seem important or things you don't necessarily like will still pay off at some point down the line.

I'm sure Sheila and the baby will pay off seriously or comically when it's wrapped up. I know Steve/Jimmy problem will cause changes. Just like this whole Kev with a wife and a possible son will too. Similar to last season when they brought in the adopted cult member kid that dipped with the black kid which I assume will come full circle in a few seasons if they want. I mean they're already setting the stage based off last season, Frank's back at Sheila's for now, Deb after being heartbroken by her mother has now lost all that false hope in her father, Fiona's gonna continue to **** up and have her ups and downs, Lip is gonna have his little journey of rebelling and not believing in himself, the other brother gonna still be gay and get in to humorous mishaps, etc.

This show was never must watch tv, just plain fun entertainment. I originally didn't even keep up with S1 but caught it all in one dose when Showtime reran the whole season in one day. Showtime obviously has their different type of genre packages, they gave us suspense and drama with Homeland and Dexter last season and this mostly comedy with Shameless, House Of Lies, and Californication.

Oh and it may not be the show where you expect greatness but imo William H. Macy deserves some type of award for his performance season to season. Look at his catalog of characters portrayed and he's shown crazy range and has been strong in the majority of roles. Almost method in how believable he comes off in each.

I don't think that can be emphasized enough. He's an incredible actor and you're right, his range is so vast.
^when I started watching this show about 2 episodes in, I had to go and look and see if he had been nominated or won anything for it.

imagine my surprise.

Poor Debs in this last episode 
This show always kills me because my mom and dad used to babysit Joan and John Cusack when they were like 10 (they went to the same church).

Anyways, this show is hilarious. "If ignorance is bliss, Down's Syndrome must be euphoria."

This is one of the only shows I'm super excited to watch every single week. I like how the writers don't try to make it serious at all like on some comedies. All the subplots are jokes, like telling Carl he has cancer.
Carl :rofl:

Kevin Veronica and her mom :smh: :x : :evil: She was getting into it at the end

Getting pistol whipped by your pops and then he gets a hooker for you LOL

It was lazy how the writers got rid of the boy/girl.
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Carl :rofl:

Kevin Veronica and her mom :smh: :x : :evil: She was getting into it at the end

Getting pistol whipped by your pops and then he gets a hooker for you LOL

It was lazy how the writers got rid of the boy/girl.

The Russian girl had a big *** I wouldn't complain
**** is gonna get real next ep

Carl and his legit curiosity with the gay porn :rofl: :x

Veronica and her mom :evil:. Jealous of Kevin. I like how the actor playing him had to pretend he wasn't enjoying that even if it wasn't real sex, grabbing **** while a chick's **** in your face while a milf is straddling you? :smokin

The cross dressing confused boy may have been done away lazy but I feel that plot point will return in a funny way, I kinda felt the way Fiona had to quit was more disappointing. The way Steve kinda just shows back up was lazy even if we know what he was doing while away.

:lol: @ Ian finally getting caught. Wouldn't mind them laying off on all this gay soft porn.

Frank is nasty :x Never thought of that.
At least they showed Fiona quitting and her hands were tied so she left.

Mandy just told Lip the mom came and got him/her.

Steve's situation fits right in with his character pout,get mad blow off steam come back act like it didn't happen.
Yeah thinking about it now, I think Mandy lied about Molly going away with her mom. Only to get things back the way they were with lip. You know all the crazy sex.
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