Shaq to cleveland for ben wallace?

Shaq puts a debt on any franchise. Lakers dumped him because of future debt, same with Miami, same with Phoenix. Lakers dumped hm cuz he got lazy, Miami dumpedhim cuz he got lazy, Phoenix dumped him cuz he got old. He cant run up and down the floor anymore so Howard would have fun tiring him out. Also Shaq cant playa full playoff series anymore. Especially if it so happened to go 7 games. Lebron would need Amare to be a contender. They actually were good last year, justdidnt have an answer for Howard. Cant blame em since Howard is the only center in the East and a beast at the position. Even Lakers are having trouble keepinghim off the offensive rebounds and such.
37 year old Shaq >>>> Any of the bigs the Cavs have now.

The debt actually means nothing. His contract expires after this season. That would be 20+ mil off the cavs books.

I don't see the problem with this at all. Plus this could just be the start.

But I am looking ahead. Say this works out and the Cavs make it to the finals. Say the Lakers make it back again...

Shaq & Lebron Vs Kobe and Phil.

I would have to have espn removed from my cable. That could get real bad real fast.
Wow steve kerr better have some serious plans for the Suns...We already know Amare is bouncin..Nash and Hill aren't starter quality anymore ..jrich andmatt barnes didnt workout and there is a bunch off garbage on the bench..only great underrated player they have is barbosa..Suns have to rebuild ..Kerr isstiupid though i know hes trying but its not working ..its bad enough they didnt make the playoffs..this team hasnt been the same since they traded Marion..Shaq sells tickets this stupid trade is gonna blow up in his face.Thisis a GREAT trade for the Cavs especially if they bring in Sheed at the PF spot ..Istill think they need a bigger SG and some better bench players... The East is only gonna get even tougher next year Expect the C's,Magic,Wizards, Bulls tobe even stronger next season..A 38 year old Shaq is better than anyone not named Lebron like earlier stated
Cavs have no clue.


Yes, Shaq is an upgrade, yes Shaq is still a top center. But ANOTHER year older..

and for the 1029439393939 time, LeBron James is the best open court weapon EVER and the Cavs wana play slowed down crap.

And this is it? This is it to put the Cavs over the top and win it all, to make Bron stay? Not happening. But I'm delighted to hear it.
Shaq had a resurgence this season, but who's to say that he'll continue to play like that next season, he could drastically fall off and not be aseffective as people think.

I also don't want to see it happen because the press coverage would be even more insane for Lebron and the Cavs than it already is.
Originally Posted by jay y kay

getting Shaq would help somewhat but it certainly won't fix all the problems that cavs have.

yeah if they get Shaq it will help...but as far as them winning it all just because they get him...I don't know about that one(alot more needs to bedone in that orginzation...but who knows)
Shaq was productive last year, but do you guys really think he will be putting up 18 and 8 again next year? especially in a slowed-down offense, and certainlyplaying less minutes?

at some point, Shaq will completely drop off. Ewing averaged 15 and 10 when he was 37 (on 30+ mpg), and then the next year when he was traded to the Sonics heaveraged just 10 and 7 (on 26 mpg), followed by 6 and 4 (on 14mpg), then he finally retired at 39. looking at the numbers, Hakeem and David Robinson basicallyfell off the same way. i expect Shaq to follow a similar trend as his fellow big men.

Shaq was already only playing 26mpg last year... a 38-year old guy is not going to give you more than 20-25mpg. if Shaq went to the Cavs, he'd probablyonly play about 20mpg and i suspect he'd average around 10 and 7 or so... how would a C averaging 10 and 7 be the missing championship piece?

this is a dumb trade on CLE's part... i only hope Kerr takes full advantage of the Cavs and makes them look foolish for doing this trade.
Shaq can't guard Rashard Lewis or Hedo Turkoglu, nor can he run the floor throughout an entire game.

He'll help the Cavs establish some low post scoring, but meh.
I can't picture Shaq playin' in a cold weather city, but if they do get him, that's a good look, and he's an upgrade at C. He may not be theShaq from 1999-2003, but his ability to punish and get the opposing team's front line in foul trouble and fatigue will pay off.
What the Cavs would do to try and sway Lebron too stay Shaq wont be enough to win the title next yr.
i like what someone posted earlier.
sheed+shaq added would make this team deadly.
what i like: veteran experience
shaq's dominance in the low post.
shaq can easily replace big z+verjayjay in the post, making good use of contracts(sign+trade/z's expiring?)
dislikes: shaqs getting old.
cavs sort of play an uptempo game, can shaq keep up?
once shaq's contract expires, who plays the center after? you gota think long-term with shaq's age/legs.
Originally Posted by BangDak

i like what someone posted earlier.
sheed+shaq added would make this team deadly.
what i like: veteran experience
shaq's dominance in the low post.
shaq can easily replace big z+verjayjay in the post, making good use of contracts(sign+trade/z's expiring?)
dislikes: shaqs getting old.
cavs sort of play an uptempo game, can shaq keep up?
once shaq's contract expires, who plays the center after? you gota think long-term with shaq's age/legs.
2 guys past their prime will make them deadly? Cavs need to get younger up front, not older.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by BangDak

i like what someone posted earlier.
sheed+shaq added would make this team deadly.
what i like: veteran experience
shaq's dominance in the low post.
shaq can easily replace big z+verjayjay in the post, making good use of contracts(sign+trade/z's expiring?)
dislikes: shaqs getting old.
cavs sort of play an uptempo game, can shaq keep up?
once shaq's contract expires, who plays the center after? you gota think long-term with shaq's age/legs.
2 guys past their prime will make them deadly? Cavs need to get younger up front, not older.
They've got a young core with Mo, LeBron, West. This reminds me of when Miami won...filling the other spots with vets and eventually winning.
Cavs goal is to get Lebron to stay for the future. They need players who will last. Not Shaq who will play proly 1 season and then lead the cavs to have torebuild again in 2010. They need to prove to Lebron they are already ready for 2010 and above. If they get sheed itll be just like how the Heat did...theyllget some old timers w 1 season left to help win a championship for 1 season only and then have to rebuild again and hope their star is there to rebuild around.
this trade would definitely make CLE better

no-brainer for CLE

Shaq is still putting up 16 and 9 and is a defensive presence
We need someone young, why are we always picking up these over the hill big men

but Shaq would still be better than what we have but I still don't think he is what we need.

We need a guy like Boozer back in town and Lebron to learn some fundamentals of the game
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

We need someone young, why are we always picking up these over the hill big men

but Shaq would still be better than what we have but I still don't think he is what we need.

We need a guy like Boozer back in town and Lebron to learn some fundamentals of the game

This is a last-ditch effort by the Cleveland brass to appease LeBron. If this move is made, and somehow Cleveland can bring in a legit low-post presence, thenthis team will be considerably better. Shaq alone isn't gonna get this team over the hump...Everyone and their mother knows this....Cleveland HAS to winthe championship next year, or else it's gonna be a long and interesting summer come 2010.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Shaq is still a better basketball player than anybody on that team not named LeBron...

All he'd bring is a different mentality? Give me a break. He's still one of the three or four best centers in basketball... Only Yao and Dwight are really better....

Ok, here's the thing... Name the next best center AFTER Shaq. (insert Jeopardy theme) Let me help you out: Nene?Camby? Kaman? Aldridge? Okur? Okafor? Brad Miller? Marc Gasol? Dampier?

Saying Shaq is still "one of the 3 or 4 best centers in basketball" is a bit misleading, no? And if it's not misleading, you certainly have tolook at his comp in the L right now and realize that he looks so good b/c they are so bad.

Originally Posted by MJsaver


SHAQ cant even play back to back games effectively anymore...

It'll take more than SHAQ, they need another player who can demand a doubleteam everygame....

Not every other game...

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

He would help the team out a lot, but wouldn't solve everything.

Originally Posted by kuruptygotti

Shaq puts a debt on any franchise. Lakers dumped him because of future debt, same with Miami, same with Phoenix. Lakers dumped hm cuz he got lazy, Miami dumped him cuz he got lazy, Phoenix dumped him cuz he got old. He cant run up and down the floor anymore so Howard would have fun tiring him out. Also Shaq cant play a full playoff series anymore. Especially if it so happened to go 7 games. Lebron would need Amare to be a contender. They actually were good last year, just didnt have an answer for Howard. Cant blame em since Howard is the only center in the East and a beast at the position. Even Lakers are having trouble keeping him off the offensive rebounds and such.
Yep. This all makes sense.
People seem to think it's only the Magic that Cle has to worry about. Many forget that the Celtics will be recharged next year as well. And how do you guysthink Shaq will do against that Boston frontline?? C's would eat him alive. Too many big bodies to wear Diesel down. Not to mention KG would run rightaround him every time.

Originally Posted by tupac003

But I am looking ahead. Say this works out and the Cavs make it to the finals. Say the Lakers make it back again...

Shaq & Lebron Vs Kobe and Phil.

Or after the Lakers lose this year (
), Kobe going for his 4th/Phil goingfor his tenth and Shaq in the way.

Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Cleveland is about 4 months late with this trade. They should had made the trade before the trade deadline.
Pretty much.

Also, like DOWNTOWN pointed out.... Shaq's minutes will most likely drop. Big Z can't go past 25 anymore. And now they want to add another guy who willprobably not go past 25 mpg?? I guess they will have Shaq start and Z finish (since he's the better free thrower).

Dumb move on Cle's part.
Like JRS said, they need to get younger, not older. Sheed =
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