Seen this Topic on another MB... In their prime who was more popular

few things to consider:

the beatles were foreign, and performed here, which magnified their popularity
michael jackson performed in an era with more media than the beatles and elvis
michael jordan was an athlete, albeit a mainstream athlete.

id probably say:

Elvis (nobody can touch his legacy/popularity some 30 years after his death)
Michael Jackson (worldwide sensation)
The Beatles (put them here because they were a group, no one individual was nearly as popular on their own as elvis and mj are/were)
Michael Jordan (will probably never be touched in terms on athlete popularity)

im sure the top 3 are interchangeable depending on who you ask.
yep this is most popular in their prime not most popular youve ever seen...the beatles were the most popular thing in the history of things and popularity
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Jackson man. Name a better string of albums than Off The Wall, Thriller, and Bad...
Tha Carter, Tha Carter II, Tha Carter III
Michael Jacksonhas more talent in his stool than Lil Wayne has total.
Originally Posted by Prez T

1. Jackson
2. Beatles/Jordan
4. Elvis

like someone said , Beatlemania was not all over the globe . poor kids in Rwanda werent rocking Beatles shirts like they were rocking MJ tees
. and trust me , dont underestimate how popular Jordan was . it wasnt just about basketball not bein as popular around the world . Jordan was THE FACE of Nike , Gatorade , the 92 Olympics . do you not remember how widely covered and televised dudes return to the NBA was ?
Dude saying jordan wasn't serious(I don't think).
It would have to be between Elvis and Jackson, both of whom had tremendous impact worldwide. In many villages, Elvis is the only word of english people know. Iwould say that Jackson is bigger though, because he was in an era where popularity was easier to acheive.
It's gotta be MJ. As has been previously mentioned dude is known in just about every country around the world, Beatles not so much. And Elvis is definitelya notch beneath those two acts. Mike Jordan not worth discussing. And the Beatles may in fact be handicapped by the era they came up in but it is what it is,MJ dominated globally like no other artist has/will.
Thriller = 109 million sales worldwide. only 20 million in the US. next closest is like 40 mill worldwide. Mike wins
Elvis doesn't have that much INTERNATIONAL appeal.

It's between MJ and the Beatles imo
gotta take into consideration the era though--Jackson and Jordan were around in a time where people all around the world could know about them simultaneously(thanks to TV)

But yea, Jackson had people fainting and crying---which you don't need a TV to even do
Jackson got this.....
to 'sooperhooper',, dont say jackson and say look at album sales. Thats stupid because only 2 performers/bands sold over a billion albums and they arethe beatles and elvis. so i would rethink that and to say people werent passing out and $** is also redundent because if u look at videos, Elvis had the mostswag of anyone girls were flocking to this guy like crazy, and then the beatles then MJ. and When Elvis died it was wayyyyyyy bigger deal then when MJ died,ask someone who was alive then and they will tell u .. But im going with Beatles they changed music period. MJ didnt change music he just chnged the way peoplewent about it. He didnt change a whole genre of music like the beatles did. I think elvis is a ripoff straight up, but his death had a bigger impact then MJ.

And to people saying mj death taking over CNN, they talked about Anna Nicole Smith for a good month after she died. So that proves nada. People dont realizehow ignorent they are when it comes to music history.
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