Seattle SuperSonics Thread

^ Ditto. I'd rather it be a city that was wronged than... like Anaheim. :lol: Even though some of you guys are being ***** about it. :rofl:

This thread is HIGHLY appreciated when it comes to updates. :pimp: :pimp:
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Kevin Johnson and Mark Mastrov sat court side tonight. Funny.

James Ham ‏@James_Ham
Kevin Johnson and Mark Mastrov talking courtside. That happened.

The fact it's an eff u move to the Maloofs by sitting court side in their building, while Mastrov's name is being tossed around to buy. Not sure how well that PR stunt will go over with the Maloofs though.
I think if the maloofs ultimately sell to someone wanting to keep the team in Sac it will be because the NBA wants it, which is slim :lol:
I actually think if they sell to a Sacramento group it's because they truly love Sacramento despite their distaste for KJ. If they sell to Hansen-Ballmer it would show me they hate KJ more than they love Sacramento, if they even love Sac at all.
The most detailed update so far:

The latest on Kings-Seattle-Sacramento after conversations with people with knowledge of negotiations:

*There are strong indications, though nothing official, that the Maloof family has NOT closed a deal with the Hansen-Ballmer group in Seattle. That is counter to the report that said the Maloofs had a handshake agreement with Hansen-Ballmer, and is obviously very, very good news for Sacramento.

*It remains difficult to determine the timeline of negotiations with potential buyers who would keep the team in Sacramento, whether the Maloofs are close to a sale that would return the NBA to Washington state and talks with anyone else are dormant and mostly a safety net for the embattled owners. But it does appear conversations are continuing apart from Hansen-Ballmer. The Maloofs have not ended other talks. Again, good news for Sacramento.

*Sacramento officials are still lining up financing. They are playing catch up to Seattle, on the business side and the government side, and so this remains a steep climb. But some insiders believe Sacramento has a legitimate shot at pulling this off. There is real optimism.

*The wild card remains the same: the Maloofs. No one dares to guess with any certainty what they will do next as family dynamics, the potential for a record price for an NBA sale and the emotions crash together. (Selling the Rockets, after their late father had owned the team, has remained a regret decades later. Sell again and they are almost certainly out of the NBA business for good.) It is possible to get an accurate survey of the process, but not of how many times a day the Maloofs are changing their thinking.

*This business that the Maloofs want to still have some control as minority owners after they sell (if they sell), as some reports suggest? Laughable. Chances of that happening are somewhere between zero percent and zero percent.

*Bottom line: Sacramento is not out of the woods. But it is far from a certainty that Seattle will get the next-generation SuperSonics. A lot remains to be decided.
JMA Ventures planned bid for Kings includes Darius Anderson. The same man that connected billionaire Ron Burkle to KJ two years ago.
— stevelarge_cbs13 (@largesteven) January 12, 2013
interesting because

A) KJ wants to have one unified bid effort

B) KJ is not apart of this, and yet Burkle is...

C) Steve Large has been wrong before.

D) K Street mall>Railyards...
This is lame. Just let the Kings go to Seattle so this can be over with.

Sacramento had their chance to keep the Kings and messed up. It's over. Move on.
Don't tell him to get out. This Thread is about getting the Sonics back to Seattle
You don't know **** either

you got a player in your avi who probably wants the kings to move more than the people in this thread. how much do you know?
I thought this at first.... But I truly think he's conflicted and split down the middle. Remember he was at the city council meetings celebrating the arena deal and what not. Plus he is the Pizza Guy :rofl:
Is the second-year point guard torn at all about the prospects of playing in Seattle if it meant leaving Sacramento? ”I mean it would (be fun to play back home). But I’m here in Sacramento. I got drafted by the Sacramento Kings and I love it here. So, I can’t speak on going back to Seattle right now.”

I don't have any problems with Sonics fans who bring reputable news and updates because it gives us a clearer picture of whats going on. Clueless ***clowns on the other hand...
Makes me sad that a lot of people I talk to in Sac are ignorant about this whole thing too
So will Seattle keep the name, the Kings? Reinstate the Supersonics franchise and strip OKC of any connection they weakly try to have with the Sonics? New jerseys? :nerd:
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