Seattle SuperSonics Thread

The Port had the audacity to call a new arena a "job killer" and said it would eat into their plans to add 100,000 new jobs over the next 25 years. Oh really? How do they plan on adding 100,000 more jobs in Seattle, when Tacoma has taken over as the leading port in Puget Sound? The Port just wants Hansen to build a new trucking route for them because they're too cheap to do it themselves. They got an I-90 on-ramp and SoDo interchange out of the Safeco Field deal, and they want another one from this deal.

I caught some sound bytes of Albro, at work earlier with that mess on Calabro's show
Seattle is a great city and really got the $@$@ end of the stick. I hope they get a bball team back.
Another thing I will point out, it seems like we keep hearing the same names over and over who are asking all the dumb, combative questions. And it's the usual suspects too (Licata, Godden, von Reichbauer). Haven't heard a peep from the others. It seems like a couple of Negative Nancies are really trying to give Hansen a hard time. hopefully it doesn't permeate their colleagues.

Also heard on the radio today that von Reichbauer has been taking credit for keeping the Seahawks in town, when he literally had nothing to do with it (it was the NFL, and eventually Paul Allen, who kept the team here). Dude is a hypocritical sleazeball.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Another thing I will point out, it seems like we keep hearing the same names over and over who are asking all the dumb, combative questions. And it's the usual suspects too (Licata, Godden, von Reichbauer). Haven't heard a peep from the others. It seems like a couple of Negative Nancies are really trying to give Hansen a hard time. hopefully it doesn't permeate their colleagues.

Also heard on the radio today that von Reichbauer has been taking credit for keeping the Seahawks in town, when he literally had nothing to do with it (it was the NFL, and eventually Paul Allen, who kept the team here). Dude is a hypocritical sleazeball.
Haven't followed closely on these individuals, but why are they so adamant on derailing the arena?  
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Another thing I will point out, it seems like we keep hearing the same names over and over who are asking all the dumb, combative questions. And it's the usual suspects too (Licata, Godden, von Reichbauer). Haven't heard a peep from the others. It seems like a couple of Negative Nancies are really trying to give Hansen a hard time. hopefully it doesn't permeate their colleagues.

Also heard on the radio today that von Reichbauer has been taking credit for keeping the Seahawks in town, when he literally had nothing to do with it (it was the NFL, and eventually Paul Allen, who kept the team here). Dude is a hypocritical sleazeball.
Haven't followed closely on these individuals, but why are they so adamant on derailing the arena?  
Political agenda??
I really want my team back but it does suck how we will be doing the same thing that was done to us. I hate OKC but I guess I'd rather be hated and have a team...
Originally Posted by trak1sh

I really want my team back but it does suck how we will be doing the same thing that was done to us. I hate OKC but I guess I'd rather be hated and have a team...


Hurry up and get a team fellas. Seattle vs. OKC would be 
, and we love rivalries.

What's a realistic time-span for getting a team? 2-3 years?
Earliest three years. Latest seven years.

That's based on what I've read between the lines.
You guys should blame Hurricane Katrina. Without that, the Hornets never play home games in OKC and let Bennett get a taste of the NBA.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

You guys should blame Hurricane Katrina. Without that, the Hornets never play home games in OKC and let Bennett get a taste of the NBA.

If we're gonna play the blame game lets blame George Shinn for turning the fans of Charlotte against him so he could move to the NO.

Speaking of Charlotte, they lost the Hornets in 2002 and gained the Bobcats in 2004. 5-7 years wait? Typical, I guess. But Charlotte was a good market for the NBA, so think of how much more it would mean to have pro basketball back in a basketball rich market.
^ Regarding the last two posts...How interesting and in depth could it be to go back and see a cause and effect chain reaction that may even date back prior to Charlotte? I'm still convinced that Seattle leaving town was a perfect storm that probably did start well before Clay ever took ownership. I don't hate him any less though.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

You guys should blame Hurricane Katrina. Without that, the Hornets never play home games in OKC and let Bennett get a taste of the NBA.
I've thought that for a long time. I think I even mentioned it in this thread at one point.

And yeah, if you really look back over the last 15 years, you can find little things that all kind of added up to a perfect storm of events. I still think the signing of Jim McIlvaine was the catalyst.
dmbrhs wrote:

And yeah, if you really look back over the last 15 years, you can find little things that all kind of added up to a perfect storm of events. I still think the signing of Jim McIlvaine was the catalyst.

Just imagine how different things would have been had it not been for him. 
Just happened to flip to KJR a few minutes ago. Heard something about City Councilman Richard Conlin releasing a letter stating that the council, on balance (after reviewing all facts and opinions), won't approve the arena deal. KJR was waiting to verify.

Edit: link to letter. Basically by the end he's telling Hansen to get lost and fund it himself.

Scanned through their timeline and they're now saying his view doesn't reflect those of the entire council, so I guess there's still hope. 
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