Scientist find cure to cancer and no one takes notice? VOL: Am i late bro?

Mar 2, 2008
 How is this not all over the news though?
Yeah, the Canadians found a cure for cancer and the rest of the world decided to ignore it....REALLY? You honestly think that if a cure for cancer was found NO media would be interested at all??? The person (or company) who found a cure for cancer would be SPRINTING to the nearest news outlet to broadcast their triumph over cancer. That's a kazillion dollar paycheck. So the mere fact it's relegated to some random news organization means all this is a bunch of crap.
Medical Researchers at the University of Alberta reported today evidence that the orphan generic drug Dichloroacetate (DCA) may hold promise as potential therapy for perhaps the deadliest of all human cancers: a form of brain cancer called glioblastoma.

I'll look into it further, but it doesn't seem like it was tested on humans yet, at least from the old article I read.  Definitely gonna check it out some more, but props to them for figuring out how to stop growth in cancer cells
.  Kinda sickens me how little attention it garnered, being that it's from a research group at a University
.  I could already see media outlets downplaying something like this because pharmaceutical companies would lose money if they didn't have to provide 10000000 types of drugs to cancer patients...
Probably not. Even if the media were trying to kill it for who knows what reason, there would still be other outlets for the information to get out on. Case in point, SOPA. You rarely see anything about it on mainstream media but go to youtube, reddit, TLiq, etc and you'll see mounds of info. Odds are if there was a cure the news would be out. Maybe they found a promising lead but instead of declaring a cure they've gone back to doing more studies whether on rats or humans.
you always hear about stories like this....its not like we're trying to keep people alive here...if anything its the opposite
The last part of the article hit the nail on the head.

The drug companies don't want it because they can't make money off it if it can't be patented. Also, if there is one drug that will cure it, think of the money they will lose in the declining sales of other drugs. It's all a money game to these big corporations. They don't care about us. The cure to a major disease means they lose money. It's very sad, but did you really think that something like this would actually make huge waves?
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

The last part of the article hit the nail on the head.

The drug companies don't want it because they can't make money off it if it can't be patented. Also, if there is one drug that will cure it, think of the money they will lose in the declining sales of other drugs. It's all a money game to these big corporations. They don't care about us. The cure to a major disease means they lose money. It's very sad, but did you really think that something like this would actually make huge waves?
Came in to say this same exact statement 
Comment from a reader of the article who says he is a Cancer Researcher:

By: Whatever
I was forwarded this article on facebook and feel highly compelled to comment. I would like to point out that I am not a regular reader of this website (which upon further inspection seems to be full of highly erroneous information about cancer research). Nevertheless, here is my response:

This article is a ridiculous embellishment, and factually flawed. I'm not a fan of pharma either, but i am a cancer researcher. The original manuscript referenced describes tissue based work and a one arm non randomized administration of DCA to 5 people with a rare type of treatment resistant brain cancer. There is absolutely no data to support efficacy (is is simply a safety study) and certainly no evidence that this treatment is a "cure for cancer", just that it worked well in petri dishes and it didn't appear to make five people sicker than they already were (but there was no control group for comparison). That the pharmaceutical industry might not pursue this particular compound due to patent issues does not change the fact that cell metabolism pathways are the most important areas for drug development in solid tumor therapy and it is highly erroneous to imply that these pathways are not being explored
in attempt to kill cancer (via reactivation of apoptosis, anti-angiogenesis, etc), because this is the basis for most modern targeted cancer therapy. Finally, why is this being viewed as another opportunity to rip on pharma? It should be seen as a victory over pharma that a drug that is inexpensive and highly available *might* have the same properties as the most expensive therapies in the pipeline. Clinical trials are not limited to the pharmaceutical industry, any researcher can conduct them given appropriate ethical approval. If the research continues to be positive, the lack of involvement by pharma could be one of the best things to happen for accessible treatment options in solid tumor patients...
I will say my sister was in the hospital and was on a trail drug that was $7,000 a pill. This isn't a joke. It's all about a profit. Which is sad
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

The last part of the article hit the nail on the head.

The drug companies don't want it because they can't make money off it if it can't be patented. Also, if there is one drug that will cure it, think of the money they will lose in the declining sales of other drugs. It's all a money game to these big corporations. They don't care about us. The cure to a major disease means they lose money. It's very sad, but did you really think that something like this would actually make huge waves?
what i have been trying to tell people. money is the cause for everything that happens in this world. which is why certain laws are made and other will never be made. for example most states are making no use of cell phones while driving law. this makes easy money for the police to write the tickets and it increases sales in accessories like blue tooth devices. but you will never see eating while driving be against the law because then corporations like McDonalds and jack in the box lose tons of moneys from the drive through 
This isn't the first time i'm seeing a supposed breakthrough for cancer like this...sadly I haven't seen any news about those breakthroughs since...somebody is shutting people up about a cure.
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