School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

I discovered this channel, Johnny FD, when he was a guest on Bald and Bankrupt’s YouTube channel. He lives in Ukraine and for months denied that Russia was going to invade. He said it was lies spread by the West. He even appeared on RT denying the invasion.

Today he did a live where he’s still caping for Russia even though he says he didn’t see it coming. Even though everyone in his social media and YouTube channel comment sections have been telling him to get out for months. This dude Johnny even visited the US recently to see his relatives and chose not to stay.

I watched some of this. Idk if it sounded like he's caping for Russia. He does sound foolish though and like someone who is naive and an optimist

Still talking about "Western Media" as Russia is firing missiles at Kyiv. He should be thankful that Western media helped burst the stupid narratives Putin was advancing
Where's Dennis Rodman when we need him?????

The threat Puttin put out there is scary though ....warning other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to “consequences you have never seen.”
He’d just be replaced with another oligarch. There is no democracy in Russia

This is the worst part. One of my coworkers is Russian and came over just before he started college and he said it doesn’t matter really. The country is corrupt. The general population dislikes him but they can’t vote his party out. If you disagree your body will be somewhere where you family can’t find it. He’s basically Joseph Stalin of this century.
Essentialy, Ukraine broke up with Putin, and he's been in his feels ever since. He's tried to get her back, blew up her text, and calls, but she blocked him. Ukraine started to feel lonely and signs up for Tinder, and matches with Nato. Nato gets all the ****. Nato moves in on Ukraine, takes her out to Red Lobster, sends her roses from, vacation trips to Geneva, and even offers guns, tanks and anti-missile defense systems. Ukraine is falling for Nato, but is still hesitant. Putin sees this and is like, naw fam, this ain't that type of party. So Putin tells Ukraine, **** this ***** Nato, you aint leaving. Nato is about his, tells Putin to pull up, so Putin pulls up to Geneva, and says you gonna see me and all my goons if you don't fall back. Nato tell Putin you aint about that life. Putin says 'bet'.

And here we're today.

I was like... kinda looks like an A-10 Warthog and are they really firing 100% tracers, but no minds were paid.
The day he makes the thread...

"It's Gettin' Hot in Herrrre: Potential Climate Change Extinction Level Event"

Imma be in the house panicking

Yeah feds thats koop.. seize his devices

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