School Kids Stuck in a Thai Cave ...

Jul 18, 2012
This has been in the news for a minute. If already posted, go ahead and delete. Quick backstory, this group of kids, who are on a soccer team, went with their coach on an outing. They went to explore a cave, but heavy rains came down and flooded the way that they came in. To get away from the water, the kids and their coach went deeper and deeper into the caves where they eventually could not make their way out. They've been trapped since June 23rd, and I believe (I could be wrong) that they went 9 days until they were discovered. Experts are saying it could be months until they get the boys out due to the heavy rains that are in Thailand right now. It's a really sad situation, and a Navy SEAL who was helping them, died this morning due to a lack of oxygen. Who knows how this is going to play out, but it's not looking good...


Former Thai navy SEAL working to rescue soccer team trapped in a cave has died

Heard about this. Pretty sad but also irresponsible of the coach to even take the kids inside a cave.

heard the Thai navy Seal team is currently pumping oxygen in the cave
Heard about this. Pretty sad but also irresponsible of the coach to even take the kids inside a cave.

heard the Thai navy Seal team is currently pumping oxygen in the cave

I was just reading that the oxygen in the cave is running low... whole situation stinks.
Heard it's an 11 hour trip/dive.

Someone called it the mt Everest of cave diving
It’s all over the news here in Thailand right now. There was some talk of drilling down to try to get them out at one point.

There was also a quick storm that hit Phuket hard yesterday and capsized a boat tour. Many deaths and many still missing.
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One of the divers died last night as he ran out of oxygen. They're saying that the kids don't have lot of time left because the conditions have changed now.
I was hoping for good news, but it sounds like the kids are still in the cave.
let it be a pile of gold in there
they woulda found a way to get it out :smh:
hope those kids get out
Heard it's an 11 hour trip/dive.

Someone called it the mt Everest of cave diving

I read something like five hours in and six hours to get out through pitch dark conditions, cold water rushing in and through holes that are the size for one human to squeeze through at a time. That is insane.

Earlier they wanted to have them stay in the cave because of how difficult and potentially dangerous scuba diving out could be until the water recedes but that could be potentially six months. Now if the oxygen is running out and they have to attempt a dive I don't believe this going to end well.
This is wild. I heard about them being missing and then found and cameras and foil blankets being shown. I assumed since there was a camera crew that there would be a solid way out. They can puml supplies in but can't get them out? I'm confused.
my question is why would the coach decide to take them that far from the opening? made NOOOOOOO sense to go deeper into the unknown than to hug your only known exit. such a sad situation

I think they ended going deeper to find higher ground to avoid flood water. Can't expect them to go towards their exit if it's flooded. But you right, coach a dumbass for taking them there during the wet season in the first place.
Weird story. Was wondering how checking out a cave turned into a near impossible rescue situation.
If they can pump oxygen in, why can’t the pump the water out?

They are pumping water out, the news showed a few shots of fire hose coming out of the ground pouring water.

Problem is, it’s rainy season here and it rains just about everyday. Normally a short burst of heavy rain once a day, but it’s a lot of water that just flows back into the cave.
If they can pump oxygen in, why can’t the pump the water out?

to pump water out, you need an actual pump to somehow get into the cave. to pump air in... you need a hole. i still dont see why they cant just extract 1 by 1 with some scuba tanks and one of these sea scooters


but im sure theyve thought of these basic answers. the situation must be SO much worse than it seems
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