School Kids Stuck in a Thai Cave ...

I'm not about that diving life ... I swam with some gators in Florida at some spring when I was like 12 and I been to Cancun a few times on the little group dove see the pretty fish jazz, but nothing serious ...

I do have an old friend from college who is an avid diver ... She posts pictures in remote locations looking like some primitive species type stuff ... She spent 10 years getting all of her certifications to go on this one dive in a cave ... She posted that there was nothing more grueling in her life when she finished ... Strange bird ...

Them kids need Jesus and modern technology ... I know this might sound stupid, but what about them yellow auto propeller joints? How about they get ALL the skinny oxygen tanks and pass them down? Either that or call up Dyson them bammas got the vacuum technology on lock ...
Them kids need Jesus and modern technology ... I know this might sound stupid, but what about them yellow auto propeller joints? How about they get ALL the skinny oxygen tanks and pass them down? Either that or call up Dyson them bammas got the vacuum technology on lock ...
Considering that it took getting Navy Seals divers to even reach them with even one dying. I'd say that it'd be difficult task to have groups of divers deliver oxygen tanks. I think the best bet is to pump the water until the passageway is accessible enough to get supplies and potentially rescuers through.
They just announced that they're going to scuba those boys out now due to lack of oxygen, rising waters and oncoming rains.
I pray that they and rescuers get out safely.

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They just announced that they're going to scuba those boys out now due to lack of oxygen, rising waters and oncoming rains.
I pray that they and rescuers get out safely.


Gonna keep my eye on this story, I hope everyone gets out safely. This is gonna be a long process if it takes 5 hours just to go one way.
I hope everyone makes it out safe. I’ve been keeping tabs on this story.
Considering that’s portions of the cave are so narrow that you need to remove your oxygen take makes this incredibly difficult for an advanced diver let alone a kid who cannot swim.

Oxygen levels Is slowly diminishing and expected rain cancels out waiting. Drilling would take too long. Elon’s idea might work but I’m not too sure about it.

I’m anxious myself just thinking about it. I had a terrible experience in a cave in 8th grade where my homie who was a manchild at the time got stuck and I was behind him and someone was behind me. It was only 5 minutes when the teacher yanked him out but it felt like an eternity. I will never go back into a cave again. I hope everyone makes it out alive and in good health !
After watching that video...

I imagined it something similar but damn, these are kids man. Some probably dont even know how to swim. That cave in the video looked fairly lit, this is rain water thats probably very dirty after running through soil and whatnot. God bless them all, I hope all of them make it but I woudnt be surprised if some dont. This is insane. Hope they think of another way or some way to make things safer.
After watching that video...

I imagined it something similar but damn, these are kids man. Some probably dont even know how to swim. That cave in the video looked fairly lit, this is rain water thats probably very dirty after running through soil and whatnot. God bless them all, I hope all of them make it but I woudnt be surprised if some dont. This is insane. Hope they think of another way or some way to make things safer.

shibadekobe shibadekobe mentioned that almost none of them know how to swim.
Lol. I did a crawl like this through a cave/cavern. And that was without water. Sadly I paid good money for that stupid experience. I can't imagine a good way to get out. Never again will I do that to myself.

I always thought a led lit type of rope could guide them. But we're taking Thailand. And miles of rope. Not sure they have enough time
This isn’t about swimming ability. You will be underwater for LONG periods of time going through extremely narrow caverns. This isn’t a straight shot to the other side
Point that they can't swim just puts them in harms danger of any scuba rescue. Learning to swim is one thing, but you need to have diving experience to even think about trying this. Just sucks for them to be in this position.
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