saw this on facebook...

Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Martin Luther King was MURDERED for the simple fact that he felt all people were equal regardless of race.

These white chicks wanna take this opportunity to clown Black people and disregard this man's life AND grisly death, because, you know, we are jokes after all and the life of a Black person, no matter how influential in the progress of the United States, is relatively worthless.

They're laughing and joking about how Blacks are dumb addiction-addled violent criminals on a day that reflects on the life and death of a man who DIED so that we could say "hey, that's not cool" without getting murdered or put in jail.

But, you know, whatever, it's all in good fun.

I hope ya'll are this cool when people start talkin slick about ya'lls mothers.
I'm sure you'll get the few ignorant Nters with no real response that will just label you as "mad" or say you're "reaching."
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Martin Luther King was MURDERED for the simple fact that he felt all people were equal regardless of race.

These white chicks wanna take this opportunity to clown Black people and disregard this man's life AND grisly death, because, you know, we are jokes after all and the life of a Black person, no matter how influential in the progress of the United States, is relatively worthless.

They're laughing and joking about how Blacks are dumb addiction-addled violent criminals on a day that reflects on the life and death of a man who DIED so that we could say "hey, that's not cool" without getting murdered or put in jail.

But, you know, whatever, it's all in good fun.

I hope ya'll are this cool when people start talkin slick about ya'lls mothers.
I'm sure you'll get the few ignorant Nters with no real response that will just label you as "mad" or say you're "reaching."
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

people's reactions in this thread is starting to scare me.

like, i guess this behavior is cool, huh fellow Black NTers?


Ya'll some Toms for acting like it's not offensive/insulting and actually funny.

Once again, ya'll cats is some self-hating Blacks tryna pass it off as "haha i'm so mature in my views that this is actually funny."

No. It's not funny. And you're soft as all get out for acting the way you are about the situation.

It is sad to see Black people on NT try to act as if this type of behavior should be condoned.

'Ol scared to speak up for yourself out of fear of being called an "angry black guy" type cats.

you angry black man you
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

people's reactions in this thread is starting to scare me.

like, i guess this behavior is cool, huh fellow Black NTers?


Ya'll some Toms for acting like it's not offensive/insulting and actually funny.

Once again, ya'll cats is some self-hating Blacks tryna pass it off as "haha i'm so mature in my views that this is actually funny."

No. It's not funny. And you're soft as all get out for acting the way you are about the situation.

It is sad to see Black people on NT try to act as if this type of behavior should be condoned.

'Ol scared to speak up for yourself out of fear of being called an "angry black guy" type cats.

you angry black man you
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

i lol'd ...why because its fake, the girls are real but the text at the bottom was added on

lol@ people getting worked up
Well that just makes this thread even funnier.

Things like that are perfect troll tools. Ignite a good ol fashioned race argument on any forum on the internet.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

i lol'd ...why because its fake, the girls are real but the text at the bottom was added on

lol@ people getting worked up
Well that just makes this thread even funnier.

Things like that are perfect troll tools. Ignite a good ol fashioned race argument on any forum on the internet.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

people's reactions in this thread is starting to scare me.

like, i guess this behavior is cool, huh fellow Black NTers?


Ya'll some Toms for acting like it's not offensive/insulting and actually funny.

Once again, ya'll cats is some self-hating Blacks tryna pass it off as "haha i'm so mature in my views that this is actually funny."

No. It's not funny. And you're soft as all get out for acting the way you are about the situation.

It is sad to see Black people on NT try to act as if this type of behavior should be condoned.

'Ol scared to speak up for yourself out of fear of being called an "angry black guy" type cats.
You know what grinds my gears? When black people think we should all think and act collectively. Honestly, I can maybe see why someone might be offended, but why? If I got offended by every dumb that thing that a dumb person says or does I woulda had a heart attack by 13. I've accomplished too much in my life to be affected by some caricature of what a couple of white girls jokingly think "I" am. The world is not against you, man! Its a distasteful joke, but its still a joke. You don't even know these chicks
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

people's reactions in this thread is starting to scare me.

like, i guess this behavior is cool, huh fellow Black NTers?


Ya'll some Toms for acting like it's not offensive/insulting and actually funny.

Once again, ya'll cats is some self-hating Blacks tryna pass it off as "haha i'm so mature in my views that this is actually funny."

No. It's not funny. And you're soft as all get out for acting the way you are about the situation.

It is sad to see Black people on NT try to act as if this type of behavior should be condoned.

'Ol scared to speak up for yourself out of fear of being called an "angry black guy" type cats.
You know what grinds my gears? When black people think we should all think and act collectively. Honestly, I can maybe see why someone might be offended, but why? If I got offended by every dumb that thing that a dumb person says or does I woulda had a heart attack by 13. I've accomplished too much in my life to be affected by some caricature of what a couple of white girls jokingly think "I" am. The world is not against you, man! Its a distasteful joke, but its still a joke. You don't even know these chicks
So whats wrong with this pic again???
Spoiler [+]
lol j.k.
So whats wrong with this pic again???
Spoiler [+]
lol j.k.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by 10littlefigures


im not even mad...its just how many people responded to it positively

Would of been funny if it wasn't for the happy MLK DAY at the bottom of the pic!

 And some of yal like op don't even see anything wrong with this pic.


Spoiler [+]

Let's refer to pages (5-7) shall we?? 
...guess some of yall not ready to face the harsh reality, s/o to Seeko for getting the message.
Bet the whole peanut gallery from pages 5-7 came to this thread with their foot in their mouths
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by 10littlefigures


im not even mad...its just how many people responded to it positively

Would of been funny if it wasn't for the happy MLK DAY at the bottom of the pic!

 And some of yal like op don't even see anything wrong with this pic.


Spoiler [+]

Let's refer to pages (5-7) shall we?? 
...guess some of yall not ready to face the harsh reality, s/o to Seeko for getting the message.
Bet the whole peanut gallery from pages 5-7 came to this thread with their foot in their mouths
seriously, though.

you look at that picture, or other instances of "lets act like negro" parties, on MLK day. The day commemerating the life and death of MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

and nothing?

you're not even insulted?

it's not like it takes any kind of effort to feel insulted.

I def do not fit into the mold they set in the pics, but I know that they are insulting ME.

That's not cool. I'm not saying start a fight with them, but at least say "you know what? that's not cool."

But, i mean, be weak. That's on you. You don't have to feel any sort of way about people acting this way toward you. You can even convince yourself that since you don't act like that they're not insulting you directly. However you deal with fitting into society.
seriously, though.

you look at that picture, or other instances of "lets act like negro" parties, on MLK day. The day commemerating the life and death of MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

and nothing?

you're not even insulted?

it's not like it takes any kind of effort to feel insulted.

I def do not fit into the mold they set in the pics, but I know that they are insulting ME.

That's not cool. I'm not saying start a fight with them, but at least say "you know what? that's not cool."

But, i mean, be weak. That's on you. You don't have to feel any sort of way about people acting this way toward you. You can even convince yourself that since you don't act like that they're not insulting you directly. However you deal with fitting into society.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

seriously, though.

you look at that picture, or other instances of "lets act like negro" parties, on MLK day. The day commemerating the life and death of MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

and nothing?

you're not even insulted?

it's not like it takes any kind of effort to feel insulted.

I def do not fit into the mold they set in the pics, but I know that they are insulting ME.

That's not cool. I'm not saying start a fight with them, but at least say "you know what? that's not cool."

But, i mean, be weak. That's on you. You don't have to feel any sort of way about people acting this way toward you. You can even convince yourself that since you don't act like that they're not insulting you directly. However you deal with fitting into society.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

seriously, though.

you look at that picture, or other instances of "lets act like negro" parties, on MLK day. The day commemerating the life and death of MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

and nothing?

you're not even insulted?

it's not like it takes any kind of effort to feel insulted.

I def do not fit into the mold they set in the pics, but I know that they are insulting ME.

That's not cool. I'm not saying start a fight with them, but at least say "you know what? that's not cool."

But, i mean, be weak. That's on you. You don't have to feel any sort of way about people acting this way toward you. You can even convince yourself that since you don't act like that they're not insulting you directly. However you deal with fitting into society.
i mean thats %**!$% up & all that, & if i knew em im pretty sure id go off on them $@*%. but i know they still drink the babies outta this black **** if the opportunity presented itself
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