Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent.

it's just sad. i mean she didn't know what countries were a part of nafta? she probably didn't even know what nafta was...i'm going to doresearch on her campaign for govenor in alaska cause now i'm deeply troubles
maybe i should run for govenor of Alaska... I notice the qualifications are low
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

maybe i should run for govenor of Alaska... I notice the qualifications are low
Why stop just at running for governor of Alaska champ, apparently the same low qualifications can make you the VP candidate of the RepublicanParty as well. I say go all the way. You even get a $150,000 shopping per diem with that.
Why Obama won:

Not cause he's black

Not because of his policies

Not because he's the obvious choice in light of how the republican regime turned out

Obama won because no one wanted this broad anywhere near the white house.
I think this broad is the dumbest candidate alive, that said, the GOP is doing her dirty right now by making her a scapegoat.
She deserves every thing she is receiving now and then some. This woman was part of one vile and dirty campaign. This woman her supporters and the GOP withtheir campaign of HATE; Obama is a MUSLIM, a TERRORIST, his middle name is Hussein, he wasn't born in the US, he "pals around with terrorist",questioning Obama's patriotism because he didn't wear a US Flag pin, etc.. etc.. etc..

All Palin is good for now is for her to do a playboy spread.
Originally Posted by AssistantSupervisor81

I really hope she doesn't run in 2012
seriously is no one else
at the fact that some people wanther to run in 2012
The mere fact that Fox News is even bashing her amazes me. I pray to God that she doesn't run in 2012.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Yes I am so pathetic, but I can spell though

I am sorry if I lead you on, Its not that I don't think you can name 10 countries. I know that you can't (without the help of wiki)

It would only be funny if it were baseless, and you heard the rumor from someone else, as we have here.

Maybe I hold myself to higher standards but I NEVER ridicule someone for something on a subject that I myself do not know that well. I am just saying that most who will find this funny cannot name 10 countries in Africa.
You need to stop assuming, because you know what happens when you assume. I found this funny, and I can name 20 countries in Africa. You need tofall back sonny boy.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

She deserves every thing she is receiving now and then some. This woman was part of one vile and dirty campaign. This woman her supporters and the GOP with their campaign of HATE; Obama is a MUSLIM, a TERRORIST, his middle name is Hussein, he wasn't born in the US, he "pals around with terrorist", questioning Obama's patriotism because he didn't wear a US Flag pin, etc.. etc.. etc..
100% Truth. I think we all can agree that America can do without Sarah Palin when it comes to politics. As I stated earlier...............

I'm all in favor of exposing this FRAUD, this is what we need more of. Earlier this week it was Joe "the so called" Plumber, now it's ontoSarah Palin.
Originally Posted by TW3EK

off top

seirra leone
niger please
south africa
I'm pretty sure it's just called Niger.
For all my people who didn't get to see this

Can she answer a single question???
� One of the reasons why I love Katie, she was ruthless.

The "tough" questions were being asked around the 4:00 min mark.
America dodged a real bullet here. It's mind boggling how 40M+ voted for this con-woman.
kix4kix is a real smart guy eh... i love the people on here who know it all, including what someone on a message board who they probably have never met knowswhat the other person can or cannot do.

everyone has some responsibility in this mess. thankfully obama won. game over.

and damn, j steeez is that leyla in your avy?
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