Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

thing is...I don't understand why conservatives are getting behind her jsut b/c she has conservative ideals...
yeah...she's conservative...but she's DUMB as an ox!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

thing is...I don't understand why conservatives are getting behind her jsut b/c she has conservative ideals...
yeah...she's conservative...but she's DUMB as an ox!
That's an insult to oxen everywhere.
a) im horrible with geography so i really cant get mad at her

b) i have seen those random street shows ask everyday normal americans to name the continents and fail miserably

and 3) shawty was chosen for the wrong reasons ... i dont fault her AT ALL for slipping up a few times ... put yourself in her shoes and think about how youwould do ... im not saying yall wouldnt know africa was a continent, but you are chillin in alaska with kids named trig and you get a call to be the vp nomineeLOL ... then you got reporters TRYING to throw questions at her that are borderline stupid just so they can expose her for being a "fraud" ... th%$@@% had about 2 months to do what she did, and in my opinion she exceeded my expectations ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

a) im horrible with geography so i really cant get mad at her

b) i have seen those random street shows ask everyday normal americans to name the continents and fail miserably

and 3) shawty was chosen for the wrong reasons ... i dont fault her AT ALL for slipping up a few times ... put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would do ... im not saying yall wouldnt know africa was a continent, but you are chillin in alaska with kids named trig and you get a call to be the vp nominee LOL ... then you got reporters TRYING to throw questions at her that are borderline stupid just so they can expose her for being a "fraud" ... th %$@@% had about 2 months to do what she did, and in my opinion she exceeded my expectations ...

Marley, stop making excuses for her. She's very stupid and it's sad but yet also very funny at the time that anybody canthink she is/was ready to be Vice President. She is a disgrace to women politician's everywhere and no individuals except her family, and maybe not eventhem should be supporting her.
the McCain team just really messed up.
they picked a Veep too late and had no time to groom her.
his team should have been prepping her the day he locked up the nomination...she would have at least appeared to be competent.
her voice get on my nerves

Absolutely. Cannot stand that tinny, shrill voice of hers. It's not the accent, it's not the deer in the headlights stumbling and bumbling through nonsensical diatribes, it's the voice. Ugh.

She still looks nice.

I'll be in the NT minority here and go against this. I NEVER thought she looked better than your average trailer trash soccer mom. I have no idea wherethis "she's hot" business is coming from.
its not about making excuses, its about being real ... im sure she knew she wasnt ready to be the vp nominee, but what are you gonna say to the very people whohold your political career in their hands? thats like me telling my manager, naw im not gonna go with you on this presentation because im not sure if i canhandle the pressure, meanwhile he chooses the guy next to me and dude becomes manager in a few years whill im still sitting here ... if you wanna blame anyoneblame mccain and the gop ... they figured obamas inexperience would cancel out palins, but because she couldnt speak as well as obama, she was exposed
Originally Posted by SingleDigitJsOnly

She still looks nice.

I'll be in the NT minority here and go against this. I NEVER thought she looked better than your average trailer trash soccer mom. I have no idea where this "she's hot" business is coming from.
I see I got caught in the "trap" and you did not - there was just a thread on this a while back, about how women with money/power/fameautomatically get the +3, same applies here.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

a) im horrible with geography so i really cant get mad at her

b) i have seen those random street shows ask everyday normal americans to name the continents and fail miserably

and 3) shawty was chosen for the wrong reasons ... i dont fault her AT ALL for slipping up a few times ... put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would do ... im not saying yall wouldnt know africa was a continent, but you are chillin in alaska with kids named trig and you get a call to be the vp nominee LOL ... then you got reporters TRYING to throw questions at her that are borderline stupid just so they can expose her for being a "fraud" ... th !%!@% had about 2 months to do what she did, and in my opinion she exceeded my expectations ...

The Mccain campaign themselves admitted that the questions asked by the interviewers were all legitimate and NOT out of line, they even predicted most of thosequestions that was going to be asked only for Palin to say I don't need a briefing, I'll handle this interview myself. And how about that prank callfrom that radio show, Mccain's campaign didn't even know about it in advance, only Palin's campaign was well aware of it and they ok'ed theinterview to try to boost her image. Mccain's campaign was furious.

Slipping a few times? Get called to be the vp nominee? Mccain didn't put a gun to her head to run alongside for VP, she CHOSED to accept the task at hand.If Obama came to me and asked if I wanted to run for VP, I would straight laugh in his face. Name 1 of the questions that was asked that was"stupid"? All of those questions were all legitimate, she couldn't even answer a simple question such as "What newspapers or prints do youread to keep up on foreign current events"? and "Are you pro or con abortion"? and best of all "Do you believe global warming is man'screation"? !#%+!. Exceeded your expectations, maybe I should run for president and my only vote would come from you, lol.
So you would take the job that gave you more notoriety, opportunity and money even if within yourself you knew that you weren't qualified or even capableof handling the task. That's like me walking in a hospital right now and saying that I want to be a surgeon, sure the job would pay me more money butnobody would dare let me in the emergency room to operate on anybody. The same mentality you have is the same thought process that George Bush had when he putMichael Brown (the former director of FEMA) in the position that he once had. A guy that use to work with horses and clean up horse manure for a living was incharge of FEMA when Katrina struck New Orleans. Now clearly Michael Brown was in way over his head but only got the position cause his boy Bush hooked him upwith a high paying government job, but at the risk of some residents of New Orleans, SMH. If you know your not ready for a job, don't apply for it ordon't take it even when if it is offered to you, you have to know yourself if don't nobody else know you.

yall overlookin the fact that palin is a GOER ... she has 5 kids FRAUD ...
Originally Posted by Deuce King

So you would take the job that gave you more notoriety, opportunity and money even if within yourself you knew that you weren't qualified or even capable of handling the task. That's like me walking in a hospital right now and saying that I want to be a surgeon, sure the job would pay me more money but nobody would dare let me in the emergency room to operate on anybody. The same mentality you have is the same thought process that George Bush had when he put Michael Brown (the former director of FEMA) in the position that he once had. A guy that use to work with horses and clean up horse manure for a living was in charge of FEMA when Katrina struck New Orleans. Now clearly Michael Brown was in way over his head but only got the position cause his boy Bush hooked him up with a high paying government job, but at the risk of some residents of New Orleans, SMH. If you know your not ready for a job, don't apply for it or don't take it even when if it is offered to you, you have to know yourself if don't nobody else know you.

yall overlookin the fact that palin is a GOER ... she has 5 kids FRAUD ...
she still a goer deuce

yes i would take the job ... im trying to provide security for my future family and myself ... if my manager came to me right now and said i need you to managethe bank for the next month because i have a secret operation, i would say youre in good hands ... your comparison is flawed because you arent in the processof becoming a doctor ... its not like he brought palin off the streets (like bush did with cuzzo as well) ... Palin is trying to make it up the politicalladder ... any person in her situation, regardless of the job BETTER take that oppurtunity or they would risk their future ...
NAFTA, how could you not now that, Alaska is right next to Canada, and Mexico is one of our biggest traders

Africa? really?
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by Deuce King

So you would take the job that gave you more notoriety, opportunity and money even if within yourself you knew that you weren't qualified or even capable of handling the task. That's like me walking in a hospital right now and saying that I want to be a surgeon, sure the job would pay me more money but nobody would dare let me in the emergency room to operate on anybody. The same mentality you have is the same thought process that George Bush had when he put Michael Brown (the former director of FEMA) in the position that he once had. A guy that use to work with horses and clean up horse manure for a living was in charge of FEMA when Katrina struck New Orleans. Now clearly Michael Brown was in way over his head but only got the position cause his boy Bush hooked him up with a high paying government job, but at the risk of some residents of New Orleans, SMH. If you know your not ready for a job, don't apply for it or don't take it even when if it is offered to you, you have to know yourself if don't nobody else know you.

yall overlookin the fact that palin is a GOER ... she has 5 kids FRAUD ...
she still a goer deuce

yes i would take the job ... im trying to provide security for my future family and myself ... if my manager came to me right now and said i need you to manage the bank for the next month because i have a secret operation, i would say youre in good hands ... your comparison is flawed because you arent in the process of becoming a doctor ... its not like he brought palin off the streets (like bush did with cuzzo as well) ... Palin is trying to make it up the political ladder ... any person in her situation, regardless of the job BETTER take that oppurtunity or they would risk their future ...

She is a goer
.........I will give you that.

In regards to you taking the manager position at the bank, I can at least guess that you have an idea on how to run the bank, balance the books at the end ofthe day and some of the other tasks and responsibilities that come along with the position. Sure the new title and money is nice, but if you don't have anidea or a clue on how to effectively do your job then you would be nothing more than an empty suit, and that's exactly what Palin empty businesssuit. I still don't see how or why anybody would or can still support her.
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

NAFTA, how could you not now that, Alaska is right next to Canada, and Mexico is one of are biggest traders

Africa? really?
My teacher had brought this up in class yesterday. He was like Really? he was disturbed.
Deuce King wrote:

She is a goer
.........I will give you that.

In regards to you taking the manager position at the bank, I can at least guess that you have an idea on how to run the bank, balance the books at the end of the day and some of the other tasks and responsibilities that come along with the position. Sure the new title and money is nice, but if you don't have an idea or a clue on how to effectively do your job then you would be nothing more than an empty suit, and that's exactly what Palin empty business suit. I still don't see how or why anybody would or can still support her.

come on deuce ... yeah i know some stuff but i would be looking to learn on the job as i go (just as someone else is gonna be doing by the way
) ... and lets be real, the vp isnt going to have THAT MUCH of an affecton our country at first ... even if Mccain only made it two years and dropped dead, within that time Palin would be more than prepared ... in fact, the way shehandled it for these past few months shows me that if the gop just picked her early and gave her a few more months to prep, she would have probably won theelection for Mccain ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Deuce King wrote:

She is a goer
.........I will give you that.

In regards to you taking the manager position at the bank, I can at least guess that you have an idea on how to run the bank, balance the books at the end of the day and some of the other tasks and responsibilities that come along with the position. Sure the new title and money is nice, but if you don't have an idea or a clue on how to effectively do your job then you would be nothing more than an empty suit, and that's exactly what Palin empty business suit. I still don't see how or why anybody would or can still support her.
come on deuce ... yeah i know some stuff but i would be looking to learn on the job as i go (just as someone else is gonna be doing by the way
) ... and lets be real, the vp isnt going to have THAT MUCH of an affect on our country at first ... even if Mccain only made it two years and dropped dead, within that time Palin would be more than prepared ... in fact, the way she handled it for these past few months shows me that if the gop just picked her early and gave her a few more months to prep, she would have probably won the election for Mccain ...

Just about every job has some aspects of learning on the job as you go, that's goes without saying, even the Presidency for that matter. However the VPdoes have an effect on the country, a war started because of a VP, see $%%% Cheney, American lives have been lost because of a VP, see $%%% Cheney. So justlike the internet, the Vice Presidency is serious business champ. You like the way she handled herself these past few months?? I remember you based peoplebecause you thought people got caught up in Obama because he only gave "eloquent speeches". Be that true or false, at least people liked him forsomething, he can at least put a constructive sentence together by himself. The same can not be said for Palin. Besides a cute face, what else do you see inthis chick??
Originally Posted by Darling Nikki33

As Cornell West said, she did the best she could. She is intellectually mediocre.
I saw that Bill Maher
That's some tough !## to say about somebody.
the way she handled it for these past few months shows me that if the gop just picked her early and gave her a few more months to prep, she would have probably won the election for Mccain ...

The GOP could have picked her in 2004, and she still would be the same woman. a dumb idiot. People expected her to be a rocket scientist butshe's not. She's a tom boy with looks, knows how to shoot a gun, a simple country gal and certain Americans can relate to her.

The woman is an average American. Nothing spectacular. So when she was first introduced, sure she looked good and can give a good speech but when she startedto give her own opinion, she showed her simple minded side of Sarah Palin. The one that isn't disguised by new $10,000 outfits.

So give me a break with your "a few more months"
It took her how many years and how different colleges to just get a collegedegree?
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