Russ Wilson and Ciara?

Stop it mark

She is wearing lip gloss and he was smearing it.
She kiss him two times and the third he decided to kiss her neck cause he was messing up her makeup.

Square millionaire
Square spectacular athletic
Square philanthropist

Russell is legit ONE IN MILLION.

A high value man through and through

Send me a sqaure lord
High value ____ has been ran through the mud at this point. IMO the concept of high value is dependent on what culture you submit to. As many cultures as there are on the planet there could Equally be as many concepts of high value.
Both are proclaimed Christians yet their relationship doesn’t reflect traditional Christian values.
(not here to argue wether it’s right or wrong just acknowledging that for the religion they claim to serve their actions are not in alignment with that)
Sure, Russ may check the boxes when it comes to western civilization‘s concept of high value but in my experience what you see in a man’s wife it’s one of the most accurate representations of where he truly is.
By biblical standards Ciara is a harlot. If a man says god is at the center of his life yet his mating choices aren’t in alignment with his creator, how high value is he really? (also not taking away from his philanthropic work, just talking about the subject at hand)

Ephesians 5:22-24
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Russ looks like he’s spectacle to Ciara‘s debauchery. I’ve yet to see an instance where she was giving him the respect he qualifies based on the scriptures they adhere to. I’ve had women who weren’t Christian’s that treated me better then the way Ciara treat’s Russ. In this “everything for show” generation clearly which Ciara is a participant of, people are going to put their perceived best foot forward. if this is the treatment he’s getting in public, what’s really going on in her heart and mind? when people show you who they are believe them. Her husband went out of his way to surprise her with flowers and she told him and the world, my image is more important then what you just did. In her mind, her make up, and physical beauty is more important then her personal Christ. It is what it is.

so no, Russ is not one in a million. He’s the average dude who enables modern women to think their actions have no consequences down the line. He just happens to be a good athlete and have money. At least Ciara was smart enough unlike Lorey Harvey to realize this was probably the best she can do. I don’t blame Ciara for taking advantage of the situation. The same way Adam could have walked away from eve‘s foolishness Russ could have done the same instead of trying to present it as the unsung hero.

disclaimer: I’m not a Christian. Just speaking on it because of the relevancy of the parties involved.
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He had me until he start mentioning Bible verses

He square

He is corny ok

You guys constantly saying this, what do you want......

So lames, squares, cornball dont deserve happiness.

Does he not deserve Ciara, is she too hot for him.

Should he leave her for Jordan sparks.

I dont get the issue.

I feel so bad for black men

you damned if you do, you damned if you dont.

You sleep around and have multiple babymamas youre a thug, you're a male *****, dead beat

Youre nice, square etc youre a simp.

The thing is a lot of women will call dudes like Russ all those things too.

This dude look and sound like Russ :lol: and these chicks was looking at him like he ain't ****. I don't knock dudes that are "lame" or "corny" I might get some jokes but if they're being themselves then you can't be mad at that. Most girls just don't know what they want and will find something wrong with a dude.
So when a woman gets married she can't shake *** with her girls anymore? :lol: You have a lot to learn about the real world bruh
Different people have different standards.

Traditionally being a wife means you submit to the concept of valuing family and reputation over attention seeking behavior.

People are free to do what they want. That doesn’t mean people especially people who hold themselves to a different (not necessarily better) standard have to accept them wholesale for the decisions someone made in their freedom.

I seriously mean no offense in this question? How old are you? I am noticing that the younger generations are tending to me more liberal in what they would accept from a partner. Excuse me if that isn’t the case here.
The word “submit” is scary to alotta murica wimminz

It’s an interesting conversation. I think Women should be submissive because that is the feminine principle’s nature, and you shouldn’t need an external force to coerce you into being in alignment with your nature, but I also understand men and women alike don’t have a lot of positive experiences with submitting to authoritarian figures in this current paradigm.

A question I ask is “Do you see the benefit in submitting to a righteous man and if so what sacrifices are you willing to make for that blessing?" If she’s past a certain age and gives any pushback it’s usually an indication she’s damaged past repair.

I’ve also realized asking for women to define submission and obedience is helpful in the courting process. A lot of women think submission is something your forced into. At the point I make it clear submission is a choice, and something she would choose on her own volition if she chooses to come Under my covering.
Insults instead of having a serious reply.

You guys have a skewed/toxic view of what a man should be.

Go to therapy and process your inner traumas and find your authentic self.

I got a hundred years on earth, I aint in no rush.

A “man” using the word toxic….. yeah dawg. Play the sideline bruh. Men using those feminine buzzwords, I feel for y’all.

Get off the internet and go outside bruh
It’s an interesting conversation. I think Women should be submissive because that is the feminine principle’s nature, and you shouldn’t need an external force to coerce you into being in alignment with your nature, but I also understand men and women alike don’t have a lot of positive experiences with submitting to authoritarian figures in this current paradigm.

A question I ask is “Do you see the benefit in submitting to a righteous man and if so what sacrifices are you willing to make for that blessing?" If she’s past a certain age and gives any pushback it’s usually an indication she’s damaged past repair.

I’ve also realized asking for women to define submission and obedience is helpful in the courting process. A lot of women think submission is something your forced into. At the point I make it clear submission is a choice, and something she would choose on her own volition if she chooses to come Under my covering.
Let’s replace submit with adhere. That’s sounds a lot better.
It’s an interesting conversation. I think Women should be submissive because that is the feminine principle’s nature, and you shouldn’t need an external force to coerce you into being in alignment with your nature, but I also understand men and women alike don’t have a lot of positive experiences with submitting to authoritarian figures in this current paradigm.

A question I ask is “Do you see the benefit in submitting to a righteous man and if so what sacrifices are you willing to make for that blessing?" If she’s past a certain age and gives any pushback it’s usually an indication she’s damaged past repair.

I’ve also realized asking for women to define submission and obedience is helpful in the courting process. A lot of women think submission is something your forced into. At the point I make it clear submission is a choice, and something she would choose on her own volition if she chooses to come Under my covering.
Submission is actually a show of strength. There's many ways strength can be displayed. And choosing to align your self with and fall under the headship of someone, when you have the free will not to, takes a lot of discipline and self control. And I believe there is no greater presentation of true power than self control.
Submission is actually a show of strength. There's many ways strength can be displayed. And choosing to align your self with and fall under the headship of someone, when you have the free will not to, takes a lot of discipline and self control. And I believe there is no greater presentation of true power than self control.
Facts. A philosophy I live by is “submit and serve your creator the way you want want your wife to submit and serve you.” It’s made me a more compassionate and patient person.

If we’re keeping it a buck, most men wouldn’t know what to do with a high value women if they were presented with one in this immediate moment. They still fight submission to evolving to their highest potential and acknowledging an indescribable aspect of their mind. The women they attract are a direct reflection of that.
Facts. A philosophy I live by is “submit and serve your creator the way you want want your wife to submit and serve you.” It’s made me a more compassionate and patient person.

If we’re keeping it a buck, most men wouldn’t know what to do with a high value women if they were presented with one in this immediate moment. They still fight submission to evolving to their highest potential and acknowledging an indescribable aspect of their mind. The women they attract are a direct reflection of that.
Bars. We all damaged and scarred but there are men who live and react from a hurt place and dont acknowledge or seek to overcome that. That puts women in a bad position, who would want to submit but have been hurt and have defensive systems in place to rightfully protect themselves. And sex and mental connections may occur but true intimacy in its fullness is never achieved.

The more my wife submits (its a process -like the unfolding of a rose) the more I naturally seek to understand and nuture her. She becomes more vulnerable, I become more gentle to her and protective of her ( primarily from myself as I continue to strive to overcome my lower nature).
The more my wife submits (its a process -like the unfolding of a rose) the more I naturally seek to understand and nuture her. She becomes more vulnerable, I become more gentle to her and protective of her ( primarily from myself as I continue to strive to overcome my lower nature).
Sent you something in the DM’s regarding this.
High value ____ has been ran through the mud at this point. IMO the concept of high value is dependent on what culture you submit to. As many cultures as there are on the planet there could Equally be as many concepts of high value.
Both are proclaimed Christians yet their relationship doesn’t reflect traditional Christian values.
(not here to argue wether it’s right or wrong just acknowledging that for the religion they claim to serve their actions are not in alignment with that)
Sure, Russ may check the boxes when it comes to western civilization‘s concept of high value but in my experience what you see in a man’s wife it’s one of the most accurate representations of where he truly is.
By biblical standards Ciara is a harlot. If a man says god is at the center of his life yet his mating choices aren’t in alignment with his creator, how high value is he really? (also not taking away from his philanthropic work, just talking about the subject at hand)

so no, Russ is not one in a million. He’s the average dude who enables modern women to think their actions have no consequences down the line. He just happens to be a good athlete and have money. At least Ciara was smart enough unlike Lorey Harvey to realize this was probably the best she can do. I don’t blame Ciara for taking advantage of the situation. The same way Adam could have walked away from eve‘s foolishness Russ could have done the same instead of trying to present it as the unsung hero.

disclaimer: I’m not a Christian. Just speaking on it because of the relevancy of the parties involved.

When I googled "Number of black quarterbacks in the nfl"

Guess who picture showed up.......

There have been around 30 something starting quarterback that were black.

Russel is one of them

1 and a million

You guys stay changing the goal post for high value.

High= High
Value= Money

Big money ballers

As for the christianity stuff, Some christian men ignore the whole modesty stuff.
Pray the holy spirit convicts them.

Like I said, Ciara is a harlot. If anything Russ’s Christian God is probably disappointed that for him to be “1 in a million man“ he’s continuously sold himself short for the type of women he deals with, particularly his wife.

Keeping it a buck, defining what a high value man really shouldn’t be high on your priority list. You should be asking yourself why are you perpetually single and the men around you don’t consider you high value. Vicariously living through Ciara won’t fill that void in your life. I say that with peace and the best intentions.
Like I said, Ciara is a harlot. If anything Russ’s Christian God is probably disappointed that for him to be “1 in a million man“ he’s continuously sold himself short for the type of women he deals with, particularly his wife.

Keeping it a buck, defining what a high value man really shouldn’t be high on your priority list. You should be asking yourself why are you perpetually single and the men around you don’t consider you high value. Vicariously living through Ciara won’t fill that void in your life. I say that with peace and the best intentions.

Daddy Chill, your hate for women is showing through your post again

Cant refute that Russell is a high value man so you decide to give me a therapy session and become my life coach.

Classic deflecting

"Peace and best intentions" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good night
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