Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link


Pillowtalking is for birds.

RF's doing numbers and expanding faster than anyone in the runner circuit. A fool would lose sight of the big picture because a color gets re-used. Staple, Undefeated, and Diamond milked a single colorway dry and it's labeled iconic. Fieg uses some twice and it compels you to write essays filled with f***ery.

I didn't say it's not smart business wise. But ya can't rehash colorways on similar shoes and expect to not hear some criticism about it. Perhaps if he had done more new stuff with the V model first, then revisited his old successes, it wouldn't be so blatantly obvious he's out for the loot now, or just out of new ideas (doesn't help to see the first two pix of his new Clarks are also rehashed colorways, salmon toes, and super red 2's)...

Everything I said was truth, not "f***ery". It's common knowledge to those of us up on runners for some time now. You just sound like the average kith clone / RF stan who can't handle the truth.

He's a smart business dude, good with hype, and nice at iDing some shoes. Not the god of runners like newjacks seem to act like he is. I've defended him when he was being knocked unfairly by runner elitists, but I have no blind loyalty to him, I just call a spade a spade.
You really gonna complain about a couple paragraphs of actual substance when otherwise the thread is filled with nothing but pointless posts by impatient kids about shipments they're all gonna get soon regardless?...

Ok. Lol. Typical NT...

I'd rather have some sort of discussion other than "I just got tracking" ... "Me too" ... "Mine will be here tomorrow" ... "Dammit, mine won't be here til Monday" ... "I haven't got one yet, does that mean my order is canceled?" ... "Kith sucks" ... "Kith rules" ... "They won't reply to my dozen emails about tracking even tho they've tweeted 20 times when to expect info" ... Etc, etc... :lol:
@DJ Proto J   RF stan and you have a kanye west logo for an avatar....

I really don't want you to plague another thread with useless essays, so i'll dead it. See it as you wish. 
They're gonna come down b4 they go up. Same as always. The market is about to be mega flooded once all these shipments arrive and more pairs go up for sale.
yea same as always, like the Volcanos and pretty much every release that's why people should wait before to trade their mints/coves.
My order is like 85something, no shipping.

I had them in cart and had to check the thread to make sure everyone else was copping.

Guess they got cancelled 
Y'all didn't get canceled dude was just messing with you. Andy said at least half the orders haven't gone out yet and probably more than that. Chill out people.
yea same as always, like the Volcanos and pretty much every release that's why people should wait before to trade their mints/coves.

Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of impulsive, senseless stuff going on for these... It's comical.

@DJ Proto J
  RF stan and you have a kanye west logo for an avatar....:rofl:

At least Ye actually designed shoes, not just put colors on existing models. But I knocked Ye too for rehashing colorways from the first Yeezys. I was at least glad he didn't do another net colorway for the third and final installment

It's not typical NT, your speaking on matters who you have no clue of.

THATS typical NT.

How do you know what's going on up here and in Ronnie's "inner circle".

You complained about a "wall of text" of some talk about something other than shipping, when you should prolly complain about countless, pointless posts about impatience surrounding shipping info. That is typical NT.

What are you talking about? I spoke on facts, color blocking borrowing, falsehoods, etc, and mentioned hearing some talk of disappointment in rehashing colorways. I didn't say it was in his direct "inner circle", but it is people that run with them, and they directly said they weren't gonna say it publicly, cuz they wanna stay on that F&F early hook up list, lol, so I ain't putting names out there.

I just get tired of cats acting like more than a couple sentences is too much... If it doesn't interest you or is too much to read then just keep on scrolling. It's simple. I do it all the time. I def wouldn't take the time to post about what doesn't interest me. Lol.
just got an email for one order

should be here tomorrow

don't worry guys, shipping confirmations still rolling out
Y'all didn't get canceled dude was just messing with you. Andy said at least half the orders haven't gone out yet and probably more than that. Chill out people.

Lol. Seriously. What is wrong with people? Kith ain't Nike, they can't handle shipping big numbers out in a couple days like a big corporation can.

They took too long shipping the ECP's, and I understood the frustration, but this time they've been super informative via twitter about their progress and when to expect what, so I don't get all the stressing that's going on in here.

You're gonna get the shoes in the next few days. Chill out. :lol:
I don't usually agree with Proto but I think he makes some valid points in his "first" post. He's been around the game for awhile and has the collection to back it up.

I think we can all agree that RF has indeed carved out a niche for himself and he's going to stick with what sells. The best thing that can happen (and already is, I think) is for boutiques and other designers to continue to hit home runs with their collabs/releases. Competition breeds competition, and the consumer ultimately wins.
there have been numerous saucony collabs lately, Hoping for a RF saucony collab, that will be killer, esp on the shadow model
I didn't say it's not smart business wise. But ya can't rehash colorways on similar shoes and expect to not hear some criticism about it. Perhaps if he had done more new stuff with the V model first, then revisited his old successes, it wouldn't be so blatantly obvious he's out for the loot now, or just out of new ideas (doesn't help to see the first two pix of his new Clarks are also rehashed colorways, salmon toes, and super red 2's)...

Everything I said was truth, not "f***ery". It's common knowledge to those of us up on runners for some time now. You just sound like the average kith clone / RF stan who can't handle the truth.

He's a smart business dude, good with hype, and nice at iDing some shoes. Not the god of runners like newjacks seem to act like he is. I've defended him when he was being knocked unfairly by runner elitists, but I have no blind loyalty to him, I just call a spade a spade.
Those independence day joints are unique though
 at Ronnie's tweets. Seems like he's defending himself against what some of us are already thinking of his clarks collab and repetitiveness 
I actually don't mind the clarks. Don't think ill be buying though. They looks similar to that one nike SB model from a couple years ago.. don't know what it was called
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