Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Fuggit. Guess linens da last pick up of the year and not boost
@bwood056  @BroNamath  @Barbarian  the same dude? Why you got so many user names? 
whats the deal with the brendan fraser pics? not getting it except he pretty much sucked in every movie he was ever in. 
whats the deal with the brendan fraser pics? not getting it except he pretty much sucked in every movie he was ever in. 

No one gets it

I felt the same way. Never won anything from them. Until the Kith UB's, if there was a time to win them, that was it lol

For sure, but I can never count on kith raffles. Meanwhile, I'm watching my friends and friends of friends eat off of them.
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wait a minute... THATS Brendan Fraser? I havnt seen him since the mummy, had no idea he looked like that now :rofl:
8-9am pick up window.

I have an 11 am client back in NJ.

Risk iit all?
just get there like 7:45 and you'll be in and out. i arrived at like 8:45 (pickup time was 9) and once they started letting people in at 9 i was out by 9:10.
Kith juju in full effect?

Won the Linens this time. 
there were a lot of unclaimed pairs today, they probably threw them into tomorrow's pool which meant more chances. congrats though, they're super nice in-hand
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just get there like 7:45 and you'll be in and out. i arrived at like 8:45 (pickup time was 9) and once they started letting people in at 9 i was out by 9:10.

there were a lot of unclaimed pairs today, they probably threw them into tomorrow's pool which meant more chances. congrats though, they're super nice in-hand

How much were they?

Whats resale value? Not for me to resell but use as trade bait potentially.
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