Romney Supporter?


You realize that you have to spend money to get out of debt in our case, right? 

You know that spending was the result of efforts to right the economy, correct?
...and these efforts have failed?  That's all I'm saying, really.
1. Market crash

2. Politicians (no matter what they tell you) don't control the price of commodities. That includes food and gas. NOR do they control the status of the market as much as you think they do. 

I don't say this to "shut you down" but I want you to listen to this and tell me what you think:
Politicians may not control the number on the price tag, but they do play a role in determining what each dollar in our pocket will buy (going back to what I said about irresponsible spending/printing too much money to support it/ultimately devaluing our dollars).
No. They don't. 

Politicians only (HOPE) to create the proper environment for growth. They do that through attractive tax policy mostly. Everything else is government grants, bank loans, and private citizens having incredible business plans. 

You realize that you have to spend money to get out of debt in our case, right? 

You know that spending was the result of efforts to right the economy, correct?
...and these efforts have failed?  That's all I'm saying, really.
They failed?

Thats news to me. 

Legislation to keep banks from continuing foreclosures, ****** student loan debt accumulation, provide debt restructuring programs/forgiveness, and other consumer protections?

I'd say the economy was much better than it was in 2008. 

Of course you never really bounce back immediately from those things. 

Oh and...keep backtracking when details start getting pulled. 
...Since "thats all you're saying, really." 
No. They don't. 

Politicians only (HOPE) to create the proper environment for growth. They do that through attractive tax policy mostly. Everything else is government grants, bank loans, and private citizens having incredible business plans. 
Yes. They do. 

Obama is a politician.  His stimulus plans have resulted in a whole lot of money being printed, which causes the value of the dollars in our pockets to go down. 
No. They don't. 

Politicians only (HOPE) to create the proper environment for growth. They do that through attractive tax policy mostly. Everything else is government grants, bank loans, and private citizens having incredible business plans. 
Yes. They do. 

Obama is a politician.  His stimulus plans have resulted in a whole lot of money being printed, which causes the value of the dollars in our pockets to go down. 
Actually...the Fed is more in control of the value of the dollar and the printing of money. 

Try again. 
Actually...the Fed is more in control of the value of the dollar and the printing of money. 

Try again. 
That's true, the Fed does print money, but the politicians were responsible for the stimulus plans... which require money to be printed.
Really though what do people see in Romney? I mean are people just racist, have no knowledge, or ignorant? And don't bash me, because i believe all politics is fake, I'm not a Obama supporter nor a Romney.
I'll bite.

I'm not a Romney supporter, would never vote for him but I imagine some are looking towards him as people looked to Obama after GW. The dynamics are different but they see big gov't, a scuffling economy, mounting debt, empty promises and don't agree with it.

While I'm 100% sure there are racists who support him, those who have no knowledge or are ignorant, there were plenty of people who voted for Obama for similar reasons. I voted him but I believed what he was selling, no just his ability to speak or the catchphrases but the content of his words. I can't vote for either of these two at this point.

You realize that you have to spend money to get out of debt in our case, right? 

You know that spending was the result of efforts to right the economy, correct?
...and these efforts have failed?  That's all I'm saying, really.
They failed?

Thats news to me. 

Legislation to keep banks from continuing foreclosures, ****** student loan debt accumulation, provide debt restructuring programs/forgiveness, and other consumer protections?

I'd say the economy was much better than it was in 2008.
Mind elaborating how they ******ed student loan accumulation? From what I've seen, they only restricted the amount of interest. If we're depending on cheap money to ****** borrowing, then that's just stupid. Cheap money only encourages people to borrow more. It's the same policy the Fed is using to stimulate the housing market. Plus I don't know of many college students who actually pay attention to student loan debt until around graduation.

Keep banks from foreclosing? HAMP & TARP 1 were historic failures. ~90% of all applicants were either denied modifications, or were put into temporary modifications and get foreclosed on later. The limits for HARP were a maximum LTV of 125% when most people in the hardest hit areas were underwater by 40% or more. If you're referring to HARP 2, we can agree on that one for the most part, but most industry insiders agreed that was what should have been done in the first place when HARP 1 was passed since most banks weren't equipped to handle the process for HARP.

We'll agree that we're much better off than we were in 2008, but expectations were that it would come much quicker and stronger since most recessions are symmetrical with the exception of this one, which is taking on a longtail form.
No. They don't. 

Politicians only (HOPE) to create the proper environment for growth. They do that through attractive tax policy mostly. Everything else is government grants, bank loans, and private citizens having incredible business plans. 
Yes. They do. 

Obama is a politician.  His stimulus plans have resulted in a whole lot of money being printed, which causes the value of the dollars in our pockets to go down. 
It's the invisible tax and one that hurts lower income earners & the elderly the most. We're paying over $400B/yr. just in interest on the debt we have. In perspective, that's a stimulus program we're paying to bond holders every 2 years for money that's doing absolutely nothing to improve the economy.
Romney wrote off 47% of the country and basically said he isn't trying to help them....He's an elitist piece of scum.
all im saying here is alot of ya NEVER question obama da way ya question romney.

and wit a 2 party system da USA has, you can't possibly tell me that democrats are ALWAYS right and da GOP is ALWAYS wrong.
all im saying here is alot of ya NEVER question obama da way ya question romney.

and wit a 2 party system da USA has, you can't possibly tell me that democrats are ALWAYS right and da GOP is ALWAYS wrong.

There are Republicans who are right... Even in the current Congress.. But the platform and policies of the in charge Republicans are almost always wrong.

That doesn't mean the Democratic Party is always right. They are wrong a lot. But at least there is time when the in-charge Democrats are right.
all im saying here is alot of ya NEVER question obama da way ya question romney.

and wit a 2 party system da USA has, you can't possibly tell me that democrats are ALWAYS right and da GOP is ALWAYS wrong.
The thing is, most of the arguments supporting republicans are fallacious. Thats kinda the problem.

Theres a reason so many people disagree with them. Its not because its a republican thing. 

If you told me that stance and didn't tell me who it belonged to, I'm pretty sure my response would be the same.

I don't really have an allegiance to either side (I really try not to), but it just seems that so many of these talking points are ANTI-XYZ instead of actually laying out the nuances of the facts and arguments themselves.

The dems CLEARLY get things wrong. All the time. 

For example. 

People in here haven't made arguments SUPPORTING anyone...merely poking holes in the things they don't like. 

Thats why I keep advocating people to look at lesser candidates. There is more than two options out there but people are afraid to invest in outside candidates because they fear one big candidate more than the other so they vote with the one who has the most chance of winning so long as it will oppose the person they REALLY don't like.
I almost got the same thing.

I got Jill Stein, Then barack, then the black socialist guy
I got Stein 93%.. Obama 91%.

Mitt Romney 4% :lol:

99% Democrat. 2% Republican
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If ya'll take that quiz, you need to also answer the additional questions. I assume giving it more data would give you a better correlation. 
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