Romney Supporter?

all im saying here is alot of ya NEVER question obama da way ya question romney.

and wit a 2 party system da USA has, you can't possibly tell me that democrats are ALWAYS right and da GOP is ALWAYS wrong.

That doesn't make Romney the right choice though. His credentials have been shredded to pieces. He's not a jobs creator. He changes his stances constantly. He's extremely out of touch with the with the average American. His VP pick failed to give him any sort of bump. He's got no new ideas.

The one positive thing he has done as a politician he can't even run because he has to disagree with Obama on everything to satisfy his base.

All in all, Mitt's run one of the worst campaigns we've seen. The GOP should've had this election sewn up with the way they talk about how awful the Obama presidency has been, and yet with each day Mitt falls further back.
all im saying here is alot of ya NEVER question obama da way ya question romney.

and wit a 2 party system da USA has, you can't possibly tell me that democrats are ALWAYS right and da GOP is ALWAYS wrong.
That doesn't make Romney the right choice though. His credentials have been shredded to pieces. He's not a jobs creator. He changes his stances constantly. He's extremely out of touch with the with the average American. His VP pick failed to give him any sort of bump. He's got no new ideas.

The one positive thing he has done as a politician he can't even run because he has to disagree with Obama on everything to satisfy his base.

All in all, Mitt's run one of the worst campaigns we've seen. The GOP should've had this election sewn up with the way they talk about how awful the Obama presidency has been, and yet with each day Mitt falls further back.
had mitt played his strongest card, which was being a economics guy, and STAYING OUT OF SOCIAL issues (his conservative dragged him too far to da right)

it would've been a cake walk for him, but since now he's gotta climb back to da center, its harder just cuz he had to satisfy his looney evangelist and tea party constituency
That doesn't make Romney the right choice though. His credentials have been shredded to pieces. He's not a jobs creator. He changes his stances constantly. He's extremely out of touch with the with the average American. His VP pick failed to give him any sort of bump. He's got no new ideas.
The one positive thing he has done as a politician he can't even run because he has to disagree with Obama on everything to satisfy his base.
All in all, Mitt's run one of the worst campaigns we've seen. The GOP should've had this election sewn up with the way they talk about how awful the Obama presidency has been, and yet with each day Mitt falls further back.

The funny part is liberals and democrats warned the republican party that picking Romney would be a bad idea because he is a staunch flip flopper who couldn't run against Obama's record...

But I guess when your biggest competition is a pizza man you have no other choice.
had mitt played his strongest card, which was being a economics guy, and STAYING OUT OF SOCIAL issues (his conservative dragged him too far to da right)

it would've been a cake walk for him, but since now he's gotta climb back to da center, its harder just cuz he had to satisfy his looney evangelist and tea party constituency

Cake Walk... Doubtful..

Was he going to run against Obamacare? Voters see through his insanely stupid standard that it works for our state, and look how awesome it is to on a National Level it is taking our freedom and it's been a failure.

Or unemployment and job creation? When he outsourced and closed so many jobs when he was a "job creator"

Or bailouts? When he supported bailing out the banks but said "Let Detroit go bankrupt"

Or taxes? When he says Obama is a tax and spend liberal when his taxes effect less than 5%. Not to mention Mitt is a tax cheat who dismissed 47% of Americans as lazy moochers.

He was doubtful to win from the beginning because he was the best of the worst candidates.

He honestly needs a damn miracle plus some right now. He needs Doug Flutie's BC pass but from 99 yards out.

Currently he has a 1.9% chance of winning.. As of today that chance come November 6 is only 14.9%.
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i can't wait for those debates....blood sport status
had mitt played his strongest card, which was being a economics guy, and STAYING OUT OF SOCIAL issues (his conservative dragged him too far to da right)

it would've been a cake walk for him, but since now he's gotta climb back to da center, its harder just cuz he had to satisfy his looney evangelist and tea party constituency
Obama beat McCain pretty handily, while McCain beat romney eaisilybin the 08 primaries. That's backwardvlogic to think he the favorite
i can't wait for those debates....blood sport status :nthat:

It's going to be bad news for Mitt, you, and the rest of your Repubicans brethren champ. Romney has no official stance on anything, except tax cuts for the very rich. His own running mate Paul Ryan is distancing himself from him right now and getting bigger cheers than Romney at rallys. At this point [COLOR=#red]ninjahood [/COLOR]my best advice for you is to stop drinking the Republican kool-aid, loosen those chains up and come out of the house to get some fresh air with the rest of us.

He was doubtful to win from the beginning because he was the best of the worst candidates

Exactly. He as the best out of a full collection of the worst.
It's going to be bad news for Mitt, you, and the rest of your Repubicans brethren champ. Romney has no official stance on anything, except tax cuts for the very rich. His own running mate Paul Ryan is distancing himself from him right now and getting bigger cheers than Romney at rallys. At this point ninjahood my best advice for you is to stop drinking the Republican kool-aid, loosen those chains up and come out of the house to get some fresh air with the rest of us.
Exactly. He as the best out of a full collection of the worst.
 This. See you on January 21st ninja when Obama is being sworn in for his second term.

Obama for Mankind
I mean if i would vote for anybody it would be Mr. Ron Paul

NOBODY votes for Ron Paul. It's just a cool, hip, trendy thing to say that you support Ron Paul.

If all these people who say they love Ron Paul actually voted for him, he'd already be the president.

As much as people dislike Romney, Ron Paul couldn't even win the nomination over that guy, so people aren't even voting for Ron Paul.
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Fiscal conservatives I can understand. Social conservatives are just d-bags. :lol:

i love when you drop the knowledge, but i don't think folks here understand the differences between these types of conservatives, lol.

i think deep down everyone is a fiscal conservative . . .
had mitt played his strongest card, which was being a economics guy, and STAYING OUT OF SOCIAL issues (his conservative dragged him too far to da right)

it would've been a cake walk for him, but since now he's gotta climb back to da center, its harder just cuz he had to satisfy his looney evangelist and tea party constituency
Obama beat McCain pretty handily, while McCain beat romney eaisilybin the 08 primaries. That's backwardvlogic to think he the favorite
Ford beat Reagan pretty handily in '76 too. This time in the election cycle in '80, Carter was up pretty handily against Reagan too. Poles are virtually meaningless this time of year. Until you get closer to election day, then we'll have a better shot of determining who will win.
i love when you drop the knowledge, but i don't think folks here understand the differences between these types of conservatives, lol.
i think deep down everyone is a fiscal conservative . . .

Depends on what your definition of Fiscal Conservative is..

If it means the Government doesn't spend to help citizens then No.

If you mean spending wisely then Who wouldn't be for spending money wisely. that isn't even exclusively conservative either.
Pardon my ignorance. Don't know too much about politics but I'm just trying to piece together some thoughts in my head.

Didn't the recession happen under the Republican's watch? If so, then why are they being trusted as economic experts in this election. Because you are basically voting for a party rather than a candidate in this day and age
i can't wait for those debates....blood sport status :nthat:

I hate all politicians, but one thing I do know is Obama is one helluva speaker, Romney doesn't stand a chance. He's going to get humiliated.
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OP you come off as a hater forreal. Went all out of your way to make this thread too
lol @ these dudes thinking romney is about to create jobs and make us prosperous again,do you know what his company did?? thats what he is gonna do to our country.

and his accounts are all in either swiss or cayman accounts along with the others he is trying to help out,and alll this talk about how bad spending has gotten since obama went into office is do know that there was someone before him that put us in the hole..obama HAD to spend that 700 billion to get us out and he wasnt able to just come in and change everything because he was prez, and all this other nonsense that he has taken away rights is just more right wing rhetoric,and the sad thing is people really do believe ish like that hes gonna ban the bible and enact sharia law and put a black fist on the flag...and the south is showing its true colors again with those voter id laws that make it possible for ppl to vote with a gun license but cant with a college id..its all messed up.

and bush lasted 8 yrs and in those yrs we had 911 and a war on terrorism..

thats where all our money was spent..would you rather have had mccain?? lol.

obama is doing what he can and hes not doing bad look at other countries we arent as bad as say europe so you cant really expect him to fix this in 1 2 or even the person after wont be able to fix this NOONE CAN..
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Dammit image is too large. 81% Gary Johnson 71% Barack
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I hate all politicians, but one thing I do know is Obama is one helluva speaker, Romney doesn't stand a chance. He's going to get humiliated.

Not sure about humiliated. A guy that has these credentials can more than stand a chance.

obtained his MBA from HBS in 1975 and graduated cum laude from HLS with his Juris Doctor the same year, finishing in the top 5% of his class

Should be an interesting debate and these dudes are highly intelligent so I am sure both will do fine especially with all the prepping both have gotten. Obama is brilliant orator but after 4 years, his speeches/words don't hold the same weight as in 2008 because everyone now can smell his bull crap a mile away.
and bush lasted 8 yrs and in those yrs we had 911 and a war on terrorism..|I

you do realize 9/11 happened during GW Bush's first year in office, right? that attack wasn't planned and executed in 1 year. it took YEARS to plan. YEARS during the previous Clinton administration (the first attack was in 1993). If that whole Florida election debacle didn't happen, then 9/11 would have STILL happened, but with Al Gore as president (and then we'd blame him for the war on terror).

GW Bush just happen to take office that year and his first mistake was not listening to Richard Clarke (who also previously tried to get President Clinton to do something about al Qaeda, but Clinton and the American people didn't have the political will to start a war when the economy was supposedly going well).

The environment that led to the housing bubble and the bank / wall street bail outs got it's start on Clinton's watch. GW Bush just didn't stand in it's way because he had his own agenda . . .
[h1]The eyes have it[/h1][h3]The less a candidate blinks during debates, the likelier he’ll win: study[/h3]
By Daniel Libit Monday, October 1, 2012

When President Obama and Mitt Romney take the stage on Wednesday in Denver for the first of three presidential debates, keep an eye on how often both men blink — the results could bring the White House race into better focus. 

According to the analysis of Joseph Tecce, a Boston College psychophysiologist who has spent decades studying the body language of presidential hopefuls, the candidate who blinks more during debates has lost every election but one since 1980. The lone exception was in 2000, when a faster-blinking George W. Bush bested Al Gore in the electoral college ... but lost the popular vote.

During the 2008 general election, Tecce’s theory has borne out nicely: Obama, who blinked 62 times per minute, trounced McCain who clocked in at 104 times per minute.

“If you drive a car 100 miles an hour, you will lose your driving license, and if you blink 100 times a minute, you will lose an election,” Tecce opined in a recent presentation.

Tecce bases his theory on the well-established relationship between our eye movements and our emotional state. Typically, stress and other unpleasant feelings cause people to blink more often. As social creatures, we also recognize faster blinking as a sign of distress in others.

Explaining the apparent link with election results is a bit trickier though. Does the audience find the faster-blinking candidate unnerving and form a negative impression? Or does the candidate who is trailing in the polls tend to be under greater stress — and therefore likely to blink more often? Tecce says that both factors likely come into play.

This year, Romney seems to be an early favorite to blink less, based on Tecce’s analysis of the candidates’ most-recent convention speeches. Romney blinked 33 times a minute during his acceptance address, while Obama did 41 times a minute. 

Still, Tecce said, he expects the blinking contest will be tight.

“It appears from previous performances that they are both relatively close in blink rate and both in the normal range,” Tecce told The Daily. “Consequently, we will have to watch carefully in the coming debates to see if this pattern holds or whether there will be an observable difference between these two candidates. If their rates hold now, as it has in the past, there may not be enough of a difference for voters to be affected.”

One obvious shortcoming of blink theory, though, is that it seems not to hold during the primaries.

Tecce found that Mitt Romney blinked at a rate of 40 times a minute during the 2008 primary debates — the lowest of anyone in the GOP field that year. Yet it was John McCain, who blinked 100 times per minute, that ultimately took the nomination. President Obama blinked 45 times a minute during the Democratic primaries four years ago — slightly more than Hillary Clinton at 40 times per minute.

And this year may have produced the outlier of them all: Texas Gov. Rick Perry blinked at a near-reptilian rate of 16 times per minute during a primary debate in January, even as his candidacy was imploding.

Eric Ostermeier, a political scientist at the University of Minnesota, did the counting. “Perry has also been described as very stiff and I guess that also applied to his eye lids,” said Ostermeier. Even during his epic “oops” moment at a debate two months prior — he famously struggled to remember the third government agency he planned to shut down — Perry didn’t start blinking any faster.

Tecce said he has heard anecdotally over the years of campaigns trying to coach their candidates on how to blink less while on the stage, but doesn't know if it has had any effect.

Perrys former campaign manager, Rob Johnson, told The Daily that Perrys restrained eyelid movement wasnt coached.

“There are a lot of nonverbal cues that you practice along with practicing policy and delivery, but blinking is not in that category,”  he said.
“And quite frankly it seems a little absurd that someone would do a study on it.”
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Anyone else thinking about possibly packing up and moving to Canada or some other country if Romney some how becomes the president?

I mean...I don't want to sound dramatic, Obama is not perfect, but I don't know if I can stand someone like Romney running this country.
At least Obama makes us feel somewhat comfortable when he speaks.

Romney's voice, his personality, his face, his wealth, his history, his party, his views, his lies, his whole campaign...just all screems fraud, fraud, fraud.
It will be a sad, embarrassing day for this country if he actually wins.

Will never believe a word he ever says about anything.
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