RIP Lloyd Christopher Morgan, 4 year old that lost his life to gun violence


Oct 31, 2011

(CBS) NEW YORK - Police are searching for a suspect in the shooting death of 4-year-old Lloyd Morgan, who got caught in crossfire at a charity basketball game in the Bronx, CBS New York reports.

Ironically, the game itself was part of a memorial to another murder victim.

The boy was at a playground in a Bronx neighborhood when a gun battle broke out just after 9: 30 p.m. on Sunday, police said. Lloyd was shot in the head and died at the hospital.

Two men were also shot, a 27-year-old in the stomach and a 21-year-old in the arm. They were both taken to the hospital and are listed in stable condition.

The shooting happened just as about a hundred people gathered at the basketball court next to the playground to pay tribute to another victim of violence, an 18-year-old who was stabbed to death two years ago.

"They have a memorial every year for her. They had it yesterday, it was fine," witness Tyshawn Norris told CBS New York. "It's a horrible situation when you can't enjoy your neighborhood in peace. Your kids can't play. It's crazy."

The investigation is ongoing. No arrests have been made and a $12,000 reward is being offered in the case.

"You changed my whole life in an instant and I don't know how I'm supposed to go on," Lloyd's mother Shianne Norman said of the shooter. "I hate these men. You've destroyed me."

Just heard the news that a childhood friend of mines lost her 4 year old son to random gun violence at the park yesterday. :wow: :smh:..Really messed my day up.

Please sign this campaign to prevent gun violence in memory of Lloyd and countless others we've lost.
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What is the goal of this campaign?
They don't make it clear what you are signing for.

This campaign was started in light of the recent Colorado movie theater shooting to bring national awareness to the senseless gun violence that goes on in this country in hopes that something will be done.
This campaign was started in light of the recent Colorado movie theater shooting to bring national awareness to the senseless gun violence that goes on in this country in hopes that something will be done.

I'm sure the country is already aware......gun violence is on TV 24/7.
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just seen his mom on the news, absolutely broke my heart .

R.I.P Lil Lloyd

senseless tragedy , we gotta do better man :smh:
they'd probably say if the parent or guardian of the child had a concealed gun then that kid may still be alive today, or the murderer could have been stopped.
Should we ban knives too?

. Banning guns will leave law abiding citizens without specific means of self defense.

I understand some of you are angry and hurt, but the problem is not guns. Its.violence PERIOD.
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right down the block from me 
 **** is ridiculous rip lil lloyd man 
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Wow. That's 5 minutes from the crib.

Things are crazy around here these days.

Little kids getting killed left and right.

SMH. Really sad.
i'd ;love to hear what gun owners have to say about that.. and their "rights" to have a gun..

What does an illegally purchased gun in the hood have to do with gun owners bearing their right to carry?

Agreed. The two have nothing in common, It's irrelevant.

I hate seeing stories like this though, Kid was just 4 years old, Didn't even get to live his life and someone just took it from him like that. :smh:
What pissed me off was that they were just holding a charity for a death. How ironic. Life is so cruel
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