RIP George Floyd

The FDNY article was hard to read....

But after spending 20 years in the military...I'm not surprised. I have seen a lot of the same from junior and senior members of the military...and they always try to act as if its just a joke.

There is nothing humorous at all. Problem is a lot of the young black and brown service members fight these dummies and they get in trouble...

It's never gonna change....

No caping from me but wasn't one of those dudes on like day 1 or 2 of his job?

I see there was a follow up tweet stating that the 3 other officers (not Chauvin) requested to be tried seperately from Chauvin because they felt like him being attached to their case will cause prejudice.
I’m trying to care more - but, nope, no sympathy here. He’s lucky that boredom is the most of his worries. Plenty of time to think about what he did.

I totally get what you are saying.

On one hand I'm like damn we should never put humans in these conditions. On the other hand I'd probably be lucky if I made it to jail ******* with a cop like this.

So **** him, but our system does need reform, he should just be on the tail end of those changes taking effect.

I hate this dude with a passion but his actions did spark alot of change. Hate that GF had to be a martyr in order for this to happen.
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that’s why I think it’s wack when people are always saying just protest peacefully.

Nah f that, the only way to get anything done in america is violence and cost people money.

If none of that happened Kim potter would be free now but the jury is shook to have another repeat of last summer here.
that’s why I think it’s wack when people are always saying just protest peacefully.

Nah f that, the only way to get anything done in america is violence and cost people money.

If none of that happened Kim potter would be free now but the jury is shook to have another repeat of last summer here.
Man I'm sure you know firsthand how much money this dude cost "them people".

I always kinda felt like part of the reason he was going down was because of the financial impact his actions cost. There ain't enough police insurance or backroom dealings in the world to cover all that damage and chaos that occured last summer.

On a personal level his actions have made it much easier to address racial inequalities in a professional setting. I've never been more empowered to call people out on **** ****. He unintentionally opened the door for minorities to say "racism still alive y'all just be concealing it".

Alot of my professional friends who come from a similar background have expressed similar sentiments. Many of us are actually being encouraged to be more of our authentic selves at work (which can't really happen lol but the gesture is nice).
Yeah man, I mean dude sparked world wide protests along with what happened here. That’s the only reason he’s locked up imo.

It’s nuts to me that it took this long. Can you imagine this **** happening in France? There would be riots every single time.
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