RIP George Floyd


From the DMV.

I always thought it was lame how black people and other people of color worshiped white Jesus. One of the many reasons why I was an atheist as a kid.

you can make Jesus what you want him to be in any iteration / likeness

that’s why there’s so many different religions
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Man just left downtown Seattle and **** is crazy. The chop/Chaz is wild right now. But there’s still families, there’s still peaceful for the most part. They aren’t shut down!

people/protesters shut down the freeway i5North in Seattle and cops **** down i5south

**** is crazy in these streets! Y’all be safe!
protect ya neck



Business owners rally against Harris County mask order

Hannah Mackenzie, KPRC 2 reporter
Published: June 27, 2020, 6:37 pm
Tags: Business, Harris County, Mask Order

HOUSTON – Around 60 people gathered to protest the Harris County mask order in downtown Houston on Saturday.

The group held an event called, ‘Unmuzzled Freedom Rally.”

Steven Hotze was a speaker at the rally.

“This is not a pandemic,” Hotze said. “If this was a pandemic, why didn’t all of us get the virus?”

About a dozen people in favor of the order also showed up. Bucky Rea was one of them.

“If you think that this [mask] takes away your freedom, wait until you try COVID-19,” Rea said. “The mask doesn’t protect me; the mask protects you and it’s just basic civil decency.”

One counter-protester, Norman Earle, had his sign ripped in half by Dr. Hotze.

“And he’s a politician… an upstanding citizen?” questioned Earle. “I’m peacefully protesting. This is insane, absolutely insane.”

Business owner Tex Christopher said it is his right not to wear a mask.

“It’s not my responsibility to take care of your health,” Christopher said.

Christopher also extended his advice for those in high-risk of contracting COVID-19, like the elderly and immunocompromised.

“You need to stay at home,” Christopher said. “You need to take precautions and you need to take your vitamins.”

About 12 Houston police officers were present during the rally.
Getting fired from his minimum wage job on your day off because you couldn't handle your alcohol. He made it easy, gave his whole government :lol:

the fact that White people see a camera and continue with their racist rants is further proof how comfortable they are with their racism. You wouldn't keep saying N this N that and then announce your entire name and occupation with no fear unless you expect the people around you to be unbothered by hearing these things.

That's why when people get fired from their job for being exposed and going viral it's meaningless to me. We know their boss calling them into the office like "listen Johnny. If it was up to me you know I wouldn't Fire you. Idc about this BLM ********. But don't worry. I made sure we paid you 20 weeks of full salary as a severance. Oh yeah and I called my buddy at a diff firm and he said he'll hire you once this dies down"
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