RIP George Floyd

so not sure how or why you know how this all started in the first place ? Well if not its all because of that Christopher Columbus Statue (which please i already said get rid of it)

this has been going on for I want to say 2 weeks ? Maybe alil less ( honestly losing track of days)

antifa has been slowly coming to that statue to protest each day until they boarded it up bout 4 days ago until they decide what they wanted to do with it (still standing i believe, havent walked my dog by it in last 2 days)

each day leading up to yesterday was getting a bit more hectic

so yesterday or day before that post was posted in a group of south philly people (as you see antifa made the post) obviously with wanting to defund police

its been going on for weeks at that park, obviously the post dont explain much but certain members of philly took it too far and extreme in protecting the city yesterday

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WTH do you mean dont even start that ?!

YOU SAID IT. If you do not know how to speak respectfully to people who are rightfully angered about a situation, DON'T SPEAK. If you have a hard time understanding such, then it is YOUR fault if you are not understood.

yes i said it

explain to me how that would make me a racist instead of saying Uh-oh

maybe enlightening me or something would be more efficient than a uh ooh
fam your own color wasn't even willing to lose its property in certain areas where the looting was happening.. people work VERY hard for theirs man and i would hate to see that AND a life lost.

did you not see the vids of your color with guns protecting there stores and fronts ? what did you have to say about that ? did you not want them protecting or you wanted them to get looted as well

im here to fight with you fam i truly am i understand i am privileged as i even witnessed it while smoking with my black homies out on the blocks

Are you familiar with how business/property insurance works?

Just file a claim...

No need to protect a store with a gun. In fact, generally, you can't legally use deadly force to protect property.

It would be a silly notion even if you could.
Very proud of X xxpizzo for letting you libs know what's what. I happen to be African American and a conservative so I wasn't offended by his "your color" slur because we are beyond race in America. The real battle is between liberal conjecture and innuendo as well as racism against White by calling them SWMs and Karen.
Yes im Italian and Irish also dont post much in here but always reading and looking to understand more

i lived here in south philly for 29 years since i was born. im with the BLM movement completely just not with the coming to the area which i grew up in to see try and be destroyed.. I COULDNT CARE LESS BOUT THAT DAMN STATUE, CAUSE I KNOW SOMEONE IS GOING TO ASK. TAKE IT DOWN FOR ALL I CARE

i personally ain't following along much to be completely honest with you man, IMO i want to say Antifa is a group of protesters which can EITHER have a very peaceful protest or the other side of like most things where it brings the bad apples out and instigates certain things..

The history is bad between us no doubt and still is a main concern, What would you like to talk about fam? ill be first to say im not very knowledgeable when it comes to this but will chill in here and have that convo

Modified version of, "I know you are angry but make sure you go about protesting the right way."

I see you man.
Decades later, still relevant. Both hilarious and sad at the same

Show’s pure genius on full display here
  • Haha
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It means Antifacism. They are trying to align it with anarchist/ communist/ and of course BLM. The term itself is actually pretty broad.

In truth Antifa could be used right now to describe anyone who isn't cool with the current state of our government which should be everyone.
Unless there is a universal shirt/hoodie, how do people know (assume) who is actually in ANY of these groups?
yes i said it

explain to me how that would make me a racist instead of saying Uh-oh

maybe enlightening me or something would be more efficient than a uh ooh
It isn't my responsibility to enlighten you. You speak as you've learned, and therein lies the problem. That is how white privilege works.
Must suck to live in fear of violence and destruction in your own community but this is exactly what folks are protesting. Systemic inequality
Is it fear or is it an excuse to hate?
I just going to assume someone on a fixie bike placed those carts of bricks, totally unnoticed in that quaint tight knit neighborhood.
WRONG! Darkies only look suspicious when causually walking down the street, not when they're placing perfectly stacked bundles of bricks in racist italian neighborhoods while wearing BLM apparel.
yes i am at work as well and barely been getting my work done smh trying to keep up and reply

i already knew what i was getting myself into coming in this thread and thats completely fine as im prolly the only italian or maybe even white person besides alp

i seen a post regarding my neighborhood and i responded with what i believe in and have been seeing going on for last 2 weeks with my own eyes at that park.. its okay for me to care for black lives and my area at the same time. which is hard for some to grasp which is fine

about 90% prolly dont agree and it is what it is
Man send this facebook weirdo packing.

Brother in order for effective change to happen you gotta let both sides speak. I believe X xxpizzo would consider himself to be an ally. He may be misinformed about certain things but I don't wanna turn away someone who may just need a different perspective and some critical thinking.

There is deep rooted hate/ fear of black people it takes time to unlearn that. I have to assume he visits this thread because he wants to know more/ do better. I get how hard that can be when it's basically asking him to unlearn what he's been taught for the last 29 years.
Brother in order for effective change to happen you gotta let both sides speak. I believe X xxpizzo would consider himself to be an ally. He may be misinformed about certain things but I don't wanna turn away someone who may just need a different perspective and some critical thinking.

There is deep rooted hate/ fear of black people it takes time to unlearn that. I have to assume he visits this thread because he wants to know more/ do better. I get how hard that can be when it's basically asking him to unlearn what he's been taught for the last 29 years.

thanks man and seriously i truly am

but yes this is why i visit. im willing to learn but some people if you have a diff view or not a understanding one they are so quick to jump down your throat instead of teaching you the correct way
Brother in order for effective change to happen you gotta let both sides speak. I believe X xxpizzo would consider himself to be an ally. He may be misinformed about certain things but I don't wanna turn away someone who may just need a different perspective and some critical thinking.

There is deep rooted hate/ fear of black people it takes time to unlearn that. I have to assume he visits this thread because he wants to know more/ do better. I get how hard that can be when it's basically asking him to unlearn what he's been taught for the last 29 years.

I agree that it can be unlearned, but that is on the educational system, and the burden should not be placed upon Black people, to teach white people how to act. If this country really wanted to tackle racism, it would happen from Kindergarten on up, through the teaching of history through honesty, admitting the wrongs done by White people, and why they need to atone for such. Expose the system for what it is, and it is up to White people to fix this.
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